Daddy Fetish

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Good evening all.
FG1, so sorry to here about your misfortunes. Glad you are feeling better and that your daddy helped out. And you already figured out all the great sisters here!
Daddy PA, hope your better soon.

laying with daddy......priceless
Good evening all.
FG1, so sorry to here about your misfortunes. Glad you are feeling better and that your daddy helped out. And you already figured out all the great sisters here!
Daddy PA, hope your better soon.

~skipping to the master bath to start the jacuzzi tub~
Hope you had a good day at work.:)
Why So Many

Why are all off these "fake Daddies" coming out of the woodwork that will PM you to only disrespect us, hurt, and destroy absolutely ANYTHING good us Little Girls have with our real Daddies.

I'm at the point where I feel sick right now.

Why are all off these "fake Daddies" coming out of the woodwork that will PM you to only disrespect us, hurt, and destroy absolutely ANYTHING good us Little Girls have with our real Daddies.

I'm at the point where I feel sick right now.

Very sorry to hear FG. Lots of good daddies, lots of fakes:mad:
I have the most amazingly wonderful Daddy any Baby Girl could ask for, but unfortunately, RL commitments and constraints mean that we're not always able to be at each other's beck and call at all times. It can be difficult, but it just makes the time we can devote to one another all the more special :heart: And have no doubt.....he knows EXACTLY how to coax my orgasms to the surface.....repeatedly ;)

*blushes*.........Yes Little One we do have something very special........Damn....I love you so morning is not right with out waking you and hearing your sleepy sweet voice........and my days not complete until I put you to bed with my voice.....seducing you and sending you off to dreamland with repeated orgasms.....hearing your whimpers and hearing you call my name.......*sigh*..........:heart:

My day just isn't the same if it doesn't start with you...and as for the nights......well you know how much I love to drift off to sleep after a delectable orgasm (which you are so very, very good at providing), but I also love the nights the nights when we just talk about ordinary, family, friends and your unfortunate taste in baseball teams ;) It's the days and nights that we don't get to talk at all that are the most difficult......those days are just no good, luckily they're not the norm. :kiss::heart:
Why are all off these "fake Daddies" coming out of the woodwork that will PM you to only disrespect us, hurt, and destroy absolutely ANYTHING good us Little Girls have with our real Daddies.

I'm at the point where I feel sick right now.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people, both men & women who want & have done that.
Hi sis! Yes, it is a bit better today..thank you :) Sorry to hear about your bad back!

Haven't heard from Keri yet today, so I hope she is getting some much needed rest!!

"Evening Cookie - glad your back is a little better today! And NFL, sorry to hear that you have back problems too."
Good afternoon Daddies and sisters!!!!

Just a quick update: I DID get a call from Daddy last night...for over an hour and he spent that time making me completely special and loved!

I'm surprised how much I'm hurting today still. The pain pills aren't really touching anything, and the antibiotics still haven't kicked in.

So for now, I'm just going to wile away on the computer and think about what an amazing Daddy I have, along with how lucky I am to have this family here!!! :rose::kiss:

"I'm so very, very glad you got your phone call last night - feeling happy and loved is a remarkably healing thing. Hoping by now the antibiotics are starting to help provide a little relief. For a number of reasons fall injuries and such are always worse a day or so after the event - did they say anything about alternating heat and ice (20 minutes on/20 minutes off) to help provide relief to some of the bruises and aches? Did you get your appointment made with your regular doctor today? Be well soon Keri!":rose:
Good afternoon Daddies and sisters!!!!

Just a quick update: I DID get a call from Daddy last night...for over an hour and he spent that time making me completely special and loved!

I'm surprised how much I'm hurting today still. The pain pills aren't really touching anything, and the antibiotics still haven't kicked in.

So for now, I'm just going to wile away on the computer and think about what an amazing Daddy I have, along with how lucky I am to have this family here!!! :rose::kiss:

YAY for Daddy calls!!! They leave you with the most amazing feeling.....I love it when he calls early in the morning or late at night when I'm all cozy in my bed...his voice feels like an extension of the covers all wrapped around me, holding me close and keeping me warm. :heart:

I'm sorry to hear you're still hurting, I do hope the pills kick in soon....hang in there!! :kiss:
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Thanks Peaches, it's something I'm used too. You are so right about falls though. When I fell I didn't think I had hurt anything, nearly 10 years later and lots of medication and I still wake up every morning unable to move properly. It eases as the day goes on thankfully...with a little (lot) help from painkillers. :rolleyes:

Keri I am so pleased you heard from your Daddy.
there is something rather wonderful about it isn't there? When he is in control and I get to be such a dirty little girl with no guilt (because daddy made me do it;) )it makes me cum so hardagain and again. Yes please daddy
Sounds good any great stories here you recommend?
"Good Morning and Happy Tuesday Daddies and Baby Girls. Daddy PA and sisters Keri, NFL and Cookie - feel better soon! COOOOOOOLLLLLLDDD! Here this morning in the midwest:rose:"
Doesn't he just have the best lap ever? :D

(Giggles) "Ummmmm, well, I admit there is ONE other that I'm more partial to but Daddy G does have a nice lap Sis!" (((HUGS)))

YAY for Daddy calls!!! They leave you with the most amazing feeling.....I love it when he calls early in the morning or late at night when I'm all cozy in my bed...his voice feels like an extension of the covers all wrapped around me, holding me close and keeping me warm. :heart:

I'm sorry to hear you're still hurting, I do hope the pills kick in soon....hang in there!! :kiss:

"Absolutely PWMT - those are my most favorite calls too - although I will never complain about the SO's calls ever. I especially love when the schedules permit him to call and wake me in the morning - it's the (second) best way to wake up ever, next to having him there. Past two mornings he's managed to start my day off at least hearing his voice!:heart:"
Thanks Peaches, it's something I'm used too. You are so right about falls though. When I fell I didn't think I had hurt anything, nearly 10 years later and lots of medication and I still wake up every morning unable to move properly. It eases as the day goes on thankfully...with a little (lot) help from painkillers. :rolleyes:

Keri I am so pleased you heard from your Daddy.

"Me too hon' - we make jokes about 'Legends of the Fall' and I measure my life in BF (Before Fall) and AF (After Fall):rolleyes:"
"Me too hon' - we make jokes about 'Legends of the Fall' and I measure my life in BF (Before Fall) and AF (After Fall):rolleyes:"

Yes, me too. The jokes help I co-workers say I've made falling an art form. Clearly they have no taste in art :D
Good morning to Peaches (YES! So, so coldddd! Brrr! My little piggies can't get warm!)

Also great big hugs to PWMT, Nflgirl, FG (Keri), INL, Daddy PA, PWMT's Daddy (Daddy G) of course MY daddy and anyone else that wanders in today. :)

Will you all stop hurting yourselves!? ~passes out the bubble wrap and Aleve~
Good late morning, am feeling better, on the mend caught it early this time. Last time almost lost leg, kidneys!!
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