Young Americans Are Ditching Joe


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
BBB-Biden's Broke Butt.

Young voters abandon Biden
by Naomi Lim, White House Reporter | | December 20, 2021 07:00 AM

Younger people have become disenchanted with President Joe Biden, the septuagenarian rapidly losing support with the demographic that was wary of him during the 2020 Democratic primary.

On average, fewer than 3 in 10 adults under the age of 30 approve of Biden's job performance as president, and a majority disapproves, according to online polling conducted by the Economist and YouGov. Biden's net negative 21 approval rating with the demographic is his worst among any age group, the organizations found. On top of that, Biden has a net negative 17 rating among people aged between 30 and 44.

The Economist-YouGov findings suggest Biden's popularity is dropping fastest with younger people, who earlier this year rewarded him with a net 32 approval rating. Biden currently has a negative 5 rating among adults aged 45 to 64, and a negative 8 with those 65 and older.

The Economist-YouGov polling is not an outlier, aligning with Quinnipiac University data. In Quinnipiac's first national survey of Biden's presidency in February, 18- to 34-year-olds gave him a net 12 approval rating while he scored a net 15 rating from 35- to 49-year-olds. That plummeted to a net negative 10 among the former and a negative 21 with the latter last month.

And the numbers should concern Democrats before next year's midterm elections, as they bode poorly for 2022 turnout, a cycle in which the party will try to defend its slim congressional majorities against a historical trend that indicates it will shed seats.

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Just think, one day, in the very distant future, you will be able to post something positive about Republicans instead of speculative negative nonsense about Democrats. :)
BBB-Biden's Broke Butt.

Young voters abandon Biden
by Naomi Lim, White House Reporter | | December 20, 2021 07:00 AM

Younger people have become disenchanted with President Joe Biden, the septuagenarian rapidly losing support with the demographic that was wary of him during the 2020 Democratic primary.

On average, fewer than 3 in 10 adults under the age of 30 approve of Biden's job performance as president, and a majority disapproves, according to online polling conducted by the Economist and YouGov. Biden's net negative 21 approval rating with the demographic is his worst among any age group, the organizations found. On top of that, Biden has a net negative 17 rating among people aged between 30 and 44.

The Economist-YouGov findings suggest Biden's popularity is dropping fastest with younger people, who earlier this year rewarded him with a net 32 approval rating. Biden currently has a negative 5 rating among adults aged 45 to 64, and a negative 8 with those 65 and older.

The Economist-YouGov polling is not an outlier, aligning with Quinnipiac University data. In Quinnipiac's first national survey of Biden's presidency in February, 18- to 34-year-olds gave him a net 12 approval rating while he scored a net 15 rating from 35- to 49-year-olds. That plummeted to a net negative 10 among the former and a negative 21 with the latter last month.

And the numbers should concern Democrats before next year's midterm elections, as they bode poorly for 2022 turnout, a cycle in which the party will try to defend its slim congressional majorities against a historical trend that indicates it will shed seats.

More here:

For whom? Folks like you? 45? Blahahahaha!
Just think, one day, in the very distant future, you will be able to post something positive about Republicans instead of speculative negative nonsense about Democrats. :)

Republicans will address the corruption, and the sedition of the Biden family and his administration as soon as they take back both houses of Congress next year. There's some positivity for you.:D
Just think, one day, in the very distant future, you will be able to post something positive about Republicans instead of speculative negative nonsense about Democrats. :)

Republicans will address the corruption, and the sedition of the Biden family and his administration as soon as they take back both houses of Congress next year. There's some positivity for you.:D

Republicans will address the corruption, and the sedition of the Biden family and his administration as soon as they take back both houses of Congress next year. There's some positivity for you.:D

There is no corruption to speak of -- and how can you, in this day and age, seriously talk about sedition among Democrats?!
Whoever opposes him.

You're a fool if you think the GOP has any real chance of significantly increasing its share of the youth vote. Their votes are out there for something to the left of the Democrats to pick up.
Republicans will address the corruption, and the sedition of the Biden family and his administration as soon as they take back both houses of Congress next year. There's some positivity for you.:D

The corruption in general is so low that solving it will cost more money and in dividint the country than just ignoring most of it. If there was sedition in the Bidens we would likely have seen some credible theories by now if not some 'solid' evidence.

You're a fool if you think the GOP has any real chance of significantly increasing its share of the youth vote. Their votes are out there for something to the left of the Democrats to pick up.

And therin lies the rub. Its hard to move but so far Left without spooking "moderates" who just screw up the system and may as well just stick with the Right and call it a day.
There is no corruption to speak of -- and how can you, in this day and age, seriously talk about sedition among Democrats?!

That is exactly why they do it. The louder they scream about "Democrat corruption," the easier it is for low-information voters - and that's most people - to believe their nonsense is true. After all, that's exactly what they did with the national debt, and to this day a lot of people think the Republicans are "the party of fiscal responsibility" when in fact they're the ones who've given us one record deficit after another.

The corruption in general is so low that solving it will cost more money and in dividing the country than just ignoring most of it.

I repeat, that is exactly why they do it. "Dividing the country" is just what they want, because it's the only way they can win elections. And they don't care at all about spending lots of money as long as they can get away with blaming it on the Democrats.

Regarding Biden's approval (or lack thereof) among young voters, keep in mind that a lot of them may be disapproving from the left. When I was their age and Clinton was president, I was no fan of the man and I'd have said so if a pollster had ever asked me. That occasionally made people think I was a Republican, because it never occurred to them to see if my beef with him was that he wasn't liberal enough for me. In any event, you'd better believe I never had any qualms about voting for him because the only alternative was far worse.
Regarding Biden's approval (or lack thereof) among young voters, keep in mind that a lot of them may be disapproving from the left. When I was their age and Clinton was president, I was no fan of the man and I'd have said so if a pollster had ever asked me. That occasionally made people think I was a Republican, because it never occurred to them to see if my beef with him was that he wasn't liberal enough for me. In any event, you'd better believe I never had any qualms about voting for him because the only alternative was far worse.

I've been trying a lot for most of my life to believe the right is made up primarily of actual people and the older I get the harder it gets to maintain that lie.

The part you bring up however is why I'm always a bit skeptical when it comes to polling and while I have no idea how to make a poll short enough that people would take it and complex enough to give more accurate information I wish there was something. that could separate you out to some degree.
I wish there was something. that could separate you out to some degree.

Even if there were, the WhiteGuides of the world would ignore that and crow about how unpopular Biden is. Always remember, context does not exist for them.