Cyber Command Protects America, Doesn't Tell Traitor in Chief

This just makes my day:

Military doesn't tell POTUS what's going on because the dumb shit President of the United States is a known national security risk. Dumb Shit Deplorables call themselves patriots lololol
Can’t blame them. Trump has talked with Putin for hours in private, and refuses to tell his own security folks what he said.

I went over your head. Let me break it down to training a dog level for you.

Who would insert code in sensitive places and then talk about it? No one. Here you have Russia buzzing planes and boats. Donald Duck doesnt like being made to look weak. So to look strong to morons like you, he leaks false info (or maybe true) to the Times, who are too stupid to realize it for what it is.

No one
In sensitive places
And talks about it.
No one
This just makes my day:

Military doesn't tell POTUS what's going on because the dumb shit President of the United States is a known national security risk. Dumb Shit Deplorables call themselves patriots lololol

More fake news invented to hurt the President in this ongoing coup attempt. The friggin' Cyber Command has been getting it's ass kicked by the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans since before Trump was even elected. They've allowed the personnel records every of every Federal employee to be lost to the Chinese, payroll records, security clearances, and employment records of 21 million people. Systems at the State Department, White House, NOAA & USPS, have also been laid bare. What do they do in return to those who fuck with out systems? We don't know, but probably not much.
So what we got here?

One or more pieces of shit violated nat'l security in order to disclose information to the Russians and used Trump as the excuse to do so. Then the NYT publishes the story so that one or more SFB's here at Lit. can expose the depths of their ignorance.

If those that leaked that information are found I hope they get buried under Leavenworth.

they WONT be looked for
I went over your head. Let me break it down to training a dog level for you.

Who would insert code in sensitive places and then talk about it? No one. Here you have Russia buzzing planes and boats. Donald Duck doesnt like being made to look weak. So to look strong to morons like you, he leaks false info (or maybe true) to the Times, who are too stupid to realize it for what it is.

No one
In sensitive places
And talks about it.
No one

to call you INSANE



the meaning

of that

More fake news invented to hurt the President in this ongoing coup attempt. The friggin' Cyber Command has been getting it's ass kicked by the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans since before Trump was even elected. They've allowed the personnel records every of every Federal employee to be lost to the Chinese, payroll records, security clearances, and employment records of 21 million people. Systems at the State Department, White House, NOAA & USPS, have also been laid bare. What do they do in return to those who fuck with out systems? We don't know, but probably not much.

More unsubstantiated crap from the king of crap, notvette.

Keep on sucking the orange cock, like a good bitch. :rolleyes:
I went over your head. Let me break it down to training a dog level for you.

Who would insert code in sensitive places and then talk about it? No one. Here you have Russia buzzing planes and boats. Donald Duck doesnt like being made to look weak. So to look strong to morons like you, he leaks false info (or maybe true) to the Times, who are too stupid to realize it for what it is.

No one
In sensitive places
And talks about it.
No one


I'd be very surprised to find out this story was true as reported.
Just doesnt make sense from any point of view.
More fake news invented to hurt the President in this ongoing coup attempt. The friggin' Cyber Command has been getting it's ass kicked by the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans since before Trump was even elected. They've allowed the personnel records every of every Federal employee to be lost to the Chinese, payroll records, security clearances, and employment records of 21 million people. Systems at the State Department, White House, NOAA & USPS, have also been laid bare. What do they do in return to those who fuck with out systems? We don't know, but probably not much.
You left out Hillary’s emails.
Then the NYT publishes the story so that one or more SFB's here at Lit. can expose the depths of their ignorance.

Speaking of ignorance depths, you didn't need that period at the end of "Lit." :D

If those that leaked that information are found I hope they get buried under Leavenworth.

Oh come now, Ish. These things don't happen every day, you know. So why not flex your imagination and be more artful for the occasion? Why not throw them off the Golden Gate Bridge with a pair of cement shoes or leave them stranded naked in Yellowstone National Park in the middle of winter instead?


What the ignorant right wing doesnt understand...we dont need to prove Donald Duck is incompetent...everyone except them sees it already. Who new are we convincing? No one. So why would we leak it? No reason to.

On the other hand, what does Donald Duck gain from leaking it? He fires up his base...who believes anything he says. Right Wing propaganda...nothing more.
What the ignorant right wing doesnt understand...we dont need to prove Donald Duck is incompetent...everyone except them sees it already. Who new are we convincing? No one. So why would we leak it? No reason to.

On the other hand, what does Donald Duck gain from leaking it? He fires up his base...who believes anything he says. Right Wing propaganda...nothing more.

lol say his name idiot. Your TDS is showing.
What the ignorant right wing doesnt understand...we dont need to prove Donald Duck is incompetent...everyone except them sees it already. Who new are we convincing? No one. So why would we leak it? No reason to.

On the other hand, what does Donald Duck gain from leaking it? He fires up his base...who believes anything he says. Right Wing propaganda...nothing more.

More of the same old shit. :rolleyes:

You scream that it's all Trump's fault over everything. Iran didn't blow up those tankers, Trump just says they did and the video doesn't prove nuttin' because Donald Duck. Trump doesn't know what his cyber command is doing, because he's orange. Trump's failing in the polls against literally every D running for President - even the ones polling less than 1% - because liar in chief. Trump isn't enforcing US law. Trump is losing every case in court. Trump is a racist. Trump is Putin's puppet. Trump, Trump, Trump...

It's ALL propaganda from the LEFT.

You've gone so far and gone there so often that every time you open your mouth everyone just turns away because they've heard it all before. It always ends up with the same result too that everything you say is a lie because the truth eventually proves it to be a lie. Not that you care; you're a propaganda artist. You know you're lying but you repeat the lies even when shown the truth. You'll continue to repeat the lies knowing that they're lies because if you can convince 1 more person to repeat them, then you've done your job.

It's not about Trump. It's about propaganda and spreading it around. You lie, know you lie, repeat the lies and enjoy it. Because your end game is to get another moron to back you. Because if you can get all the morons to march in sequence to your drum, you can own the world right before you destroy it.
More fake news invented to hurt the President in this ongoing coup attempt. The friggin' Cyber Command has been getting it's ass kicked by the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans since before Trump was even elected. They've allowed the personnel records every of every Federal employee to be lost to the Chinese, payroll records, security clearances, and employment records of 21 million people. Systems at the State Department, White House, NOAA & USPS, have also been laid bare. What do they do in return to those who fuck with out systems? We don't know, but probably not much.

The U.S. has been operating under CISA since Trump signed it into law Sep 16, 2018. Cyber's been a glaring weakness for past administrations and we are way behind no doubt. Not going to fill this page with supporting docs but if you look up CISA it will give you a breakdown of the main focus.

Our offensive capability for cyber warfare is the most protected secrets in the U.S. arsenal. Using it is not it's strength, using it only stimulates defense against it, it lays dormant but very capable for extreme cyber devastation. Interesting offensive cyber weapon is called " Capability ", another is "Stuxnet". These we know about, God only know how devastating the stuff is that we don't know about. Stuxnet was used quite successfully against the Iranian nuclear program.
What the ignorant right wing doesnt understand...we dont need to prove Donald Duck is incompetent...everyone except them sees it already. Who new are we convincing? No one. So why would we leak it? No reason to.

On the other hand, what does Donald Duck gain from leaking it? He fires up his base...who believes anything he says. Right Wing propaganda...nothing more.

"Jane you ignorant slut" :caning:
What the ignorant right wing doesnt understand...we dont need to prove Donald Duck is incompetent...everyone except them sees it already. Who new are we convincing? No one. So why would we leak it? No reason to.

On the other hand, what does Donald Duck gain from leaking it? He fires up his base...who believes anything he says. Right Wing propaganda...nothing more.

to call you INSANE



the meaning

of that

What the ignorant right wing doesnt understand...we dont need to prove Donald Duck is incompetent...everyone except them sees it already. Who new are we convincing? No one. So why would we leak it? No reason to.

On the other hand, what does Donald Duck gain from leaking it? He fires up his base...who believes anything he says. Right Wing propaganda...nothing more.

make sure in 2020 you vote for a CUNT or NIGGER or better yet, A NIGGER GAY CUNT:)

all will be good!
The U.S. has been operating under CISA since Trump signed it into law Sep 16, 2018. Cyber's been a glaring weakness for past administrations and we are way behind no doubt. Not going to fill this page with supporting docs but if you look up CISA it will give you a breakdown of the main focus.

Our offensive capability for cyber warfare is the most protected secrets in the U.S. arsenal. Using it is not it's strength, using it only stimulates defense against it, it lays dormant but very capable for extreme cyber devastation. Interesting offensive cyber weapon is called " Capability ", another is "Stuxnet". These we know about, God only know how devastating the stuff is that we don't know about. Stuxnet was used quite successfully against the Iranian nuclear program.

Interesting...both Stuxnet and Capability existed before Donald Duck created CISA. How could that be? Lol. Moron
make sure in 2020 you vote for a CUNT or NIGGER or better yet, A NIGGER GAY CUNT:)

all will be good!

The hilarious part is that if any of the D's win in 2020 the Lefties will immediately rejoice. Right before they start screaming again.

Does anyone truly believe that the D platform of "reform immigration" will result in any real changes? Or is it more likely that the next Prez will just continue to try to enforce border security under existing laws? (Because CONGRESS is the branch which make/creates laws, not the Prez.) It's not like the front runner didn't support immigration crackdowns in the past - so does anyone believe that he'll truly not do that if elected?

Harris' "I'll put Trump in prison" deal is worse. You want to talk banana republic? Oust the last guy in the chair, stick him in a cell, and start your own regime of corruption. Until you get ousted and thrown in the slammer at the end of your term. Does Harris believe it can't/won't happen to her just because she's a woman? Does she think the next office seeker isn't as ruthless as she is? Or more ruthless?

The lefties who support these whackjobs are idiots. At least Trump is being right up front about what's going on.

I don't know anyone who can truthfully say that about any of the D candidates. Not that someone won't come along and say so shortly. Because Trump.
Interesting...both Stuxnet and Capability existed before Donald Duck created CISA. How could that be? Lol. Moron

Your reading for comprehension really needs some serious work. I never wrote when Stuxnet or Capability was introduced. I never associated CISA or Trump with either of those cyber weapons. You just think you're sharper than most but you're not by any stretch. You call people morons and you're the one that's uninformed. You have a tendency to twist what other people write to make yourself look informed and then call them names. Maybe someday you'll grow out of that. Maybe Lit should check ID's
Your reading for comprehension really needs some serious work. I never wrote when Stuxnet or Capability was introduced. I never associated CISA or Trump with either of those cyber weapons. You just think you're sharper than most but you're not by any stretch. You call people morons and you're the one that's uninformed. You have a tendency to twist what other people write to make yourself look informed and then call them names. Maybe someday you'll grow out of that. Maybe Lit should check ID's

Then I strongly suggest a child such as yourself leave. Here is the conundrum...idiots like you will write that our cybersecurity is highly secretive....not being used until needed. Then you state we are behind one would tip their hand would they? But an asshole on a porn site knows better. Lol. See how easy it was to use your own words to prove otherwise? God gave you a brain...use it...or lose it. The choice is yours.

What, you think it took the NYT story for Putin to go Oh My God! They're trying to infect our system with Malware? Say it isn't so! How COULD they? We better download Norton STAT!

Please. The informants haven't released squat in the cyber warfare campaign. The only people who think that are fucking idiots like Trump who thinks this is the first innocent lil' Russia has heard of it. Because he's so goddamned dumb.

No, the message is We're a lot deeper in your ass than you know, Russkie, and we're ready to fuck your shit up. And we're telling you this now because of the treasonous comments of our traitor in chief the other day about Welcoming Interference from foreign enemies.

President Orange Ass is completely out of the loop on this and shows it with his dumb faux outrage.
Then I strongly suggest a child such as yourself leave. Here is the conundrum...idiots like you will write that our cybersecurity is highly secretive....not being used until needed. Then you state we are behind one would tip their hand would they? But an asshole on a porn site knows better. Lol. See how easy it was to use your own words to prove otherwise? God gave you a brain...use it...or lose it. The choice is yours.

The U.S. has been operating under CISA since Trump signed it into law Sep 16, 2018. Cyber's been a glaring weakness for past administrations and we are way behind no doubt. Not going to fill this page with supporting docs but if you look up CISA it will give you a breakdown of the main focus.

Our offensive capability for cyber warfare is the most protected secrets in the U.S. arsenal. Using it is not it's strength, using it only stimulates defense against it, it lays dormant but very capable for extreme cyber devastation. Interesting offensive cyber weapon is called " Capability ", another is "Stuxnet". These we know about, God only know how devastating the stuff is that we don't know about. Stuxnet was used quite successfully against the Iranian nuclear program.

So here is what I wrote so I can help you with your reading for comprehension.

1. Cyber's a glaring weakness. We are way behind no doubt; KEEP UP NOW: OK!

2. Our offensive capability is our most protected secret, STILL WITH ME?

3. We use offensive capability when needed for fear of them developing a defense for it. ARE YOU CATCHING ON YET?

4. I understand your have a severe version of TDS, so if you can read, I never associated Trump with the development of the 2 offensive weapons, your point was, they're introduction as a weapon system had nothing to do with Trump.

5. "Tipping their hand" is non-sequitur, you brought it up I didn't. I was just sharing some info I ran across.

Your ability to follow the chronological order of a narrative is quite suspect. I think you should seek medical attention to remedy your ADHD, very prevalent in children.

Are you stating that all who post on a porn site are assholes? Me thinks you full of dribble and you're mad at the world. You're starting to resemble Carnalflower.