I love older men

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Good evening JUSTINE. I'm a touch chilly. Tried to sit outside, but the nights are just too cool as yet. Oh, I could put my jacket and slippers on, but that rather defeats the point.

BrettJ in Canada
Good evening JUSTINE. I'm a touch chilly. Tried to sit outside, but the nights are just too cool as yet. Oh, I could put my jacket and slippers on, but that rather defeats the point.

BrettJ in Canada

Wow, I am having pizza for dinner
Lucky you - I had a TV dinner, although I thoroughly enjoyed it (it was good quality and turkey, with no yechhy green beans and corn instead)

BrettJ in Canada
Having grown up in Florida and along the Gulf coast, I frequently saw 'cuda, sharks and morays when snorkeling. Still have all my pieces parts - I left them alone and they left me alone. In the islands, they eat 'cuda, but it carries a methyl-ethyl badshit poison (cyguitera (sp?)) and I always avoided it.
Miss the warm water and fantastic seafood, not to mention Mardi Gras in Mobile...may be time for a roadtrip.

Wow, do you miss Miami?
Lucky you - I had a TV dinner, although I thoroughly enjoyed it (it was good quality and turkey, with no yechhy green beans and corn instead)

BrettJ in Canada

I heard. Canada is cleaner is that true?
JUSTINE, I would assume it depends on the city, but yes, I would say that Canada is generally cleaner than many US cities. We've also become less industrialized. Toronto (4 million) is spotless if you compare it to New York. Hamilton, which used to be a "steel town" is dirty, but compared to Detroit, still cleaner. Where I live is a bit run down as much of the industry that drove our local economy got driven out by free trade and the computerization of industry. The next city over is much richer due to RIM and an influx of tech.

Still itchy from bug bites APRIL but thanks for asking. Yourself?

BrettJ in Canada
JUSTINE, I would assume it depends on the city, but yes, I would say that Canada is generally cleaner than many US cities. We've also become less industrialized. Toronto (4 million) is spotless if you compare it to New York. Hamilton, which used to be a "steel town" is dirty, but compared to Detroit, still cleaner. Where I live is a bit run down as much of the industry that drove our local economy got driven out by free trade and the computerization of industry. The next city over is much richer due to RIM and an influx of tech.

Still itchy from bug bites APRIL but thanks for asking. Yourself?

BrettJ in Canada

Things are well thanks :), Ihad the last few days off and its back to work tomorrow... sorry about the bites
Didn't even know I had them until a few days ago and then it was agony APRIL.

Working at home, I only get days off if I take them (and I do)

BrettJ in Canada
JUSTINE, I would assume it depends on the city, but yes, I would say that Canada is generally cleaner than many US cities. We've also become less industrialized. Toronto (4 million) is spotless if you compare it to New York. Hamilton, which used to be a "steel town" is dirty, but compared to Detroit, still cleaner. Where I live is a bit run down as much of the industry that drove our local economy got driven out by free trade and the computerization of industry. The next city over is much richer due to RIM and an influx of tech.

Still itchy from bug bites APRIL but thanks for asking. Yourself?

BrettJ in Canada

OK, I am from New Jersey, but I live in Miami
APRIL, I take too many days off and I don't get paid. Today was my last one for a while.

JUSTINE, I am originally from Toronto but now live elsewhere.

BrettJ in Canada
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