🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 27 - Song from the 90’s

I don’t care if the points system is done, it’s all Jew all the time from me this week, and today you get a rethinking of an old Jewish folk instrumental, sit back, eat some matzah and enjoy Chusen Kalah Mazel Tov.


Day 27
Beck - Loser.

I don't usually pay attention to the religious beliefs of various singers really so I've found it interesting looking for artists who are Jewish this week.
I know there are no points or anything. I just like to complete a challenge properly once set 😇
Plus I've always loved this song and I'm glad I have a reason to share it.
Day 28: Song from the 00s

So I went and researched when and why (I kind of guessed but didn't want to assume) the Dixie Chicks changed their name to The Chicks because I hadn't picked up on it. In fact, when the Goodbye Earl was rotating recently I thought to myself "these The Chicks sound really similar to The Dixie Chicks" lol.

I've always admired their stance on political issues and lending a voice where it's desperately needed. Badasses 🔥

Not Ready To Make Nice - The Chicks