The Official Author's Hangout 2014 Earth Day Contest Support Thread


Literotica Guru
Mar 26, 2009
As the snow comes to slam us here on the East Coast, let us turn our attention to (hopefully) warmer times, where we might see grass instead of snow, and we can go outdoors without risking frostbite. Yes, it is time to get ready and start writing stories for Literotica's Earth Day Contest.

The particulars:
Earth Day (April 22)
themes: nature appreciation, outdoors, etc.
starts: March 28
closes: April 13
winners announced: April 20

I'm starting the thread a bit early, but I think we can all use thoughts of warm weather at this point. Well, most of us anyway.

Good luck everyone!



Who will be the 24th winner of this prestigious award and join the 23 brilliant Literoticans already members of this exclusive club?

Yes, as is the case with all themed contests that a.i.r. Sponsors, a MANU award winner will be named at the end of this contest.

Feel free to nominate your choice...


the [size=+2]:D MANU :D[/size] award

[size=+2]the MANU

Colleen Thomas
DG Hear

Just Plain Bob
Many Feathers




Yes the readers have gotten tired of the EARTH DAY Contest and have let the Board of Directors know it! And we’ve listened to the readers. And have acted.

EARTH DAY is AGAIN out this year at A.I.R. No more of the old same old, same old stories foisted on our reading public by the db’s of our little world.





a.i.r. supports the stars of this site...

APRIL: The traditional etymology is from the Latin aperire, "to open," in allusion to its being the season when trees and flowers and virgins begin to "open".

Yes, A.I.R. is sponsoring the second SEXY APRIL contest in its history. Here are just a few of the possible April themes you can incorporate into your story:

April Fools Day… (for our AHers?)
Passover… (for our Jews and Sci-Fi writers)
Buddha’s Birthday or Thai, Burmese, or Khmer New Year… (for our short authors)
Good Friday and/or Easter… (for our Christians)
Tax Day… (for the TEA Party members among us)
Boston Marathon… (for you know who!)
Chocolate bunnies… (for the Interracial gang?)
ANZAC Day… (for those Down Under)
Opening Day in Baseball… (for writers with big bats?)
Avril Lavigne… (for everybody else?)

So yes our two contests will continue to run concurrently but they will have different themes. One of the big challenges now facing all contributors will to write a story that fits both LITEROTICA’S and A.I.R.’S themes.

Are you man enough to do it?

More details will soon be available on the a.i.r. Contest thread...
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For any newbies, the above award and the above contest are both fake.

That is all. Except you might want to put the poster of those two items on ignore. It makes the contest threads a much better experience.

Thank you.
As the snow comes to slam us here on the East Coast, let us turn our attention to (hopefully) warmer times, where we might see grass instead of snow, and we can go outdoors without risking frostbite. Yes, it is time to get ready and start writing stories for Literotica's Earth Day Contest.

The particulars:
Earth Day (April 22)
themes: nature appreciation, outdoors, etc.
starts: March 28
closes: April 13
winners announced: April 20

I'm starting the thread a bit early, but I think we can all use thoughts of warm weather at this point. Well, most of us anyway.

Good luck everyone!

I've seen the contest rules state that entries are not allowed to be chapters of other stories. But are we allowed to use characters from a previous stand-alone story in a 'sequel' (with a new title, setting and Earth-day themed stand-alone story) as our entry?
I've seen the contest rules state that entries are not allowed to be chapters of other stories. But are we allowed to use characters from a previous stand-alone story in a 'sequel' (with a new title, setting and Earth-day themed stand-alone story) as our entry?

Same characters should be fine as long as it's truly a standalone and doesn't lean heavily on the plotline or action in a previous or later work (which would mean it's really a chapter pretending not to be). Same characters, completely new story, not relying on the earlier (or later) story for background information should be just fine. (Truth be told you can probably get it into the contest just not by calling it a chapter of anything.)
I've seen the contest rules state that entries are not allowed to be chapters of other stories. But are we allowed to use characters from a previous stand-alone story in a 'sequel' (with a new title, setting and Earth-day themed stand-alone story) as our entry?

I think that would be fine, and has been done by other authors, so long as the story is self-contained.
Got one slowly being worked on, for some reason I always like this as one of my fav contests to write for. Maybe it's those warm thoughts of Spring. Chickens have been laying this week so Spring must be coming!
Thanks for the input re: the possible sequel, not sure if I plan on heading down that path, just wanted to know if it was even an option before I started.

I also thought I had this incredibly original idea of writing a story about a dryad for Earth Day, and then did a search and discovered a slew of previous Earth Day contest winners were all dryad stories. Back to the drawing (thinking?) board.
Jeez PL you're relentless!

The V-day winners are still basking in their glory!

I've never entered Earth Day because it is IMO just kind of lame.

But I'll enter this one because I'm giving survivor a shot this year.

I have a bunny, but won't start it until after I wrap up a couple of other things.
Hmmm. I didn't think I'd think of a storyline for this year, but my muse apparently thought otherwise.
Had to actually look up "Earth Day". :eek: (Which is hilarious since I've been swept up in the environmentalist movement several times since 1970. Particularly by one individual who, as far as I know, still works for Greenpeace.)

But, did that just after V-Day closed for entrants and started working on a story. And was looking forward to the thread for it. Thanks muchly PennLady for starting it early. :rose:

Say... does anyone know if condoms are bio-degradable? :D
Had to actually look up "Earth Day". :eek: (Which is hilarious since I've been swept up in the environmentalist movement several times since 1970. Particularly by one individual who, as far as I know, still works for Greenpeace.)

But, did that just after V-Day closed for entrants and started working on a story. And was looking forward to the thread for it. Thanks muchly PennLady for starting it early. :rose:

Say... does anyone know if condoms are bio-degradable? :D

Lambskin condoms are biodegradable as it turns out.
Thank you! Oh, the fun I could have with that if I wasn't already hip deep in the one I already started. I may just have to put this one on the shelf and go back to the humor category for ED.

Er... Wait. The initials of Earth Day aren't as much fun as the ones for VD. :eek:
Thank you! Oh, the fun I could have with that if I wasn't already hip deep in the one I already started. I may just have to put this one on the shelf and go back to the humor category for ED.

Er... Wait. The initials of Earth Day aren't as much fun as the ones for VD. :eek:

Love craft told me I was not allowed to call it ED. :D
Love craft told me I was not allowed to call it ED. :D

That's the only good thing about Football being over no more fucking ED commercials every five minutes.

"This is the age of getting things done"

Apparently its not, that's why you need the pills!:rolleyes:
I've seen the contest rules state that entries are not allowed to be chapters of other stories. But are we allowed to use characters from a previous stand-alone story in a 'sequel' (with a new title, setting and Earth-day themed stand-alone story) as our entry?

if you hadn't asked, you might have gotten away with it ;)

...but i reckon you'd be safe enough with the idea.
That's the only good thing about Football being over no more fucking ED commercials every five minutes.

"This is the age of getting things done"

Apparently its not, that's why you need the pills!:rolleyes:

How do you feel about Low T?
How do you feel about Low T?

Is that like High Tea except After Dark?

Will there be Celestial Seasons?

Sleepytime Decaf Lemon Jasmine Green Tea. A little stevia. And Euph is now comatose.

Draw on him with a sharpie. You bastards all know you want to. :devil:
My story really started building on the framework today while I was musing on it at work. Maybe I'll finally have it ready for Earth Day this year after two years of epic fail :)