The Mud Slingin' thread

Sammael Bard

Suit Up
Oct 19, 2013
It has been more than a month since I've joined this forum and even longer since I've joined Lit.

I have a lot to say against some people who think that they can bully other authors and users. These people drive away some authors with dangerous potential to write a story. I have seen rigging of votes(you know who), manipulation of the most favorited list(the same user) and some really nasty politics going on out here.

This thread is for the users to have a say against such malpractices and jackassery. Have your say!


Free speech is the motto :D

I'll go first :devil:

About 2 weeks ago, I saw a post written by a Dirty Old Man, telling the users that Literotica's #1 author had rigged the Most favorited author's list, created fake accounts, hosted fake contests and a lot more. This was backed by Bad Doggie and a few other users too.

This user decided to investigate the matter by his own.

I took a look at the favoriting scam first.

For a mediocre incest story - "Ohhh...Mommy," I groaned - Lit's #1 author seems to have a lot of favorites (1228 as I write this) and a lot of views (5541467).

Now, there is no fucking way (that I know of) to check which people have favorited a particular author.

But there is a fucking way to check who has favorited your story, although only the first two names will appear. So, I clicked on this User's name and my....

What a revelation!

His account was created on July 2, 2014. I checked his favorited stories and imagine my surprise! (You can see for yourself by clicking HERE )

If this URL fails to work somehow, let me tell you that this user has only one favorite in his list and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess what it is.

One can only imagine how many such fake users exist on this website, created by a single dumbass to serve his own selfish purpose, who is absolutely terrified of the reality.

This is just a small offence in the list of the other bigger offences that he has on his name. Free sites such as Lit becomes plain unbearable due to the presence of such obnoxious entities.

Why hasn't the user been banned remains a mystery...
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There is a way to see the user names of everyone who favorited a story.

Go to the final page, where you can find the two linked names. Use your browser menu to "view source" on the page.

Scroll down in the resulting source code, and you'll find the block where every user who has added the story as a favorite is listed.

If you want to look at the profiles, you'll have to go through the laborious process of plugging each name into Lit's member search, though.
It has been more than a month since I've joined this forum and even longer since I've joined Lit.

I have a lot to say against some people who think that they can bully other authors and users, just because they've been on this site for a longer time. Trolls of the highest qualities can be found exclusively on Lit (T&C Apply)

I have seen rigging of votes(you know who), manipulation of the most favorited list(the same user) and some really nasty politics going on out here.

This thread is for the users to have a say against such malpractices and jackassery. Have your say!


Free speech is the motto :D

I'll go first :devil:

About 2 weeks ago, I saw a post written by a Dirty Old Man, telling the users that Literotica's #1 author had rigged the Most favorited author's list, created fake accounts, hosted fake contests and a lot more. This was backed by Bad Doggie and a few other users too.

This user decided to investigate the matter by his own.

I took a look at the favoriting scam first.

For a mediocre incest story - "Ohhh...Mommy," I groaned - Lit's #1 author seems to have a lot of favorites (1228 as I write this) and a lot of views (5541467).

Now, there is no fucking way (that I know of) to check which people have favorited a particular author.

But there is a fucking way to check who has favorited your story, although only the first two names will appear. So, I clicked on this User's name and my....

What a revelation!

His account was created on July 2, 2014. I checked his favorited stories and imagine my surprise! (You can see for yourself by clicking HERE )

If this URL fails to work somehow, let me tell you that this user has only one favorite in his list and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess what it is.

One can only imagine how many such fake users exist on this website, created by a single dumbass to serve his own selfish purpose, who is absolutely terrified of the reality.

This is just a small offence in the list of the other bigger offences that he has on his name. Free sites such as Lit becomes plain unbearable due to the presence of such obnoxious entities.

Why hasn't the user been banned remains a mystery...

Yeah, that's just plain crazy and desperate and -- what does it matter anyway? What matters is how you're doing, the feedback you get, the people who favorite your stories and you as an author. Sure, you could say it's a competition, but really, in the scheme of things, it doesn't matter. People either like your shit, or they don't.

To have any real effect, do you know how many Lit accounts and email accounts that user would need to create? If s/he's that crazy . . . Well, writing speaks for itself. So even if the guy is batshit, if his writing is crap, it's crap.

What are the bigger offences?
What I never get with people like this is at the end of the day YOU know you are a cheat. I guess that does not bother some people.

This is a free site, we are not paid for favs or views or top lists.

I guess in a way those things are our payment for being here, but its not a competition.

This is the trait of a sad individual
What I never get with people like this is at the end of the day YOU know you are a cheat. I guess that does not bother some people.

This is a free site, we are not paid for favs or views or top lists.

I guess in a way those things are our payment for being here, but its not a competition.

This is the trait of a sad individual

... or highly competitive.

I find that level of commitment admirable. Provided of course that the individual goes after everything in life with as much (if not more) zeal, otherwise, it really is very pathetic.
... or highly competitive.

I find that level of commitment admirable. Provided of course that the individual goes after everything in life with as much (if not more) zeal, otherwise, it really is very pathetic.

I'm highly competitive, but there is no thrill in a win or accomplishment if I did not earn it.

Fact is if those thousands of hours it has taken to create hundreds of alts and e-mails and names and all the fake comments he leaves himself was put into actual writing maybe he would be where he wants to be on hard work and merit rather than being a cheat.

So I understand your remark on the sheer 'drive" it takes to keep that crap up, but my opinion is still.....

Interesting thread. I always wondered how one could see all the names of those who faved a story. :)
There is a way to see the user names of everyone who favorited a story.

Go to the final page, where you can find the two linked names. Use your browser menu to "view source" on the page.

Scroll down in the resulting source code, and you'll find the block where every user who has added the story as a favorite is listed.

If you want to look at the profiles, you'll have to go through the laborious process of plugging each name into Lit's member search, though.

That's interesting.

But I really wanted to find the names of the users who favorited Literotica's self-proclaimed #1 author.
That's interesting.

But I really wanted to find the names of the users who favorited Literotica's self-proclaimed #1 author.

The ones that I see are the ones that have me and other incest authors favorited as well so those are most likely legit.

The ones that have only him or maybe one or two "CYA" authors are the frauds.

of course someone here claims that no incest author should be on the top lists because scouries pads all their stats, every single one of them.:rolleyes:

Fact is incest is the biggest draw here so it only makes sense authors with a lot of stories in that category would move up that list quickly. Keep in mind the most favorited list is really no indication of actual talent in some cases, just popularity or can be a result of longevity or being very prolific

So as much as I am sure scouries pumps his stats and causes other issues here. The "scouries is responsible for everything that goes on here club" is not one I subscribe to.
The ones that I see are the ones that have me and other incest authors favorited as well so those are most likely legit.

The ones that have only him or maybe one or two "CYA" authors are the frauds.

of course someone here claims that no incest author should be on the top lists because scouries pads all their stats, every single one of them.:rolleyes:

Fact is incest is the biggest draw here so it only makes sense authors with a lot of stories in that category would move up that list quickly. Keep in mind the most favorited list is really no indication of actual talent in some cases, just popularity or can be a result of longevity or being very prolific

So as much as I am sure scouries pumps his stats and causes other issues here. The "scouries is responsible for everything that goes on here club" is not one I subscribe to.

Nah! I can't really blame all the top authors here, can I? That would be extremely stupid and jealous of me.

Yeah, I agree that the most favorited list isn't an indication of talent but sometimes it is unfair to any new submission that gets piled below because of crowd mentality of 'Follow the herd'.

I don't know but I have my own confusions regarding this.

Okay, I've seen one of scouries other alts and he had favorited scouries' story (of course) and a few other authors who are in his apparent good graces. Isn't that a fucking partiality and, not to mention, cheating towards the other authors out here?

I've probably earned that dick's wrath just by posting this thread and I don't have an iota of remorse.

I post my stories under a different alt, which remains untainted by this account's shenanigans on the forum. I don't want my stories bombed by some anonymous dickhead with the personality of a tofu.

Nah! I can't really blame all the top authors here, can I? That would be extremely stupid and jealous of me.

Yeah, I agree that the most favorited list isn't an indication of talent but sometimes it is unfair to any new submission that gets piled below because of crowd mentality of 'Follow the herd'.

I don't know but I have my own confusions regarding this.

Okay, I've seen one of scouries other alts and he had favorited scouries' story (of course) and a few other authors who are in his apparent good graces. Isn't that a fucking partiality and, not to mention, cheating towards the other authors out here?

I've probably earned that dick's wrath just by posting this thread and I don't have an iota of remorse.

I post my stories under a different alt, which remains untainted by this account's shenanigans on the forum. I don't want my stories bombed by some anonymous dickhead with the personality of a tofu.


The only wrath you will get from him is a stupid nick name and some grade school insults-I am "lovergirl" after all:rolleyes:

Anytime you leave anything in the hands of anonymous masses the system is doomed to be flawed.

Pilot says it best when he compares some things on lit to "american idol"

I've been here awhile and made a name for myself. I like to think some of my "status" here is earned through hard work and decent stories.

But I am well aware of the lemming mentality here and am convinced that unless I went out of my way to write an absolute turd, I will get a good numbers because my fans will vote 5 based on past stories they have liked.

That is why I enjoy seeing what I get on a first effort into a new category. Yes, some of my readers might follow me there, but its many new ones voting.

Ironically although I am considered an "incest" author my three W's are 2 in group and one in First time and my most successful story here numbers and score wise is in mature.

I take that more seriously than where I am on favs lists.
Who does this ALT belong to? the dumb one?, dark boy?, our favorite pilot? or the weird gay guy from Minnesota? There always seems to be a proliferation of these creatures once the summer starts...:rolleyes:

The boss of course has no time to address these losers but I thought it would be instructive for you all to at least have some accurate numbers to discuss. The following two columns show mr james r scouries sales and vote totals for the stories he still has up on the site.

Some 212,000 votes are included and when you add in vote totals for stories he has taken down off the site we come to a figure of over 230,000 votes cast by the wonderful readers of this site.

Which we appreciate greatly.

At present we are doing a sounding of our readers asking them if we should remove further stories - specifically those that haven't yet received 1000 votes. Perhaps the readers of this thread can give us their opinions - should all LITEROTICA stories that haven't received 1000 votes after a year or so be removed from the site? Would it be a good idea to declutter the site by removing stories that can't achieve this goal? Let us know...

And of course the royalties that have poured from our continuing high sales have helped ScouriesWorld become quite wealthy and has allowed us to support causes such as the Association of Independent Readers.

I'd also like to let you all know that jim is almost fully recovered and after over a year without submitting a new story there is a very good chance that the second half of 2014 will be a very good time for his fans.


3743698 - 46898
5534112 - 28618
794156 - 4799
316639 - 2398
142066 - 952
456210 - 5457
166726 - 1437
131570 - 2069
395440 - 2607
136731 - 1643
101982 - 1294
192983 - 3109
310044 - 2102
271572 - 2809
190806 - 2791
154977 - 1678
252154 - 1537
88991 - 905
366679 - 2979
196280 - 1513
120962 - 737
188754 - 1774
261200 - 2067
245099 - 1434
179944 - 1482
186705 - 1530
368873 - 3126
415365 - 2064
257534 - 1473
124603 - 676
193887 - 1648
629849 - 1882
163926 - 1284
250721 - 2186
185456 - 1538
221550 - 2701
74809 - 1495
189582 - 973
161239 - 776
105468 - 659
113080 - 682
256137 - 2544
118361 - 2839
111982 - 805
150401 - 1407
47646 - 1375
281048 - 1955
218622 - 1455
51837 - 598
353855 - 2435
567184 - 2666
156449 - 1461
446454 - 1921
330546 - 2995
125796 - 2385
243956 - 1099
204481 - 843
174380 - 1370
57196 - 965
469116 - 1433
177816 - 1224
72901 - 1055
356254 - 1614
324567 - 1392
217786 - 1622
223465 - 1941
171716 - 2997
258088 - 791
146728 - 1150
573532 - 8432
335876 - 5290
193415 - 1745
Great. The guy above me has been quiet for so long. We all ignored him. We paid no attention when he came on here doing his stupid stuff.

There was even a long period of time when he didn't post at all and we whispered maybe *** (we didn't want to say the name even) had gone.

Now here he is. He must be wetting his knickers with excitement at all the attention he's getting. He has bumped his stupid lying thread up, and posted a whole new thread and he can even come in here and put comments.

Whoo-hoo. Round one to ***.
Its no coincidence that the stories that do not garner a lot of votes are all in the categories Jimmy boy doesn't like:rolleyes:
Who does this ALT belong to? the dumb one?, dark boy?, our favorite pilot? or the weird gay guy from Minnesota? There always seems to be a proliferation of these creatures once the summer starts...:rolleyes:

The boss of course has no time to address these losers but I thought it would be instructive for you all to at least have some accurate numbers to discuss. The following two columns show mr james r scouries sales and vote totals for the stories he still has up on the site.

Some 212,000 votes are included and when you add in vote totals for stories he has taken down off the site we come to a figure of over 230,000 votes cast by the wonderful readers of this site.

Which we appreciate greatly.

At present we are doing a sounding of our readers asking them if we should remove further stories - specifically those that haven't yet received 1000 votes. Perhaps the readers of this thread can give us their opinions - should all LITEROTICA stories that haven't received 1000 votes after a year or so be removed from the site? Would it be a good idea to declutter the site by removing stories that can't achieve this goal? Let us know...

And of course the royalties that have poured from our continuing high sales have helped ScouriesWorld become quite wealthy and has allowed us to support causes such as the Association of Independent Readers.

I'd also like to let you all know that jim is almost fully recovered and after over a year without submitting a new story there is a very good chance that the second half of 2014 will be a very good time for his fans.

And the fibber has spoken.

Oh Self-proclaimed police of Lit,

I don't see the site mentioning your pathetic name anywhere as a moderator for even cleaning the shit off this site.

You're not even worth that.

As for stories receiving less than a 1000 votes being removed from this site, I can easily show you stories with < 200 votes that are far better than your stories which are rigged with 2000 votes.

Go and get a life. You are such a pathetic loser who sits on his screen and goes through this website every second to see if his name has popped up somewhere.

Apart from rigging and creating your own alts, do you have the time to do anything else apart from masturbating on people's comments?
Great. The guy above me has been quiet for so long. We all ignored him. We paid no attention when he came on here doing his stupid stuff.

There was even a long period of time when he didn't post at all and we whispered maybe *** (we didn't want to say the name even) had gone.

Now here he is. He must be wetting his knickers with excitement at all the attention he's getting. He has bumped his stupid lying thread up, and posted a whole new thread and he can even come in here and put comments.

Whoo-hoo. Round one to ***.

And yet you commented and bumped *** thread:rolleyes:
Every time I see people scrambling over themselves (not that too many people here actually do this, but some do) to jump onto a bandwagon, I personally stop giving out any discoveries I myself happen to make in the normal course of participating.

And this is very unfortunate - I'm sure others also clam up for the same reasons.

In this case I'm going to 'roughly' outline something that will suggest a few different things than what appears to be the accepted case.

I don't believe incest IS the most popular story subject matter.

Yes it may be when you look at the core numbers of the categories listed. But, you will find that it isn't what is searched for by readers, or what they immediately are drawn to when offered all the choices.

The worst part about making these kinds of revelations is that five seconds after you say them a lot of people all start to do 'those' stories. Which is to be expected, I guess.

So. Here it is, roughly: it has something to do with the racial/ethnic side of things.
...He has bumped his stupid lying thread up, and posted a whole new thread and he can even come in here and put comments.


He-whose-name-I-refuse-to-use is the only name on my iggy list. It's not that I despise his comments, I hate having giant gifs of cocks and gaudy, bold text filling my screen. Like most inadequate men, he over compensates with size and noise because he can't make an intellectual point. The ignore means I don't know the content of his post above (thankfully) but also I do not even see whole threads he starts. I don't care to know the topic of his newest thread so I can save the effort of even an eye-roll.
Early on, there may have actually been some vague if problematic point to creating a false image about numbers. At the moment though it is very counter-productive to the content of what people volunteer about responses to their stories.

I believe there are smart guys in Bangalore and Beijing and Ankara and Moscow who can tell you exact numbers of site viewers all the time from outside the administrative system...

And I know what those numbers are.

This JS guy is not reliably informed, put it that way.
Is this the douchebag(s) 1 bombing any hot trending New Stories as a rule?
I f-ing hate that. It's the equivalent of hovering near a starting line and sticking your leg out to trip as many as you can. He/she was at it this morning around 4 a.m. Such a sleazy cheap cowardly thing to do.
Every time I see people scrambling over themselves (not that too many people here actually do this, but some do) to jump onto a bandwagon, I personally stop giving out any discoveries I myself happen to make in the normal course of participating.

And this is very unfortunate - I'm sure others also clam up for the same reasons.

In this case I'm going to 'roughly' outline something that will suggest a few different things than what appears to be the accepted case.

I don't believe incest IS the most popular story subject matter.

Yes it may be when you look at the core numbers of the categories listed. But, you will find that it isn't what is searched for by readers, or what they immediately are drawn to when offered all the choices.

The worst part about making these kinds of revelations is that five seconds after you say them a lot of people all start to do 'those' stories. Which is to be expected, I guess.

So. Here it is, roughly: it has something to do with the racial/ethnic side of things.

Numbers-which is what drives most things here- will bare out incest is the category with the highest views and votes. I think LW is the second and most likely number one in comments because of all the arguing amongst the trolls.

When you say readers, you going by registered users or anon? because Incest has a huge anon readership because they don;t even want their lit handle associated with the material.

On your comment about ethic/race....I am a little confused are you saying that the readers ethnicity has something to do with what is popular here?