Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun


Sep 14, 2021
Police then spoke to a business owner, who said he had just come from a bank. The business owner returned to the location, parked in the parking lot, got out of the vehicle and began to enter the business, Sgt. C. Hatcher said. As the man walked into the business, Hatcher said he was hit on the back of the head by an unknown object. When he turned around, he allegedly saw two masked men who were wearing gloves. The business owner then discharged a firearm, Hatcher said.
"It’s a pretty scary day," said Patches Mohammed. "Frightening. I see him [on surveillance video] kick in the door and the wood falls to the floor. Then, he walks in the with gun pointed down. It seems like he was looking around. I think the alarm scared him."

The burglar ran off, but was followed by a retired Baytown police officer. The 64-year-old confronted the burglar and got into a shootout. Both the retired officer and the burglar were shot, but expected to survive.
About 10 customers were eating inside The Ranchito #4 taqueria in southwest Houston when the masked robber walked in and pointed a gun at them as he began taking their wallets and cellphones, HPD Lt. R. Willkens said.

Graphic security video captured an unidentified customer pulling a pistol and turning the tables on the bandit as he circled the restaurant while threatening customers with what appeared to be a real handgun.
A shopper at a southeast Houston convenience store opened fire when four masked robbers stormed inside, sending three suspects to the hospital.

Houston police said at least one of the robbery suspects was armed.
According to just released data from the Crime Prevention Research Center, 41% of active shooting incidents were stopped by armed civilians.
And outside of so-called gun-free zones, that bar the legal carrying of firearms, over 63% of active shooting cases were ended by an armed civilian, according to the Center.

The new data from John R. Lott Jr., the former Justice Department senior advisor for research and statistics, is his latest to challenge undercounting and bias in government reports on shootings and back up efforts by Second Amendment and police groups to encourage people to carry firearms.
The armed civilian who used his assault rifle to stop Sunday’s mass murder of 26 Texas churchgoers has been hailed, rightly, as a hero, but Stephen Willeford is hardly unique. A number of armed American citizens have also used their firearms to stop or limit mass killings.
So, "every adult" would include every former and would-be adult mass shooter, violent criminals, and mentally‐unstable individuals. Sounds legit.

Also, you do realise that "adults" includes ethnic minorities too, right? The NRA figured that out in the late 60s and...well, they changed their tune pretty quickly.
The Ranchito shooting here in Houston was very polarizing. The robber took the last guy's wallet, turned to walk out and got shot in the back by the guy he just robbed. Defensible in court? Arguably yes.

But then the guy who got robbed got up, straddled the incapacitated robber, and delivered a fatal shot to the base of the guy's skull at near point-blank range. That seemed to me to be a bit much.
But then the guy who got robbed got up, straddled the incapacitated robber, and delivered a fatal shot to the base of the guy's skull at near point-blank range. That seemed to me to be a bit much.
I agree. Best to shoot until the shooter quits. If he does not however...
Not a surprise. He's hitting "like" on [Grand]wizzard426's posts, and the "Conservatives race" thread is triggering the fuck out of him. 🤔
Was just about to mention his “the more I talk, the more it proves I’m not a racist” attempts there.
I think we can refer to other groups as "they" without having a panic attack.
Um… no.
The use of the qualifier “Every adult” gave you wiggle room that you quickly and tellingly burned by specifying a “They”. GFY.
The Democrats want to disarm the American majority so that their constituency is free to rape their women and plunder their property. Kinda like on their California model.
The Democrats want to disarm the American majority so that their constituency is free to rape their women and plunder their property. Kinda like on their California model.
How many guns have Democrats taken from you?
The Democrats want to disarm the American majority so that their constituency is free to rape their women and plunder their property. Kinda like on their California model.
Would democrats not be more successful in their raping and plundering of women by having accessible weapons???
Of course. They have to defend their properties as well.
I'm more worried that "they" as presented covers the mass shooters, violent criminals, and mentally unstable mentioned by RoryN. But, even if I give desecration a pass for a semantic slip up, RoryN's point is still valid. Does desecration mean Every Adult that can pass a law enforcement screening? Or does he think screenings are against the 2nd Amendment? And when he quotes statistics, I'd like to see the statistics for how many road rage incidents already include gunfire, including for how those numbers compare in areas with tighter and looser gun control laws. Any projections for how they'll be affected if there really was a gun in every car? On the flip side, I will say that be an effective militia today, AR15s are completely reasonable - you can't send a bunch of deer and target rifles up against an invading force. But I also think that "well regulated" in the current age can just as reasonably require background checks and formal training - just like a driver's license.
I'm more worried that "they" as presented covers the mass shooters, violent criminals, and mentally unstable mentioned by RoryN. But, even if I give desecration a pass for a semantic slip up, RoryN's point is still valid. Does desecration mean Every Adult that can pass a law enforcement screening? Or does he think screenings are against the 2nd Amendment? And when he quotes statistics, I'd like to see the statistics for how many road rage incidents already include gunfire, including for how those numbers compare in areas with tighter and looser gun control laws. Any projections for how they'll be affected if there really was a gun in every car? On the flip side, I will say that be an effective militia today, AR15s are completely reasonable - you can't send a bunch of deer and target rifles up against an invading force. But I also think that "well regulated" in the current age can just as reasonably require background checks and formal training - just like a driver's license.
Welcome to the PB. My objection to you referencing military grade weaponry as 'reasonable' to the false narrative that armed citizens in modern America can organize a militia against the military will not stand in the way of me approving the overall sentiment of your post.
Desecration will not be forthcoming with any of the stats you ask for because he's busy crapping on every thread with things pulled straight from his ass.
The Democrats want to disarm the American majority so that their constituency is free to rape their women and plunder their property. Kinda like on their California model.
Well stated^^^^^^^^^^ it just seems, this anti gun agenda and the nazis that cultivate the entire "guns are at fault " are either flat blind or they do understand the situation and choose to blind themselves to reality...... or my favorite goto default is "they/them,tptb" absolutely piss themselves when an innocent someone is mauled by one of their pet demographics...... then whine like a straight cut gear box when said demographics dies from acute lead poisoning 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Well stated^^^^^^^^^^ it just seems, this anti gun agenda and the nazis that cultivate the entire "guns are at fault " are either flat blind or they do understand the situation and choose to blind themselves to reality...... or my favorite goto default is "they/them,tptb" absolutely piss themselves when an innocent someone is mauled by one of their pet demographics...... then whine like a straight cut gear box when said demographics dies from acute lead poisoning 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
BG? Ugh.

This? This comment was well stated???
The only thing more confusing was your own word salad reply. I’m here rooting for you. Do better.
I’m 61 and I’ve never needed a gun in my life. Never been mugged, assaulted, robbed or whatever. Haven’t even been in a fight since I was a teenager.

I can understand a woman wanting to carry a gun because there are some fucked up loser men out there who attack women. But men? Nah.

If you want to play cowboy or soldier, there are video games for that. Pew pew pew.
None are man enough to try it in this state.
So no guns have been taken away.


Sounds like they've done a piss poor job in their goal of.taking away guns.

I, for one, feel for you in your time of fear.....it's very worrying that they are coming after your guns. I shall pray for you in these times of obvious fear.

I'm sure they'll also be taking the gun thread. Jerks.
I’m 61 and I’ve never needed a gun in my life. Never been mugged, assaulted, robbed or whatever. Haven’t even been in a fight since I was a teenager.

I can understand a woman wanting to carry a gun because there are some fucked up loser men out there who attack women. But men? Nah.

If you want to play cowboy or soldier, there are video games for that. Pew pew pew.
In fact, men are more likely to be killed than women in the vast majority of countries, including the US1. This is why men need to be armed, so that less women and children are murdered.
I’m 61 and I’ve never needed a gun in my life. Never been mugged, assaulted, robbed or whatever. Haven’t even been in a fight since I was a teenager.

I can understand a woman wanting to carry a gun because there are some fucked up loser men out there who attack women. But men? Nah.

If you want to play cowboy or soldier, there are video games for that. Pew pew pew.
I, like you, have never had a need to own.
If I could agree that a person should own a firearm then women should be, if not the only ones to, but the ones first in line to own guns.