The future is dense, walkable cities.

You still need access for regular municipal services, such as water and sewer, electrical, phone and internet, as well as emergency services such as police, fire and ems. So no matter how walkable or sardine packed you wish to be you will never eliminate the roads. Maybe reduce, but never eliminate. Also the fire department needs more than one side access in case of a fire. Particularly in a packed high rise residence.
Personally I think the future is smaller cities that are all suburb instead of these heat- and pollution-concentrating concrete slabs!
You still need access for regular municipal services, such as water and sewer, electrical, phone and internet, as well as emergency services such as police, fire and ems. So no matter how walkable or sardine packed you wish to be you will never eliminate the roads. Maybe reduce, but never eliminate. Also the fire department needs more than one side access in case of a fire. Particularly in a packed high rise residence.
Keep the roads, eliminate the parking.
Personally I think the future is smaller cities that are all suburb instead of these heat- and pollution-concentrating concrete slabs!
Suburbs are the most polluting way to build. Dense, walkable cities with plants instead of parking lots are the greenest.
No cars. Why would you need roads?

Everybody is afoot. Why need roads?

Just think......from the plains of the Serengeti to oxcarts took us 2m years.

From Oxcarts to the moon, 500 years

And the dims have taken 20 years to put everyone afoot again!
No cars. Why would you need roads?

Everybody is afoot. Why need roads?

Just think......from the plains of the Serengeti to oxcarts took us 2m years.

From Oxcarts to the moon, 500 years

And the dims have taken 20 years to put everyone afoot again!
The roads are used by buses, bikes, emergency vehicles, trucks for deliveries, and vans for tradesmen. Vehicles that are more efficient and useful than private cars.
Suburbs are the most polluting way to build. Dense, walkable cities with plants instead of parking lots are the greenest.

I agree with you about how to improve cities. But suburbs exist and it’s where most people live (69% of Americans live in suburbs by one count). Even in a big city like LA, most of the developed land is suburban in form.

That’s why I’m interested in ways to improve suburbs. We can reduce trip length and increase opportunities for community interaction by adding new town centers to the existing suburban expanse.
Cities are pollution hot spots because of cars. Get rid of private cars and cities are greener than rural living.
Depending on the details. Megafarm monocropping with imported chemicals to make fertilizers and pesiticides, aquifer depletion, soil erosion, and huge diesel tractors is not at all green. That is currently the cities' food supply. When all that is gone, rural life will be greener, with horses pulling plows and produce wagons to smaller communities, not the huge cities of today.
Depending on the details. Megafarm monocropping with imported chemicals to make fertilizers and pesiticides, aquifer depletion, and huge diesel tractors is not at all green. That is currently the cities' food supply. When all that is gone, rural life will be greener, with horses pulling plows and produce wagons to smaller communities, not the huge cities of today.
People have to live somewhere. The rural utopia you’re describing can’t exist without killing off most of humanity.

Or … we can rebuild our cities to reduce our dependency on private cars.
Depending on the details. Megafarm monocropping with imported chemicals to make fertilizers and pesiticides, aquifer depletion, soil erosion, and huge diesel tractors is not at all green. That is currently the cities' food supply. When all that is gone, rural life will be greener, with horses pulling plows and produce wagons to smaller communities, not the huge cities of today.
Sorry, not going back to horses just because a communist wants to use a famine for genocide
People have to live somewhere. The rural utopia you’re describing can’t exist without killing off most of humanity.

Or … we can rebuild our cities to reduce our dependency on private cars.
Ahahahahaha that is exactly what Gates et al wants. He has openly admitted such in several forums, most notably at TED.

I already have my rural life. Do as you will, you can't stop me from pumping oil and refining.
People have to live somewhere. The rural utopia you’re describing can’t exist without killing off most of humanity.

Or … we can rebuild our cities to reduce our dependency on private cars.
Well isn't reducing the population the battle cry of most libs and their supporters? Honestly the less people the better in my mind. That's what makes rural living so awesome, less population density and the majority of people, while we take care of each other when needed, aren't so close to each other as to be in each other's business everyday.
Well isn't reducing the population the battle cry of most libs and their supporters? Honestly the less people the better in my mind. That's what makes rural living so awesome, less population density and the majority of people, while we take care of each other when needed, aren't so close to each other as to be in each other's business everyday.
It's the only justification they have for the systemic genocide of corporate abortions
Well isn't reducing the population the battle cry of most libs and their supporters? Honestly the less people the better in my mind. That's what makes rural living so awesome, less population density and the majority of people, while we take care of each other when needed, aren't so close to each other as to be in each other's business everyday.
People’s lives are valuable. That’s why most liberals want stronger gun control. Cars kill about as many people every year in America as guns, so reducing the number of cars on the road saves lives.
Cities are pollution hot spots because of cars. Get rid of private cars and cities are greener than rural living.
I don't agree here either. Any time you concentrate human activity, you are producing lots of pollution. It's physics: work requires force and produces waste.
I don't agree here either. Any time you concentrate human activity, you are producing lots of pollution. It's physics: work requires force and produces waste.
Private cars are one of the least efficient ways to move people around. If we build cities so their residents don’t need to drive, they won’t produce nearly as much pollution.

If you disperse the same number of people in the hinterlands, the increased distances involved means it takes more work to move them around. That’s basic physics.
Private cars are one of the least efficient ways to move people around. If we build cities so their residents don’t need to drive, they won’t produce nearly as much pollution.

If you disperse the same number of people in the hinterlands, the increased distances involved means it takes more work to move them around. That’s basic physics.
They are still going to produce pollution, except now it is on a giant concrete plate that reflects it upward. Spread people out among green space and the pollution is absorbed. Most of them can work locally if we get away from your idea of one giant downtown. Many cities like LA and Houston already have this kind of informal districting in place.