With a mischievious grin...

This lovely woman needs to make a comeback. She is missed.

What an unexpected surprise.

She's around.......

Truth. Made me laugh, bear.

but can she be seen? she is the loveliest of creatures to grace these parts.

Well isn't that a sweet thing to say. You can look through all my thread pictures :) and I daresay... If you look hard enough you can find others in threads that don't have my name on them.

MYW proper is pretty much retired. Washed up, I tell you!
MYW proper is pretty much retired. Washed up, I tell you!

What about MYW improper? I'd be fine with that. I'm kind of tired of being polite and not telling you how I really feel to be honest.
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Glad to be of service.

You're a handy guy to have around.

Someone as elegant and beautiful as you can never ever ever be washed up. But in the end, it's your decision. Good luck to you, MYW. I miss your thread a lot, in fact. :)

Aw, well thank you. To be fair, I'm not truly washed up. I just have a life that doesn't permit many shenanigans.

I doubt it!

The lady doth protest too much, methinks! :rose:

Who, me? *bats eyeladhes*

What about MYW improper? I'd be fine with that. I'm kind of tired of being polite and not telling you how I really feel to be honest.

So tell me how you really feel. I can take it :)

yeah where have you been?

Well... Working, mostly. Taking care of my animals. And I hang out on the GB, when I come around.
Aw, well thank you. To be fair, I'm not truly washed up. I just have a life that doesn't permit many shenanigans.

Just telling the truth. I just hope that you're having a good busy rather than a bad one. Work sucks, you know! At least mine does. For a long time I've felt unmotivated but now I'm using my limited free time to the fullest.
I just got through your pics, wow! Amazing! I wish i had been around for your heyday! I read your bio, and applaud your read this before pm img me note. Its unfortunate that some people have nothing better to do than make others unhappy. You seen like a very sweet person and you don't deserve to be treated poorly. Your pics are very well done and i really admire your creativity in many of them. Love the one with you in the kitchen, wearing the apron! Yummy! Thanks for sharing your pics.
Yeah, you! Good to see you.

On the GB? Whoa, you're brave, too?

Ha, it's not so bad over there. The PG is a bit tame for me.

Just telling the truth. I just hope that you're having a good busy rather than a bad one. Work sucks, you know! At least mine does. For a long time I've felt unmotivated but now I'm using my limited free time to the fullest.

Good for you. That's not an easy thing to do. I put a jar on my desk- I named it my joy jar- on January 1st. Every day I put in something that brought me joy that day. I'll open them on January 1st, 2015 and reflect on all my blessings.

Wow....lovely to see you back! Or maybe I just don't know where to look :)

Thank you :). And... Yes, I am here more often than not.

Jordan came out of retirement twice, so you'll come too. #phrasing #totallyintentional #unnecessaryhashtags


If I can't be handsome, I might at least be handy.

Will you build me a tiny house?serious question.

Welcome back, beautiful lady!

Thank you :)

Wow, incredible...


I just got through your pics, wow! Amazing! I wish i had been around for your heyday! I read your bio, and applaud your read this before pm img me note. Its unfortunate that some people have nothing better to do than make others unhappy. You seen like a very sweet person and you don't deserve to be treated poorly. Your pics are very well done and i really admire your creativity in many of them. Love the one with you in the kitchen, wearing the apron! Yummy! Thanks for sharing your pics.

Thank you :).
Ha, it's not so bad over there. The PG is a bit tame for me.

I've heard that a lot. I used to hang around a board called Fucked Company. It was like the PG or more racist and misogynist. I learned to ignore a lot of shit there.