The Last Thing You Thought...

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I can make lots'a different things thanks to big sis. *nods*
But I also can burn out a Kitchenaid.... Quite easily.
Think your spoon can take it? *smirks*

Shit if not, it will be fun to wear it out.

Besides if it does wear out, then I can always lick the bowl.

-Wiggles his brows-
Lit is a lie. At least it is for what it seems to promise. And it's all too easy to fall for those seductive promises. Every one is sexy. Every one is oversexed and horny all the time. Everyone wants everyone; there is no such thing as rejection. And sexy everyone will give you what is missing in your life.


Lit gives only two things that are real. Interaction in a community of like minded people, and entertainment in the form of writing sexy fiction with others. You will not find love here. You will not find fulfillment here. You may think you do, but ultimately you will be deeply disappointed and let down. If you cannot see the promises for what they are, you are headed for depression and sadness. Too many of my friends here have been sucked into this. Take Lit for what it is worth, and recognize that to get true fulfillment and happiness, you will have to find it elsewhere.
Lit is a lie. At least it is for what it seems to promise. And it's all too easy to fall for those seductive promises. Every one is sexy. Every one is oversexed and horny all the time. Everyone wants everyone; there is no such thing as rejection. And sexy everyone will give you what is missing in your life.


Lit gives only two things that are real. Interaction in a community of like minded people, and entertainment in the form of writing sexy fiction with others. You will not find love here. You will not find fulfillment here. You may think you do, but ultimately you will be deeply disappointed and let down. If you cannot see the promises for what they are, you are headed for depression and sadness. Too many of my friends here have been sucked into this. Take Lit for what it is worth, and recognize that to get true fulfillment and happiness, you will have to find it elsewhere.

You are not the first nor will you be the last to comprehend the limitations of an online environment.

-cyber hugs from text called Nina-
Lit is a lie. At least it is for what it seems to promise. And it's all too easy to fall for those seductive promises. Every one is sexy. Every one is oversexed and horny all the time. Everyone wants everyone; there is no such thing as rejection. And sexy everyone will give you what is missing in your life.


Lit gives only two things that are real. Interaction in a community of like minded people, and entertainment in the form of writing sexy fiction with others. You will not find love here. You will not find fulfillment here. You may think you do, but ultimately you will be deeply disappointed and let down. If you cannot see the promises for what they are, you are headed for depression and sadness. Too many of my friends here have been sucked into this. Take Lit for what it is worth, and recognize that to get true fulfillment and happiness, you will have to find it elsewhere.

You are not the first nor will you be the last to comprehend the limitations of an online environment.

-cyber hugs from text called Nina-

*kicks Lit.*
You are not the first nor will you be the last to comprehend the limitations of an online environment.

-cyber hugs from text called Nina-

Do you remember when I said there were times I just hate this place and want to leave it all behind? Well, when I feel that way, and I'm being honest with myself, I realize that in leaving, I would miss my friends here. I would miss my stories here. And that is when I understand what Lit truly offers, and what it doesn't.
You are not the first nor will you be the last to comprehend the limitations of an online environment.

-cyber hugs from text called Nina-

Do you remember when I said there were times I just hate this place and want to leave it all behind? Well, when I feel that way, and I'm being honest with myself, I realize that in leaving, I would miss my friends here. I would miss my stories here. And that is when I understand what Lit truly offers, and what it doesn't.

Well all of this may be true, but that doesn't mean I am going to stop trying to seduce either of you. So just deal with it! :D
Seduce who? What? Maybe we should auction off Zy for starters. :cool:

Can we get away with that?

I am really not into erotic kicking...

But if we can get past that sure!

Though I should state in half hearted protest that you beautiful women are preventing me from going to bed.
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