Tal's Thread. Fuck you Two.

I hate that you know how gooey your voice makes me. I should really act cooler about it...

Yeah? I might take a listen sometime, maybe next week, when I'm bored, you know...

Sorry, erm, postman at the door, gotta go answer it. Be right back. :p

I didn't realise the post delivers so late :p
I didn't realise the post delivers so late :p

Greetings Ask, and I don't think they have posties in the wild lands of the NE where Tal frequents. Certainly not ones out delivering this late, suspect some other nefarious reason for not coming straight back....
I like the thread name :)

Thank you. I really mean it too ;) :D

Greetings Ask, and I don't think they have posties in the wild lands of the NE where Tal frequents. Certainly not ones out delivering this late, suspect some other nefarious reason for not coming straight back....

Hey, I'll have you know that my postie is the best postie. He even managed to deliver a parcel through my open kitchen window this morning while I was out. He normally props them up on the outside kitchen windowsill for me to see, but today he could post through the window. I appreciate the avoidance of having to go to the collection office later! :D
Hi Tal !! just thought I'd stop in to see what new mischief and mayham has been going on , but mostly to see how things are with you I haven't been around to much. ;)
Hi Tal !! just thought I'd stop in to see what new mischief and mayham has been going on , but mostly to see how things are with you I haven't been around to much. ;)

Hey there, Mr He Who Impresses Me Much :D

Life is good here, thanks. Kept very busy with family stuff! Hope you're ok too :kiss:
Hey Tal :kiss: and the merry band of perverts!

T'is just a flying visit from me, I'm not staying. I just thought I'd pop my head in and see if you're all coping without me. Don't worry, I'll grace you all with my presence tomorrow - when I can actually function!
Hey Tal :kiss: and the merry band of perverts!

T'is just a flying visit from me, I'm not staying. I just thought I'd pop my head in and see if you're all coping without me. Don't worry, I'll grace you all with my presence tomorrow - when I can actually function!

I have to run in a moment, there's a lil man who needs attention soon (starting to grumble). And no, I'm not talking about badjanus, for once. :eek: :rolleyes:
Hey there, Mr He Who Impresses Me Much :D

Life is good here, thanks. Kept very busy with family stuff! Hope you're ok too :kiss:

I'm better than I thought I impressed you I knew was good but not that good oh well I better quit well I'm ahead.:cathappy:
Thank you. I really mean it too ;) :D

Hey, I'll have you know that my postie is the best postie. He even managed to deliver a parcel through my open kitchen window this morning while I was out. He normally props them up on the outside kitchen windowsill for me to see, but today he could post through the window. I appreciate the avoidance of having to go to the collection office later! :D

Morning Tal, hope the home life is calming down and space is gradually being regained! Sounds a positive postie, mine leaves it in the village shop and writes on the back of another letter telling me where it is! Won’t be able to do that with the signed for stuff, be careful other things are not getting in via your kitchen window... or other donkeys... “wink, wink”

I'm better than I thought I impressed you I knew was good but not that good oh well I better quit well I'm ahead.:cathappy:

Ha! Always better to be than what you thought, than thinking you're all that and having your bubble burst :D

Morning Tal, hope the home life is calming down and space is gradually being regained! Sounds a positive postie, mine leaves it in the village shop and writes on the back of another letter telling me where it is! Won’t be able to do that with the signed for stuff, be careful other things are not getting in via your kitchen window... or other donkeys... “wink, wink”


Oh, we really do need a catch up lol. You've missed a lot of stuff, though likely none that you'd be surprised about. You know the Sept deadline? Yeah, not looking likely atm. :rolleyes:

I know, right? Once one postie knows my weak spot, then it could turn into a free-for-all! :eek:
Ha! Always better to be than what you thought, than thinking you're all that and having your bubble burst :D

Oh, we really do need a catch up lol. You've missed a lot of stuff, though likely none that you'd be surprised about. You know the Sept deadline? Yeah, not looking likely atm. :rolleyes:

I know, right? Once one postie knows my weak spot, then it could turn into a free-for-all! :eek:

Did someone mention a free-for-all?
All I ask is a bottled water to keep my spirits up ... as you might suspect!
I can certainly enjoy making a few passes today, especially once I have permission (ducking and weaving the metoo LOL)

Ha! Ok, let's put it simply - you have full access and permission to do what you like as long as it's not illegal. And even then, it depends on what it is, and so we just need to have a quick tete-a-tete first.

And on that note, uhm, I'm about to go out for the day. Damn, I really didn't think this day-pass thing through properly, did I? Sigh. Never mind, I'm sure there'll be another freebie in the offing soon. :p

All I ask is a bottled water to keep my spirits up ... as you might suspect!

Hydration is very important! I see you've got the clevers. I'm impressed. I'd be even more impressed if you brought me chocolate. Bitches love chocolate. :D
Ha! Ok, let's put it simply - you have full access and permission to do what you like as long as it's not illegal. And even then, it depends on what it is, and so we just need to have a quick tete-a-tete first.

And on that note, uhm, I'm about to go out for the day. Damn, I really didn't think this day-pass thing through properly, did I? Sigh. Never mind, I'm sure there'll be another freebie in the offing soon. :p

Hydration is very important! I see you've got the clevers. I'm impressed. I'd be even more impressed if you brought me chocolate. Bitches love chocolate. :D

Dove or Ghirardelli?
Ha! Always better to be than what you thought, than thinking you're all that and having your bubble burst :D

Oh, we really do need a catch up lol. You've missed a lot of stuff, though likely none that you'd be surprised about. You know the Sept deadline? Yeah, not looking likely atm. :rolleyes:

I know, right? Once one postie knows my weak spot, then it could turn into a free-for-all! :eek:

I recall your weak spot ... mmmm xx

Sounds a tad more troubled than perhaps you would have hoped for, stay sane, you know you have my bestest wishes 😘🚴*♀️

Just dropping by quickly before I jump in the bath. If anyone wants a signed photo, they're a fiver each or three for fifteen...

Gots to keep the advertising up, right? :D

I hope everyone is having a great day so far!

Just dropping by quickly before I jump in the bath. If anyone wants a signed photo, they're a fiver each or three for fifteen...

Gots to keep the advertising up, right? :D

I hope everyone is having a great day so far!

I hope you're using waterproof markers to sign them!
Good afternoon, perverts!

That's it. I'm drained of conversation. I need to do something interesting just to have a conversation starter. I feel like such a loser. Sigh.

I can't even just post something from Pinterest atm because I can't remember my log in details (on old computer). Damn this swish but not-that-clever laptop. :rolleyes:
I found out today that the Olympics used to have a race called "Old Ladies Racing for a Pound of Tea."

Interesting enough?