Return of Puno

love you delecious pics!!

Oh gees I missed one that was very bad of me :caning:

I'm honored by your post from the looks of it you don't post a lot so this is makes it all the more special...

Please don't be a stranger..:rose:
Hope you had a fabulous time :kiss:

I had a fabulous time in Vegas... unfortunately my wife told me to leave the camera at home.. mostly because I too much equipment and we wanted to travel light. I guess I'm going to have to find a good small camera that I can use when I travel.

I can always count on you my Curvy Wonder....

But it has been crazy at work and play this summer with no end in sight till Fall so I'm very sorry that I will have to neglect my thread but let's face it I'm not all that interesting... and I haven't really produced many images in several months...

*Sigh* it may be time for me shelve this for awhile, but knowing me I'll get on a shooting spree and create something worthy of posting....

Thanks to those who watch my thread... I know there are a few...
Hey! Good to see you back. If we don't bump into each other soon (since my presence is sporadic as well, lol) here's to you having a naughty & nice summer! ;)
I had a fabulous time in Vegas... unfortunately my wife told me to leave the camera at home.. mostly because I too much equipment and we wanted to travel light. I guess I'm going to have to find a good small camera that I can use when I travel.

I can always count on you my Curvy Wonder....

But it has been crazy at work and play this summer with no end in sight till Fall so I'm very sorry that I will have to neglect my thread but let's face it I'm not all that interesting... and I haven't really produced many images in several months...

*Sigh* it may be time for me shelve this for awhile, but knowing me I'll get on a shooting spree and create something worthy of posting....

Thanks to those who watch my thread... I know there are a few...

You definitely need a small camera ;)

You, are very interesting!! :kiss:
Hope you're ok :kiss:

Aw... your so sweet... I'm ok my Curvy Wonder.. just real life keeping me busy so I don't get to stop by much :kiss:

Bump for you. :) Hope you're having a great summer! ;)

The Summer is going by too fast but yes I am having a good time even with being just too Damn busy. Thanks for stopping in Shai
Back not sure yet but

Am I back yet. Really not sure I've taken down my smugmug site so I have some broken links, maybe I'll repost them again.

Am I back? Well for some of my good friends here is my back (new photo) and we'll see where I go from there.


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Am I back yet. Really not sure I've taken down my smugmug site so I have some broken links, maybe I'll repost them again.

Am I back? Well for some of my good friends here is my back (new photo) and we'll see where I go from there.


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How are you? :kiss:

Sexy pic! :devil:

How are you? :kiss:

Sexy pic! :devil:

I am doing well my curvy wonder.
The usual real world crisis but I'm alive and enjoying the moments I can control.

Thank you for your compliments. :kiss:
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I don't know about everyone else but I feel like sleeping in today

