will Chuck Schumer's plan work to get the bills onto the floor?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
An alternate method uses “messages between the houses” to pass amendments to bills back and forth. “Each house has one opportunity to amend the amendments from the other house, so there can be Senate amendments to House amendments to Senate amendments to a House bill,” the Congressional Research Service explained. What’s important for this current situation, though, is that amendments from the House are considered “privileged,” which means they can be put before the Senate without debate. That, in turn, means there’s no opportunity for Republicans to filibuster bringing the amended bill to the floor.

This leads us to the play from Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. The two Democratic leaders have picked a bill that has already been passed back and forth several times: one on NASA. The House will pass “an amendment in the nature of a substitute,” essentially deleting the entirety of the original text and replacing it with the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. (The House Rules Committee met on Wednesday night to get that process started.)

When that bill reaches the Senate, boom: Schumer brings the new joint bill up for consideration on the floor. That’s a definite improvement over the last few times Democrats have tried to get the ball rolling on these debates, where the GOP has shut down debate before it even began.

That takes care of step one. Where things are still up in the air is what comes next: actually passing the bills. Because the process to sign off on the House’s “amendment” is still subject to cloture, the process for ending debate in the Senate. Anything that needs cloture can be filibustered, requiring 60 senators to clear the way for a final vote on the bill.

When, as expected, the GOP filibusters, Schumer has said he’s ready to try to change the Senate’s rules to carve out an exception to the filibuster on voting rights bills. It’s the kind of reform that President Joe Biden, himself a former senator, endorsed at a speech in Georgia on Tuesday. And many of the more wary moderates in the caucus, including Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, have come out in favor of such an exemption.
Schoolhouse Rock needs to make a video: "I'm a privileged amendment from the House that no one in the Senate can debate and will get voted on if they can get cloture."
Schumer's hopes to corrupt the American voting system has failed. It was kicked to the curb by 52 Senators.
^^ no need to read these posts, gonna be the same old whining by the trump-lites
they add nothing to a discussion, same old ignorance, same old spin. :rolleyes:
^^ no need to read these posts, gonna be the same old whining by the trump-lites
they add nothing to a discussion, same old ignorance, same old spin. :rolleyes:

The purpose of debate is to persuade. When you refuse to participate in the debate while opining that those who challenge your position aren't worth listening to, then you're just making pronouncements with little regard for whether you're correct or not.

The interesting thing is that there's a lot of queens on Lit. You ain't one of them, and never will be, no matter what you believe about yourself.