TSCLT 4.0: Bitchy Malevolent Baby Ducks

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Heh, if it isn't one damned thing, it's another.

It reminds me of the time that Dad borrowed my car and brought it home with a basketball-sized dent in the left front fender. It was returned with no apologies or offers of repair.

Packing today will be easy. Part of it just gets carried back to the car.

In the cold, of course. Praise Allah for good heaters. And get this girl some coffee, FFS!!!

Morning all, I did make it out to breakfast this morning but I settled on steak ans eggs instead of waffles. When I walked in at 5:00 Am I noticed four deputies strategizing at a table across the room. They'll be surprised when they ask for their check. I do this anonymously from time to time, makes me feel good. They have a tough job. Now what to do for dinner. I'm thinking dirty rice or something to do with shrimp.:)
I made a big batch of chili yesterday and was wondering what I could do with all that chili without getting tired of it and wallah, you come up with an answer.

I like "wallah." That makes a lot more sense than "voila" but it's not as funny as all those people who spell it "viola."
People who use viola should have stuck with ta-dah!
As an added bonus, when Wat is digressing and comes across another one of those minor miracles he encounters daily, he could "wallah Allah" to add even more zing to his commentary in this thread.
I like "wallah." That makes a lot more sense than "voila" but it's not as funny as all those people who spell it "viola."
People who use viola should have stuck with ta-dah!
As an added bonus, when Wat is digressing and comes across another one of those minor miracles he encounters daily, he could "wallah Allah" to add even more zing to his commentary in this thread.

Well, wallah Allah it is then!!! Well put.

I will try (to remember) to add it to my lexicon.

Okay, time to saddle up and get the fuck outta Dodge. I'm fucking about too long this morning. It's always better to make this trek with the sun up.

No sign of the little black cat. I'll look for a minute before I split, but he's probably back at his house, I reckon.

Made it to hill country without incident. There was a bit of snow making the grass white along the way, but none on the road and what was in the fields likely never amounted to much.

Kinda like most Litsters - maybe kinda pretty at a glance but without much substance in the final analysis.

Oh well, Life is fraught with disappointments.

And your best odds at the casino are at the blackjack table, so always sit at third base.

You have more of a commute than I realized.

I used to have a 400 mile round trip twice a month.
Four hundred forty miles one way on Sunday and another on Friday night.

Spending some quiet time with the cat rocks. So is a long Saturday afternoon nap.

I thought I was gonna get in a bike ride this weekend, but cold and rain kept it from happening.

One stop, three minutes. Otherwise, pound the Allah-damned concrete/asphalt.

Happy Monday!!!

Looks like mid-30s today and below freezing overnight, with snow tomorrow.

I've wondered about snow here. This place is so hilly that I bet it's a royal mess when it does.

I reckon that I'll find out.

Stayed home from work, yesterdays little-upset stomach turned into something uglier and I'm hoping it passes quickly and doesn't spread.
Yeah, I hope so/not, too.

I'll be going in, as usual.

We have the PM back in town this week, and he isn't going to be pleased that Building 15 is not 100%. Meh, we got next to no help from the supposed woodbutchers. And it all got shoved to the last minute - I hate that shit.

Weasels will keep on weaselin' . . . .

Hope you feel better soon.

Thank-you, this is mostly precautionary. Area hospitals have stopped visitors because of influenza A and B outbreaks so a little extra rest will go a long way.

Still not off work, just propped up with a laptop lol
Too much ice and snow for the Cougar. There's not a thing in the world that I need badly enough to risk so much as a single dent to my pride and joy.
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