Everyday Amateur Nude Wives

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Look, I understand the temptation to write men off as pigs, chasing after the youngest thing they can fuck without going to prison.

It's bullshit.

A woman, regardless of her age and especially regardless of the effects of gravity (that's about the nicest way I can describe it--hold on for me to redeem myself) can "compete" at any age. Really.

As other things may change, so too does her experience. She knows what turns her man on, or what turns the one-night-stand on. Use it.

I cannot excuse the male desire for variety (many women) or youth (down deep, we all want to impregnate you). That's millions of years of evolution, and neither you nor I can wave it away. But the fact remains that a willing, available, yes, even open if you'll let me be explicit woman in front of a man beats all the hypotheticals by miles.

Don't sell yourself short, girls.

I'm gonna generalize, but the older a woman (or man) becomes, I think the more she internalizes gendering. In the bedroom, that means stripping, wearing stockings and high high heels (bras, nylons and heels are so gendered, and that just adds to the "me Tarzan, you Jane" thing.

Guess what? The girls forty years younger than you haven't figured that out yet. Probably the boys haven't experienced it yet. Use it.
This! ^^^YES!! Women who know what life's about tend to not only turn a man's head, they know how to get inside that head, too. Do them right, treat them like queens, and they'll rock your world. And that's a hotness you can't get at the mall!
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