BBW Love

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My SO is always talking about losing weight, and I always think "please don't".
I tell her that I like her just how she is (or maybe even a little heavier... I don't tell her that!), and she always replies that that's just 'something people say'. Sigh.

I'll just have to keep the freezer stocked with her favorite ice cream. :cool:
Too funny....I'm pretty sure my hubby does this too, although not sure if it's a conscious effort. There's always ice cream or sweets in the house that I Know I didn't buy, and he is not a sweet tooth.
I'm not attracted to "feeders" and I find the fetish a bit disturbing. I'm not saying that is what you are doing, btw. ;) I wouldn't mind having my own personal stock of chocolate peanut butter swirl ice cream, myself :D

I've seen websites where the girls start out as relatively thin and then have their pictures posted over time where they have been fed, and fed, and fed until they have blown up to very large, unhealthy weights simply for the amusement/arousal of their partners. It's one thing to be overweight from somewhat unconscious habits or genetics, but to set out with a specific goal in mind to "tip the scales" is, well, something I have yet to understand.
I hear what you are saying I was set to buy ice cream last week and changed my mind. I no longer had a craving and my husband immediately asked why I didn't buy it.
He wants to make sure that I know its ok to want ice cream and don't stop enjoying life because of someone else's idea of what I should look like, of what their idea of what beauty is. He doesn't want me to feel guilty for having a craving.
He tells me I am beautiful everyday and I haven't had a shower in years without him standing there waiting for me to exit to catch a glimpse of me in all my
And I don't blame I said I am cute as hell....:D
:kiss: to you.. That's sweet. Well, my spouse is not as attentive. He gets upset we're out and about and I say I'm hungry :eek:
I swear, when he does that I want to order a porterhouse with loaded baked potato, Cesar salad, and a fucking key lime pie just to piss him off.. :rolleyes:
Wow..I cannot imagine not having my own home being my safe haven...a place where you are totally loved and supported. I want to smack your husband for not appreciating tbe beautiful woman we get to see here everday.
You are so nice and respectful to others, you are funny as hell which I personally adore. I would love to have a friend like you in my life..we would get along like a house on fire girl.
That is great...I had steak tonight....woohoo feeling the love for RA
you guys are awesome....:kiss:
:kiss: to you.. That's sweet. Well, my spouse is not as attentive. He gets upset we're out and about and I say I'm hungry :eek:
I swear, when he does that I want to order a porterhouse with loaded baked potato, Cesar salad, and a fucking key lime pie just to piss him off.. :rolleyes:

You can always tell him to fend for himself for the next month and refuse to cook. If that doesn't work for you, I have a cousin that can hide a body all he asks for is a twelve pack and a can of copenhagan. :D
You can always tell him to fend for himself for the next month and refuse to cook. If that doesn't work for you, I have a cousin that can hide a body all he asks for is a twelve pack and a can of copenhagan. :D
Have you ever tried cooking in an apron and nothing else?
I tend to drop a lot of things...heehee
I think I could whip up a batch for you sexy.
I get to lick the spoon and anything else long and hard in my kitchen
Oh my ..fanning myself with my apron..oops did I just lift that up?
I think you can lick my bowl any day of the week
y'all are funny... :D

Thanks for the loving backup, btw. I appreciate it..very thoughtful of all of you.

I'm going to so my ever-loving best to write some tonight..if i can get the kids asleep..
Wow..I cannot imagine not having my own home being my safe haven...a place where you are totally loved and supported. I want to smack your husband for not appreciating tbe beautiful woman we get to see here everday.
You are so nice and respectful to others, you are funny as hell which I personally adore. I would love to have a friend like you in my life..we would get along like a house on fire girl.

I second your assessment! I can't imagine not being supportive of the woman I love!
As a young co-ed BBW, I find it hard to find real men who appreciate bigger women. We have the big tits and ass but, men don't seem to like everything in the middle. It makes me very aroused thinking that there is man, or woman, out there that still appreciates bigger women. Does anyone else share my love or is the BBW love gone?

I am a curvy, reubenesque lady who appreciates the same in a lady. I also find that men who appreciate bbw's are real men. It's all good...
Sexy chunk of chocolate

Sending love and aloha, IThank the men and ladies who find beauty in those of us who are more than a handful. I am a BBW that has found herself smack dead in the middle of
The land of tiny beach beauties (not California....Hawaii!). Iit is nice to be on a site and read how there still exist in the who are not ashamed of liking a different flavor or size It is grow up being thick and curvy...and being compared to litte asain girls (no race hating...but those were the ladies i was.compared to) and some how try to come out of it with some form of self esteeme. Unfortunately it has become a sad change of times when a society appears to be so hell bent on promoting anerexia as a sexy look....that if you are size 18+ you have to go on line just to buy a sexy outfit.
I apologize for the venting but i dearly appreciate the thread.
Just finished two back to back nights of Zumba class and I am definitely feeling how out of shape I am! I don't want to get all skinny, I love having curves, but I could do without some of the rolls :rolleyes:

However, it was nice to be approached by the instructor after class and have her ask me if I've done Zumba before or if I just naturally know how to work my hips.... Ummmm both? :D hehe
She also asked if I was a dancer when I was younger because I have good form ad and good control of my core...dunno what that means but it made me feel good!

It means you know how to move your stomach and pelvis. :D
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