I.M. Fauve Gallery

Must admit, that was my initial reaction, kept thinking about that thing that was injected into Neo in the beginning of The Matrix. But when I came back to the thread later and re-read the description I thought . . . this just might be a good thing:eek:

Just close your eyes, relax, enjoy and let it do what it does.

An acquired taste.:D

Not sure how many could (if real) get past their revulsion.

I know I have imagined and drawn many things which would probably be best left to the fantasy world!
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Nicely wacky, but your tortoise needs roller skates.
You perv –
I hate you

Not so many un-posted drawings now. A few here and there.

I suppose I'll have to create new ones :rolleyes:

Anyone interested in actually seeing something new?
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Not so many un-posted drawings now. A few here and there.

I suppose I'll have to create new ones :rolleyes:

Anyone interested in actually seeing something new?

I've always enjoyed your work (old and new) and whenever I'm on-line I drop by to see what you're up to.
Wood Nymph

I thought this one was up...:confused: well it has been, at some point.

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Lord of the rings books

I would love to be the Ent behind the wood nympf.
Hhahahahhaha! I Just imagined the Wood Nymph going all Princess Leia and saying, "You're awfully short for an ent!"
MINI VACATION in just a FEW!!!!:D

Driving that woman to the airport, so she can fly to visit the eldest until Wednesday!

I work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday...but AAAHHHH...

no pressure.
Well make sure you take care of yourself, the fantasies your drawings create in my mind are irreplaceable 💕💕
Well make sure you take care of yourself, the fantasies your drawings create in my mind are irreplaceable 💕💕


Thank you.

I doubt that I will eat THAT much junk food.

In fact, I tend to eat less when that woman is not around.
well, so much for sleeping in.:rolleyes:

the fur blob decided that I need to get up.
and NOW she is sound asleep.

Ok, laundry switched to dryer.√
Take a shower. get dressed. have some cereal. go get a Big Gulp coffee and additives and attack the basement or garage... kinda chilly, maybe the basement.
maybe go see DeadPool...?
bought more laundry soap on coffee trip...took fur-bag with me for A RIDE IN THE CAR!!!
Started the epoxy repair on kitch sink chips (and all day process!.. stir for a minute..let set for an hour... apply 1st coat ... put extra epoxy in freezer...wait 2 hours... apply 2nd coat....)

attacked basement... some boxes into crawl spaces. books on shelves. clear space for monitor and keyboard in basement studio... grrrrrrrrrrr... Apple studio display has proprietary connector...tower is a "newer" G5 power mac... FOILED (again)...will get $100 monitor so I can actually use the thing. I need it running on older OS, so I can use my outdated WEB software...until I learn the new stuff.:rolleyes:

So...... check on epoxy runs, and head to Best Buy...then back at it.

rented AntMan via RedBox for some mindless entertainment later. Still might do the Deadpool thing...

I am sure everyone is fascinated:rolleyes:
A bit more organized in the basement.:rolleyes:

Antman was alright,

luckily I had wired ethernet some years ago, cuz no airport card in the tower,
The Tower is up and running with old OS, as planned..and Old Adobe CS.
Even did a minor web-site update as a test.

Sink chips epoxied... maybe wet sand a bit smoother in a day.

Work tomorrow... perhaps build the Library ladder... in between.
My schedule has been off for the past few weeks... and I ended up going in an hour early this morning!:rolleyes:

Got a coffee and came home to kill 45 minutes.
not posted...?
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found another one that is not currently posted...?

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still others not posted...(I have quite a, unkempt, library of images):rolleyes:

This has been a long running source of amusement —
That aliens (and robots), in science fiction, have often "gone for" Earth women. Waz up with that?:eek:

I'm not gonna psychoanalyze the phenomenon, just gonna run with it!:D

"Traditional" heh heh:
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and more "probable":
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There even was that movie: "Earth Girls Are Easy"...
but would that make them "attractive"? OF COURSE! ahahhahahAA!
or.. physically compatible...? WHO CARES!? weeeeeeee!
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Masked Dance
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A rare instance of using a photo for reference. Just the woman, who was at an actual masked ball that I attended.
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