Accidental sexual contact

This happened many years ago, when I was a much younger man. I've been plagued by sporadic back problems for a lot of my life, and on one occasion my back spasmed and then 'seized'. I couldn't move! So at my request, my flatmate called an ambulance to take me to the ER. The paramedics (one male, one female) arrived with a collapsible stretcher. They rolled me to the right and placed the stretcher fabric along my body. They then advised me that they were going to roll me completely over onto my left side, and since my back was inoperable, they asked me to 'throw' my right arm over to act as a counterweight. On the count of three, the male paramedic pushed, the female paramedic pulled, and I threw my right arm over as soon as it was free...... right into the crotch of the female paramedic! I was mortified and apologized profusely. She just laughed it off and said she'd had far worse things happen.
Have you ever had accidental sexual contact with someone?

When I was in college, there was one day I was walking down the hallway after class.
A female student must have turned the corner and entered the hallway from a different direction. She didn’t see me and I guess her right arm was loosely swinging because suddenly I feel her right hand bump hard into my groin. Not just any spot on my groin, the exact spot on my pants where my penis was.

I’m sure that people bump into other people all the time in public, but to have the accidental point of contact be her hand against my penis was quite odd.

I looked at her and said “it’s okay”, but her facial expression was like “OMG”, she was very surprised and embarrassed knowing what her hand had bumped against. She had a female friend nearby who was laughing.
Years ago in high school, there was a girl with a wonderfully round ass that sat in front of me. One day, my knee accidently brushed her ass as it protruded from the space between the seat and back rest of her desk. She turned around and gave me a look. I smiled and held up my hands, mouthing the word 'sorry'. She smiled a weak smile and turned forward. Something about her look made me think that she had never experienced that before but that it felt good to her.

We had the same class together for the school year so I did not rush into rubbing her luscious ass. Over time, I became a little more aggressive with my knee and she began pushing her ass out further and further. We didn't run in the same social circles but began talking with each other before class. Then we were stopping in the hall between classes chatting. Before Christmas break that year, I was feeling her ass with my hand during every class. She looked forward to it as much as I did. Imagine a junior guy feeling a senior girls' ass that barely knew each other three months earlier. Nothing was ever said about it but we both knew we enjoyed it and she began wearing dresses that reflected what she wanted.

By the end of the school year, we had developed a friendship and the last few days of class were sad for us. We still live in the same town but we never see each other. Too bad it never went any further, I have an idea it would have been hot.
Well, I don't really know about sexual, but my boobs are regularly guilty of contact. If you are my coworker, my tits have likely been pressed up against you in some way several times. Most common is racking gear. If working in pairs, the coworker (all are men) tends to hold the switch/router/server/ups in the rack, while I screw down the brackets. It just makes sense as all of them are stronger than I am. This means I am reaching around or over them to secure the screws. It may be their arm, their back, above their head, depending on the height of gear, but there will be boobs. I also do a lot of software design for what is primarily a physically intensive job. So, the typical employees are usually men in their 20s-30s with a mix of computer skills. The most important requirement is the ability to lift 75lbs constantly, climb and crawl with extra weight kind of thing. The 2nd most important is to learn to use the hand tools, then the third is to learn to use software. I try to avoiding taking control of their devices when they are learning the software, as then some don't learn. As such, I stand behind them when they have questions. However some just don't get what I am instructing them to do, thus I have to reach over to point to spots on their monitors, or even grab their mouse when I give up. If they move unexpectedly at all, their head, shoulder, or arm is going to hit my boobs.

To be honest, I don't even notice unless they react or apologize, like even my own arms hit my boobs constantly. It is just a busty chick life. Anyone who has worked with me any significant length of time doesn't react either as it just is how it is. My arms are only so long.
Well, I don't really know about sexual, but my boobs are regularly guilty of contact. If you are my coworker, my tits have likely been pressed up against you in some way several times. Most common is racking gear. If working in pairs, the coworker (all are men) tends to hold the switch/router/server/ups in the rack, while I screw down the brackets. It just makes sense as all of them are stronger than I am. This means I am reaching around or over them to secure the screws. It may be their arm, their back, above their head, depending on the height of gear, but there will be boobs. I also do a lot of software design for what is primarily a physically intensive job. So, the typical employees are usually men in their 20s-30s with a mix of computer skills. The most important requirement is the ability to lift 75lbs constantly, climb and crawl with extra weight kind of thing. The 2nd most important is to learn to use the hand tools, then the third is to learn to use software. I try to avoiding taking control of their devices when they are learning the software, as then some don't learn. As such, I stand behind them when they have questions. However some just don't get what I am instructing them to do, thus I have to reach over to point to spots on their monitors, or even grab their mouse when I give up. If they move unexpectedly at all, their head, shoulder, or arm is going to hit my boobs.

To be honest, I don't even notice unless they react or apologize, like even my own arms hit my boobs constantly. It is just a busty chick life. Anyone who has worked with me any significant length of time doesn't react either as it just is how it is. My arms are only so long.
I’m sure they don’t mind!

Your story reminds me of the scenes in Operation Petticoat with Carry Grant and how the crew would have to accommodate the busty nurses.
Getting a massage and when the female masseuse massaged my shoulders having her breasts resting on my forehead. That was pretty nice lol
I tried to find a clip of this, but I failed. What is the accommodation?
This is the best I could do, I didn’t watch the whole thing but have seen the movie several times. The scene I was alluding to was when the bustiest nurse would pass through the gangway and the sailors would twist themselves and contort so as not to “feel“ her up!

There are several references to her “size” in the movie and the maintenance officer even uses her girdle or bra to fix a broken piece of equipment!
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Well, I don't really know about sexual, but my boobs are regularly guilty of contact. If you are my coworker, my tits have likely been pressed up against you in some way several times. Most common is racking gear. If working in pairs, the coworker (all are men) tends to hold the switch/router/server/ups in the rack, while I screw down the brackets. It just makes sense as all of them are stronger than I am. This means I am reaching around or over them to secure the screws. It may be their arm, their back, above their head, depending on the height of gear, but there will be boobs. I also do a lot of software design for what is primarily a physically intensive job. So, the typical employees are usually men in their 20s-30s with a mix of computer skills. The most important requirement is the ability to lift 75lbs constantly, climb and crawl with extra weight kind of thing. The 2nd most important is to learn to use the hand tools, then the third is to learn to use software. I try to avoiding taking control of their devices when they are learning the software, as then some don't learn. As such, I stand behind them when they have questions. However some just don't get what I am instructing them to do, thus I have to reach over to point to spots on their monitors, or even grab their mouse when I give up. If they move unexpectedly at all, their head, shoulder, or arm is going to hit my boobs.

To be honest, I don't even notice unless they react or apologize, like even my own arms hit my boobs constantly. It is just a busty chick life. Anyone who has worked with me any significant length of time doesn't react either as it just is how it is. My arms are only so long.
If I worked with you, I would be the target of tons of HR complaints and investigations ❤️
This is the best I could do, I didn’t watch the whole thing but have seen the movie several times. The scene I was alluding to was when the bustiest nurse would pass through the gangway and the sailors would twist themselves and contort so as not to “feel“ her up!

There are several references to her “size” in the movie and the maintenance officer even uses her girdle or bra to fix a broken piece of equipment!
lol, yeah, it may be something like that.
This started accidentally then became deliberate.

I was in a theater watching Nightmare on Elm Street (this was the 2010 version). My date was on my right, and a stranger (also on a date) was on my left. I'm not very good at horror movies, and when the first scare happened, I absentmindedly grabbed the hand of the stranger to my left. Just a natural reaction. I was squeezing it in fear and when the scare passed, I realized I was still holding his hand. We began to explore each other's hands in the darkness (and the help of a sweatshirt blocking view). It was like a hand version of footsie. This went on for 20 minutes until he moved our hands to his thigh, and from there, I gave him an over-the-pants handjob, sliding my hand gently over his clothed erection.

The movie was far too intense for anyone (our dates) to notice and when I felt him erupt under his jeans, I retreated. He did not return the favor, probably because it would have been difficult to cover up. Later that night, my date got the benefit of my raging horniness. He kept taking me to horror movies, thinking I got off on that kind of movie.
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yeah, i went with Brenda and her BF to bring this guy's phone back. So we were waiting in the car and Brenda was gone a long time. Her BF and I started fooling around, and somehow his cock wound up in my mouth. It was a complete accident, we didn't even like each other that much. Brenda was pissed, but it turned out that she gave the guy more than his phone, so we were all a bit tarred.
This started accidentally then became deliberate.

I was in a theater watching Nightmare on Elm Street (this was the 2010 version). My date was on my right, and a stranger (also on a date) was on my left. I'm not very good at horror movies, and when the first scare happened, I absentmindedly grabbed the hand of the stranger to my left. Just a natural reaction. I was squeezing it in fear and when the scare passed, I realized I was still holding his hand. We began to explore each other's hands in the darkness (and the help of a sweatshirt blocking view). It was like a hand version of footsie. This went on for 20 minutes until he moved our hands to his thigh, and from there, I gave him an over-the-pants handjob, sliding my hand gently over his clothed erection.

The movie was far too intense for anyone (our dates) to notice and when I felt him erupt under his jeans, I retreated. He did not return the favor, probably because it would have been difficult to cover up. Later that night, my date got the benefit of my raging horniness. He kept taking me to horror movies, thinking I got off on that kind of movie.

I had an interesting turn of events last night. I was about to take the car out to run to the shops and noticed that my stepdaughter had left her bank card on the passenger seat. Seeing that she was still in the front yard, I took the card and went to give it to her. She was holding her baby at the time. In-stead of taking the card from me, she turned and presented her tight fitting jeans pockets to me so that I could slip the card in.

Accident? No.

Enjoyable? YES!
I had an interesting turn of events last night. I was about to take the car out to run to the shops and noticed that my stepdaughter had left her bank card on the passenger seat. Seeing that she was still in the front yard, I took the card and went to give it to her. She was holding her baby at the time. In-stead of taking the card from me, she turned and presented her tight fitting jeans pockets to me so that I could slip the card in.

Accident? No.

Enjoyable? YES!

Nice one. I take it you find her attractive. Nice ass?
This reminds me of a dumb thing we used to do where we'd hold our fingers together, like a salute, then run our hands up a friend's ass crack and say, "credit card!" Like we were swiping a credit card.
yeah, i went with Brenda and her BF to bring this guy's phone back. So we were waiting in the car and Brenda was gone a long time. Her BF and I started fooling around, and somehow his cock wound up in my mouth. It was a complete accident, we didn't even like each other that much. Brenda was pissed, but it turned out that she gave the guy more than his phone, so we were all a bit tarred.
Accidents happen🤣
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One time I visited my sister and we went out drinking and she got hammered.

We got back to her house where her husband is at and we’re talking at this table. Out of the blue she was dry humping my hand and her husband was watching. I wasn’t sure what he was feeling so I moved my hand.

She later came to my bedroom but the door was closed. I should have left it open.
I experienced this twice with the same woman. The two instances were about six months apart, and in both cases my hands ended up cupping her boobs. The first time was exactly as you described. We were both approaching a corner from opposite directions, and when we turned into each other I threw my hands up to stop the collision. I ended up with a tit in each hand. We both laughed and went our separate ways. The second time occurred while our company was packing for a move. There were books and files stacked everywhere, and so it was hard to walk across the office floor. I was approaching her desk just as she was standing up, and due to the cluttered floor she had to turn into my path, but when she saw me approaching she tried to turn and avoid a collision. She ended up losing her balance. I reached up to stop her fall, and once again my hands ended up on her tits. The first time no one else saw, but the second instance happened in view of the entire secretarial staff. We were teased for weeks after that.

This has Mallrats written all over it 😂
Once had a female clerk (very junior) in an office of all (very senior) males. She had very large breasts. She would often lean over our shoulder, to point to something on the screen, while pressing her breasts into our back as we sat at the one computer workstation (long before computers were everywhere). She obviously knew what she was doing. She once pressed her breasts into the back of the supervisor, a very religious and proper man, he came out of the seat like a rocket telling her to keep those things away from him.

Please tell me the Ned Flanders jokes started immediately. I can't resist fucking with uptight bible thumpers.

I've had a few legit accidental contacts with the same coworker. She can be very animated with her hands when she talks. I was trying to help her find something in a diagram on the computer, standing slightly behind and to the side, and holding a conversation with another co-worker. She wasn't looking and reached over to get my attention and came within half an inch of my package.


She looked at where her hand was, quickly buried her face in her hands and started turning sunburn red, dying of laughter. She tried to make me turn around and told me not to look at her.

"If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard that..."

Brighter red, more laughter.

Several months before this, we closed the shop and went to go play mini golf as a going away celebration for a kid that had been working for us since he was 16, and was now going off to tech school. She got pretty drunk (gotta love a driving range that serves cocktails) and wasn't in a condition to drive herself back. I took her keys from her which initiated a game of keep away (I may have enjoyed this part a lot) she's slender and wiry, so despite having 65-70 lbs on her, and a wrestling background, she was difficult to control and moved like a Russian Mongoose and ended up climbing on me in an effort to reach her keys which were held above my head. I managed to get an arm around her waist before she slipped and ended up mostly upside down. At the time, I was glad she managed to keep both legs on the same side of my head because the whole company (4 other people) was watching this and laughing. If she hadn't, my retaliation for what she did next would have been highly inappropriate.

I don't remember what she said, but her next move was to bite the bulge in front of her face. Thankfully, that bulge was my wallet which resides on my right. Had she been on the left, I'd have either dropped her, or gotten hard instantaneously as I love being bitten. Had let legs been spread, if have bitten her inner thigh in return.

Of course we've had several accidental boob/butt brushes followed by either sly looks or "apologies" depending on witnesses. She's not blessed in chest at all, so boob brushes take some effort.
I'm sure this is a very common experience. Most times for me it's been purely accidental or simply the result of being in close proximity. I've had female hair dressers, nurses and female work colleagues pressing themselves against me simply in the course of carrying out the task they were performing. Mostly they seem to be doing it unconsciously because they are concentrating on the job. But I always enjoy it when I feel a breast, tummy or thigh pressing against me. In every case no words have ever passed between us, although I'm always left with a lovely warm feeling and a fevered mind speculating on the possibilities.
I've had this more than a few times, but I *know* that some weren't accidental due to the smiles I get. My current hairdresser always presses her breasts against my shoulder and arm, before asking if I'm feeling ok. The kicker is that she has now started doing a lot of bending over when wearing tight leggings, no need to put her bag on the floor as there are perfectly good kitchen worktops to put it on - she comes to our house to cut hair.
I had a haircut the other day. She was very attractive with a killer body. My elbows were sticking off the armrests a little and her groin kept coming in contact. She didn't seem to care and didn't quickly pull away. She got a nice tip. I wonder if that was the plan all along