Obama Bombing Six Countries; Where is the Anti-War Left?


Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2003

A US drone aircraft is reported to have fired upon two senior members of al-Shabab, the Islamist anti-government armed group, in Somalia last week, marking the first time a US unmanned plane has been used for such an attack inside the country.

The strike, said to have been carried out on June 23, is believed to have targeted a convoy of fighters belonging to al-Shabab, which is fighting to overthrow Somalia's weak Transitional Federal Government and impose Islamic law.

The attack was not immediately identified as a drone strike, but a senior US military official familiar with the operation told the Washington Post newspaper on Thursday that it had come from such an aircraft.

The strike would make Somalia the sixth country where the US has reportedly used drones to conduct attacks. They have also been used in Libya, Yemen, Iraq and far more extensively in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Unconfirmed reports also suggest drone bombing attacks in Nigeria; that would make seven countries under Obama's iron fist.

Why is the assassination of Osama Bin Laden considered an accomplishment by the Obama administration? He could have been captured and Justice served in the Courts. When has any other administration invaded a sovreign nation, Pakistan, without permission and assassinated a political figure? Ever?

Further, it appears that Egypt and Libya are going to become radical Islamic as the Muslim Brotherhood claims to be the most powerful force in each country.

What about Yemen and Syria?

Rising violence and death in Iraq, Obama tripled the number of US Troops in Afghanistan and casualties are rising.

Where is the foriegn policy of this administration leading us to?

Amicus Veritas:rose:
And some idiots (such as yourself) still call Obama a socialist... Clearly, he's a republican centrist...

And it's nice of your to say "Obama bombing", which makes it sound like he's doing it. I guess you'll give him personal credit for the victories in these campaigns too, right?

Anti-war protests are happening, just like they've always been happening, you're just oblivious.
You are such a lackey for the left and an apologist for Obama. Have you not listened to the voice of the LEFT, NBC and MSNBC? They are asking the same question I posed; WHERE IS THE ANTI-WAR LEFT THAT CONTINUOSLY HARASSED BUSH/CHENEY?


You are such a lackey for the left and an apologist for Obama. Have you not listened to the voice of the LEFT, NBC and MSNBC? They are asking the same question I posed; WHERE IS THE ANTI-WAR LEFT THAT CONTINUOSLY HARASSED BUSH/CHENEY?



If you truly think that NBC and MSNBC are "the voice of the left", then you're even more of an idiot than I had you pegged for... and that's pretty damning.

The Anti-war left is out in the streets protesting, just like they've been since all of these pointless wars started...

Where have YOU been?
Wait a second.... your language isn't flowery, droning, un-readable, and long-winded enough.

This is one of your kids, isn't it???
Just wondering...when did Congress declare war on those two sovereign countries? Anyone?
That's gotta be a record for most countries bombed by a Nobel Peace Prize winner. :rolleyes:
Clearly, he's a republican centrist...

He's more or less governing as a centrist. That much I can agree with.

I imagine that upon entering the White House Obama realized that campaign rhetoric is just that, campaign rhetoric. Useful for winning an election, less useful for governing a nation. Hell, even before the election Obama was signaling that an immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan probably wasn't in the cards.

Why is the assassination of Osama Bin Laden considered an accomplishment by the Obama administration? He could have been captured and Justice served in the Courts. When has any other administration invaded a sovreign nation, Pakistan, without permission and assassinated a political figure? Ever?

Bin Laden captured alive and tried in US courts? You think the government didn't consider that scenario and how many things could have gone wrong with it? In the end a whole bunch of people decided that the US was better off with him dead and Obama agreed. I think it was the right decision.

Bin Laden is a political figure now? Not a terrorist? And considering just where it was that Bin Laden was hiding out at I think your outrage at "invading a sovereign nation" is ridiculously overblown. Not to mention inaccurate. An assassination isn't an invasion. Sure, it could be an act of war but the fact that the Pakistanis was willing to let Bin Laden hide out in their country could also constitute an act of war.

You know, you'd think more conservatives would follow W's lead and just say, "Good job, Obama."
Anti-war protests are happening, just like they've always been happening, you're just oblivious.

where ? do they include Obama effigies , too , or are the demonstrators sensitive to the lynchings of blacks back in the country's dark ages and eschew the time honored practice favoring only white republican presidents to hang ?

code pink ? have they gone back to just being old , angry housewives or are they interrupting hearings on the Afghan conflict screaming YOU'VE GOT BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS at Hillary Clinton ?

I've missed all those anti-war thingys that were daily occurrences during W's reign .
I've missed all those anti-war thingys that were daily occurrences during W's reign .

The whole reason they made Fox news was to gin up support for Dubya's failed presidency, protests allowed Dubya to play the victim card. "He trad to kill mah Daddy!"
Where do the Republican presidential candidates stand on this issue?
Where do the Republican presidential candidates stand on this issue?

They are still taking a stand against same sex marriage. They are just hoping Obama takes out Syria's Assad before the election so they don't have to answer that question.
And some idiots (such as yourself) still call Obama a socialist... Clearly, he's a republican centrist...

And it's nice of your to say "Obama bombing", which makes it sound like he's doing it. I guess you'll give him personal credit for the victories in these campaigns too, right?

Anti-war protests are happening, just like they've always been happening, you're just oblivious.

clearly you support war, as long as the obama is in charge. awesome job fucktard
where ? do they include Obama effigies , too , or are the demonstrators sensitive to the lynchings of blacks back in the country's dark ages and eschew the time honored practice favoring only white republican presidents to hang ?

Every major city in the country, on a regular basis. Maybe you should get up from off of your couch and realize that there's a world outside.

I've missed all those anti-war thingys that were daily occurrences during W's reign .

You've missed lots of things... for example; the chance to get Luke fired.
Will Obama get another peace prize? And what did he do with the million dollars that came with the last one?
You are such a lackey for the left and an apologist for Obama. Have you not listened to the voice of the LEFT, NBC and MSNBC? They are asking the same question I posed; WHERE IS THE ANTI-WAR LEFT THAT CONTINUOSLY HARASSED BUSH/CHENEY?



You're confused again. The vast majority of the problem anti-war people had with Bush's wars with with Iraq. A war and over a decade of occupation because of WMD's and Al Qaeda that didn't exist.

Most anti war people are only anti-stupid wars.
The far right is just mad we haven't enetered in to a full scale anti- Muslim religious world war.

I think it's in the Bible and they are getting impatient.
Wow! Obama kills innocent civilians by the hundreds with UCAV's, triples the Boots on the Ground in Afghanistan, authorizes the assassination of Bin Laden in Pakistan and has lethal operations in six countries...what a video game!

Where can I get one? Does winning the game reward one with a Peace Prize...even before you play da game?
