Writing aftercare


Jun 12, 2021
The thing that happens after the sex has ended and the characters (hopefully) all had their sexual needs satisfied. Hugging, kissing, sweet words, taking care of the character that was just fucked rough and hard. The blissful moment after sex.

How do write it? Maybe you can share a paragraph from one of your stories, or share a link to one of your favorite stories?

I'm currently writing a story where the FMC just lost her virginity, and I want to make sure the aftercare is describing the intense connection they felt in that moment.
Sadly when I look for examples in my favorites list I often find that the description or the aftercare is missing or just didn't occur. A long sex scene, they shared an orgasm, and then nothing.

So how did you write it? I'm hoping for some examples, and maybe I can expand my favorites list once again in the process😅
Depends on the story... one of mine had the two joking in bed after he had deflowered her, the scene being part of a long build up. Other times they fall asleep (normal), talk, have a shower, make breakfast... the setting controls the actions.

In the film, Don't Look Now there is a famous sex scene that is interspliced with the characters getting dressed to go out for the evening, the two acts being similar for them. The sex was part of their life, then they carried on as normal.
I just generally have my characters chat a bit. This is from Eve & Lucy Ch 5:

I let her catch her breath.

"That was not fair!" she hisses

"Sorry. But you said you love me."

"Yes, yes I did. And yes I do."

"I know. I'm glad you said it, but it's the way you show me that you love me that matters the most."

We lie there, blissfully content, arms around each other. I still have my clothes on, and she's naked, but I don't care.

"So, when you were on edge earlier, I assumed it was to do with your mum and Bex." I shift on the pillow, so I can see her and watch her reaction. I stroke her face. "How do you feel about that?"

"Good... I guess? I like Bex. I don't know her that well, but I kind of trust her. I mean, Gran and Mike both speak well of her. I just... It's just, I don't know how it's going to work with them living in different cities... but this is definitely better than before."

I suspect there's more she's not telling me. But this is a good start.

However, reading your post made me realise that I do sometimes skip the afterwards scenes. Hmmmm. That's probably not good.
Here's another of mine, from The Third Date (part 2):

"Oh Priya, babe, that was wonderful," she whispered as she stroked my hair.

"Mmmmm, it was," I hugged her hard, and then looked up into her eyes, "I loved it. I'm looking forward to doing that a lot."


"Oh yeah!"

We lay together, holding each other, making little happy noises and occasionally kissing. Then a cheeky thought came to me.

"So Kate..." I said.

"Yes darling." Oh, I liked that!

"Look I know it's tradition and everything, but is it ok if we don't book a u-haul to move me in? I mean I only live round the corner, so I imagine we can just use Jenny's car." I fixed her with my most serious face.

"Er... Priya... um... well I'd love to wake up with you every day, but don't you think we should just wait a little first, see how it goes?" She looked nervous. I almost relented.

"Oh, but I thought lesbians always moved in together on the second date? Isn't that what we are?" This time I smiled, letting her know I was joking.

"Priya! You... you.... You can't joke like that! I didn't know whether to be scared or over the moon!"

I grinned and batted my eyelashes at her. I was getting the idea that she had a weakness for that. "Over the moon at the idea of living with me?"

"Yes, obviously!" She relaxed a bit. "But, anyway, we've only had one date so far."

"Uh-uh," I said as I leaned up to kiss her, "this was at least the third date we've had together."
This is a tough one. Going through my published stories, there are only two that I can think of that don't fade out almost immediately. Both are very different, but probably neither is what you're looking for.

Orgy of Death:
Avilia stretched out and lay down next to him on the hard, cold floor. They were both panting. She could still feel the influence of the fear-eater, battering against the thick door, but it seemed unable to break through the fog of contentment that filled her mind.

Sligh put his arm around her and pulled her close. The same satisfaction was written large on his face. His eyes were relaxed in a way she'd never seen them before. She turned her face to his and they kissed, long and slow, their arms around each other, their bodies pressed close.

Then Avilia pulled away. "We can't stay like this forever."

Sligh grimaced. "I wish we could, but I suppose you're right. There's murder to be done tonight."

The Code:
After what seemed an age they came down together. Zoltan was leaning heavily on her on the massage bench. They were both panting hard. His arms were around her, his hands stroking her back in small motions. It was nice, she decided.

It was nearly seven by the time they'd both rinsed off and dressed. Separately -- there was that post-sex awkwardness that hangs in the air after strangers have fucked. Added to this, Allie was feeling bad about what she'd done. Not the fucking -- that had been wonderful, just what her body and mind had been craving.

What was really bothering her was the code. She'd signed it, put her signature to a piece of paper saying that she'd be professional. And that meant no sex during working hours.

Technically of course it hadn't been working hours. Even so...

What made it worse was that she'd been so shocked when Hester told her Zoltan had made the girls forget the code. Well, strictly speaking Allie hadn't forgotten the code. She'd just twisted it.

In a way it was a consolation that she wasn't the only one who couldn't control herself around this gorgeous man. At the same time, she felt cheap. Does he come here because he knows that we're easy? He didn't seem to be that kind of man, he'd even seemed surprised when she seized his cock, but she'd been wrong about people before.

In the reception area Zoltan put his gold-rimmed glasses back on. For once he seemed hesitant, Allie thought.

"I have an account," he said suddenly. "You can check if you want."

Relief swept through her. It would have felt awful to demand money from him now -- no matter that it was for the massage, not the sex. She was a professional, but not that kind of professional.

"That's alright," she said, smiling. He smiled back, seemingly aware of the same awkwardness.

"Well then," he replied. "Thank you. The massage was... And the-- I mean, the massage was wonderful."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She was on firmer ground now. Just a massage therapist talking to a happy client.

He left, promising to return the next week. Allie felt a thrill of anticipation inside that stubbornly refused to go away.
After cuddles are always good but they don't show up too often in my work, probably because I stay away from fluffy romance stuff. I prefer stuff with grit and friction as it adds depth. Although lovey-dovey certainly has its place. I never rule it out. It adds intimacy which I do find a very strong element and emotion. It's just something that I don't often choose, either because it doesn't suit the characters or sometimes I might cut it in favor of pace. Maybe I shouldn't.
No aftercare in any of my stories, but I have this:

This is from one of my favourite of my stories; about a "Brief Encounter" between an unhappily married artist and a divorcee.

He lay on his back beside her. He wiped his finger on the sheet. And now Fiona laughed... but the laughter turned to sobbing tears.

"Wow. Hey, hey... Are you okay?"

"Yes. Oh my God. I've wanted that for so long."

"Can I tell you something? That was the best sex I've ever had. You're..." Nat trailed off.

"...I'm what, darling?"

"I don't know... a witch. Earth-mother. I don't know. A power. Really strong. In your eyes. Like a witch."

"Yes, that's what Harry calls me too."

At the mention of her husband, Nat felt a pang of jealousy, which surprised him. He opened his mouth, intending to ask her if she felt guilty about what they'd just done, but she stopped him with a kiss.

"More. Please, Nathan, I need your lips on me."
Some more sex, followed by:
Fiona sat on the foredeck, her pad on her knees, sketching a trio of mallards, a female and two males, who were swimming close by the boat, begging for food. Nat threw a biscuit into the water for them and sipped his tea.

"Fiona, I've never, in my whole life, experienced an orgasm without, you know, without wanking or fucking, or being sucked off -- you know, without direct stimulation to my dick. Is it - is this, you know, something you can do to men? Have you ever-"

"Nathan, what happened was a one-time thing. And in answer to your question: I don't know; I've only been with Harry."

"Yes, I know it was a one-time thing. Thank you. I'm an idiot."

"Why are you an idiot?"

"Oh, it's just that I've spent the last two years miserably looking for women. Trying to validate myself with stupid ego-boosting Facebook posts."

"Well, I do that too. And anyway we met because of your ego-boosting Facebook posts."

"Can I see you again, Fiona? I mean can I come and visit you and Harry in Hereford?"



She kissed his lips and smiled at him. A smile of "Thanks, but no". A smile of pity.

She leaned back and appraised her sketch. "There. It's finished." She blew the three ducks a kiss and thanked them silently.
No aftercare in mine either. I tend to just fade to *** (continuity cuts) rather quickly.

One possible exception could be my On the Job entry, but that's because where the encounter takes place. What needs some "aftercare" there is the conference room where the MCs had sex, i.e. the wiping of all the traces of their fucking. There is some further chemistry between MCs during said cleanup, but I doubt it qualifies as what OP is looking for.
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Depends on the story. Sometimes the characters don’t need aftercare, so they fall asleep. Or the scene fades out as they keep shagging because I can’t think of anything more to write. Sometimes I want to tie up loose ends or create another conflict or show off some additional character development or plot points. In that case, I’ll do an end scene that handles the necessary and a bit more.
I tend to add a little coda:
I felt the bed move, and knew Emma had moved up behind Bobbie, spooning her as the little woman clung to me.

The rain kept falling and the wind picked up. I reached out and felt around for the bed cover and pulled it up over us, holding the women close to me. Bobbie held me inside her until I softened and slid from her. She kissed me.

"So much come," she whispered. "Emma was right, you being older."

"Comes twice on Wednesdays," murmured Emma.

"When Bobbie comes up from the city?"

"Can you stay?" Bobbie asked. "I feel a sickie coming on. Tomorrow's Thursday, but work can wait."

* * * *

The Gumtree Café has pancakes on its morning menu, but by the time we got there, there were none left.

"Toast and honey, then," said Bobbie.

Honey always tastes better from the pot.
Good question. I’ve always thought the afterplay is as important as the foreplay. So, a first-time example:

From Black to White
We stayed like that for a minute, an hour, a week. My orgasm slowly fading, contentment filling me, I lay on his chest, feeling it rise and fall as he caught his breath.

His hands swept gently over me, head to back to bum, started again and I've never felt so treasured in my entire life.

I cuddled into him, felt him gradually soften inside me.

"Am I too heavy?" I whispered.

"Never," came his soft reply, then "Never too heavy, Sam."

The love in his voice worked for me. I think we fell asleep like that.
Interesting question from OP that made me look back at my stories. Maybe this in an area that I need to be more aware of.

I did address aftercare in one story but more of anti-aftercare:

Then he came. And then, too quickly, he pulled out. He rolled off me and out of bed and went to the bathroom. I lay there.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
He kissed me, said something about calling me, and left. It wasn't the worst sex I've ever had but it was high on the list. I sighed and reached down, using my fingers to finish myself.

I'm not the best erotica writer, my stories are very short. So I have quick beginnings and ends. There's a lot of BDSM in my stories (DDbg, intense anal, spanking, etc) so there's usually quick aftercare too. Maybe a kiss on the forehead, or a "good girl" remark does the trick for my endings🫦
Depends on the characters, the situation, the nature of the fucking... "it depends" is really the right answer.

Some stories need more attention paid to aftercare than others. If you've spent 15k words or so building a character who values aftercare, write a lot of it. If you've created a character whose view of sex is more transactional, write less of it.

In general, I like to end with a fuck and then bring the curtain down pretty shortly after. If I've established that a character likes a little snuggling? Then I've built and described that earlier in the piece, and I can end with her nestling into his armpit right after sex and closing her eyes. Because then the reader knows she's going to get her needs taken care of, and why? Because the first time I wrote her aftercare routine? I started with her nestling into his armpit and closing her eyes.

I'd tell you you should just use your imagination. Your character has just lost her virginity, and you know her well: how do you think she'd want to be taken care of? Then, write that.
I just generally have my characters chat a bit. This is from Eve & Lucy Ch 5:

I let her catch her breath.

"That was not fair!" she hisses

"Sorry. But you said you love me."

"Yes, yes I did. And yes I do."

"I know. I'm glad you said it, but it's the way you show me that you love me that matters the most."

We lie there, blissfully content, arms around each other. I still have my clothes on, and she's naked, but I don't care.

"So, when you were on edge earlier, I assumed it was to do with your mum and Bex." I shift on the pillow, so I can see her and watch her reaction. I stroke her face. "How do you feel about that?"

"Good... I guess? I like Bex. I don't know her that well, but I kind of trust her. I mean, Gran and Mike both speak well of her. I just... It's just, I don't know how it's going to work with them living in different cities... but this is definitely better than before."

I suspect there's more she's not telling me. But this is a good start.

However, reading your post made me realise that I do sometimes skip the afterwards scenes. Hmmmm. That's probably not good.
I love the dialogue, but perhaps the hiss should have been a sigh?
Hiss seems out of context for the sentiment??
Me curious, perhaps missreading. Still loved it.
How do write it? Maybe you can share a paragraph from one of your stories, or share a link to one of your favorite stories?

A couple from Red Scarf. Context #1: Sarah and Anjali have had a sexual relationship for some time, with D&S aspects, but this is the first time they've played out a CNC scene.

"Are you okay, Anjali?" I stroked her hair.

"I... I think so?"

I held her, and not only for her sake; I had processing of my own to do. A few minutes ago I'd been high on ego, confident and cruel, but now the rush was gone and self-doubt was creeping in to take its place, the butterfly crawling back into its chrysalis.

There were bite marks on her breasts and thighs, red welts on her back, here and there smears of blood where my nails had broken her skin. All within the terms of our agreement and the checklist we'd talked through together. And yet, as the heat of lust cooled, I found myself uncomfortable with the evidence of my violence. I sat there holding her, until perhaps fifteen minutes later she spoke.

"Well, that was different."

"I'm sorry, I should have—"

"I didn't say it was bad. Just... intense. I don't think I can do that every week, Sarah." She wriggled around to squeeze my arm. She was still shivering, just a little. "But it was interesting. We can talk about it in the morning."

I nodded. "Get you anything?"

"No thank—actually, could I have a glass of water?"

"Sure." I went and got her one, luke-warm so as not to chill her, and then we spooned under the quilt. I was almost asleep when she spoke again.

Context #2: later in the story, they've been doing another CNC scene. But this time Sarah has thoughtlessly taken the scene in a direction that was upsetting for Anjali and caused her to safeword out of it.

"Oh, Anjali, I'm sorry. I didn't think." I pulled her up and held her, and she sobbed in my arms, and for the second time that week all I could do was be present, quiet and still, until the thunderstorm in her head had subsided to manageable proportions.

When she did speak, she said, "You should probably put some clothes on."

"Uh, yeah." I had to hunt for my underwear—it was under the couch, of course—but I didn't mind playing comic relief for Anjali's benefit. I pulled my gear on and sat beside her once more.

"I really am sorry. My fault entirely, I should have known."

"It's not your fault. It sort of snuck up on me. I just, I just..." She swallowed. "Sarah, I'm eight hundred kilometres from my parents, and it's not nearly far enough."

[They talk about the stuff that's troubling Anjali for several paragraphs.]

The silence stretched out, and it might have stretched out longer if my tummy hadn't gurgled absurdly loudly. "Sorry about that, no sense of decorum. Get you a drink?"

"Thank you. Water, please."

Hm, apparently glasses of water are part of how I write aftercare. I hadn't noticed that common element before.
After sex.... What happens?"
It depends entirely on the sexual adventure. Are the couple long term partners? Is it a 1 night stand. Was it a quickie grabbed at short notice.
Personally I like to think of it as an enjoyable satiated couple laying entwined in each others arms. Still trying to catch their breath from what was a wonderfully satisfying moment.
They lay blissfully connected. The taste of their desire still fresh on their lips as they struggled for breath. Their still glistening bodies stuck together as they enjoyed to feel of their tingling skin still fused together. Tender gentle kisses, between panting breaths. Her insides still gooey with the wanton lust of their connection...
Gentle moments of appreciation.
Shared love and affection.

Not always, but I do tend to have my characters cuddle after, or just lie againt each other feeling each other's breath and heartbeats, stuff like that.

But not every scene needs it, or it wouldn't be appropiate. And I don't usually make it an extended thing, unless I need them to have a conversation after.

The first sex scene in Aces, where the MC loses his virginity, has the woman saying a perfunctory "thanks" and walking away immediately after he came. It's part of what fucks up the MC for the rest of the story.
Hiss seems out of context for the sentiment??
Me curious, perhaps missreading. Still loved it.
Thanks for the feedback. In context, the character, Cassie, is playing Lucifer in the play-within-the-story. Lucifer = snake, so I've been going for sibilant sounds throughout.

But really chuffed you loved it: from a writer of your caliber, that means a lot. 😊
The thing that happens after the sex has ended and the characters (hopefully) all had their sexual needs satisfied. Hugging, kissing, sweet words, taking care of the character that was just fucked rough and hard. The blissful moment after sex.

How do write it? Maybe you can share a paragraph from one of your stories, or share a link to one of your favorite stories?

I'm currently writing a story where the FMC just lost her virginity, and I want to make sure the aftercare is describing the intense connection they felt in that moment.
Sadly when I look for examples in my favorites list I often find that the description or the aftercare is missing or just didn't occur. A long sex scene, they shared an orgasm, and then nothing.

So how did you write it? I'm hoping for some examples, and maybe I can expand my favorites list once again in the process😅
Thank you, yet another chance for self-promotion! My most recent story is attached. Arguably, there are two aftercare sections, the first starting with "Ten minutes later, we were quiet again" and the next one starting with, " A short while later, we were driving along America's loneliest highway again." (Damn, the original has a typo. From March, no less! :( ) So it's in the front seat of a moving van and it's a lot of text. But it allows the female narrator to reveal more about herself.

Trucker Mom
After the big sex scene, most of my stories end in awkwardness or an another sex scene that is awkward.

My story, EARTHSHAKR comes to mind.
I prefer to end my story with a bang, literally and figuratively. A cuddling scene rarely does that.
I prefer to end my story with a bang, literally and figuratively. A cuddling scene rarely does that.

It does usually take the momentum or impact away, yes. Sometimes I will infer the cuddles, some brief mention of the initiation of snuggles to just give the picture without disrupting the impact or messing up the pace.
If you've written with a plot, you'll still have the plot to resolve--or the coupling will be seen as the resolution and you'll need no more.
Thanks for the feedback. In context, the character, Cassie, is playing Lucifer in the play-within-the-story. Lucifer = snake, so I've been going for sibilant sounds throughout.

But really chuffed you loved it: from a writer of your caliber, that means a lot. 😊
I'm always loathe to comment on a writers choice of words for fear of offending. In this case, the writing was exquisite, but the hiss seemed incongruous. I am merely glad I didn't offend. It was not meant as a slight...
I do love and appreciate your work.
Thank you also for the compliment..🤗
