

Bastardo Suave
Apr 10, 2003
I would appreciate it if Etoile, or whomever else was involved in the creation of this forum would explain it's genesis, why they felt it was desirable, and what they envision as it's purpose.
Jeez, give a girl time! I warned Laurel that I wouldn't be available last night, but she created the forum anyway, so I only got to make the sticky this morning.

As for why...this forum has arisen out of the several threads I've seen elsewhere (mostly in BDSM Talk and How-To) that involved gay topics. Other threads have included gay comments, and at one point somebody even asked why there wasn't a queer board. I said "hey yeah, why isn't there a queer board?" Somebody suggested I send Laurel a PM, so I did - and here we are.

I'd like to know - why not? Do you feel there isn't justification for this board? Let me know in a reply or PM if you like.
Etoile said:
Jeez, give a girl time! I warned Laurel that I wouldn't be available last night, but she created the forum anyway, so I only got to make the sticky this morning.

As for why...this forum has arisen out of the several threads I've seen elsewhere (mostly in BDSM Talk and How-To) that involved gay topics. Other threads have included gay comments, and at one point somebody even asked why there wasn't a queer board. I said "hey yeah, why isn't there a queer board?" Somebody suggested I send Laurel a PM, so I did - and here we are.

I'd like to know - why not? Do you feel there isn't justification for this board? Let me know in a reply or PM if you like.

My concern is that separation can lead to marginalization. If the presence of this board leads to a diminishing of gblt voices on the other forums, then, in my opinion, it is a very negative development, I think the diversity of Lit gives us an opportunity to converse openly with straight people on sexuality issues that can lead to an increase in understanding and tolerance. I would hate to see that opportunity lost.

As for whether or not this forum is justified, I can't speak for anyone but myself. Perhaps other gueers here have had experiences which make them feel this forum is necessary. I, personally, but I'm pretty thick skinned.

Nonetheless, I hope this will be a big success and meet the hopes of everyrone involved.
Queersetti said:
My concern is that separation can lead to marginalization. If the presence of this board leads to a diminishing of gblt voices on the other forums, then, in my opinion, it is a very negative development, I think the diversity of Lit gives us an opportunity to converse openly with straight people on sexuality issues that can lead to an increase in understanding and tolerance. I would hate to see that opportunity lost.

As for whether or not this forum is justified, I can't speak for anyone but myself. Perhaps other gueers here have had experiences which make them feel this forum is necessary. I, personally, but I'm pretty thick skinned.

Nonetheless, I hope this will be a big success and meet the hopes of everyrone involved.

Being a longtime activist in the LGBT community, working tirelessly to foster greater understanding across all sexualities, and experiencing the positive effects this can bring, I mirror the concerns you express. I began a LGBT group several years ago in a highly homophobic area, the base rule being it was inclusive of all sexualities and discrimination or marginalisation in any form was not accepted. I was advised 6 previous groups had tried and failed and not to waste my time, like waving a red flag to a bull for me..LOL, was threatened by government bodies, but managed to not only get it off the ground but make it a success and noted widely for the groundbreaking attitude of all involved to positively address the issues of the community and cultivate a breeding ground for understanding.

While I realise the board idea was mentioned in BDSM talk in casual chat, I had never found anyone in that area being critical or discriminatory between sexualities...quite the opposite. While I respect and understand needs to have a place for this community, I would hate it to have the effect of damaging the environment of acceptance and sharing I have noticed on Literotica, especially within the BDSM forum. I wish all luck and hope the board manages to have not only fluff, but also welcome the discussion of more serious issues.

Queersetti said:
My concern is that separation can lead to marginalization. If the presence of this board leads to a diminishing of gblt voices on the other forums, then, in my opinion, it is a very negative development, I think the diversity of Lit gives us an opportunity to converse openly with straight people on sexuality issues that can lead to an increase in understanding and tolerance. I would hate to see that opportunity lost.

As for whether or not this forum is justified, I can't speak for anyone but myself. Perhaps other gueers here have had experiences which make them feel this forum is necessary. I, personally, but I'm pretty thick skinned.

Nonetheless, I hope this will be a big success and meet the hopes of everyrone involved.

Dude I have got to give you major props. The amount of shit you take on the GB is ridiculous but you stand them down.
But heres the thing. Not everybody wants to be a freedom fighter.
So now theres the best of both. People like you and me like to kick some gay bashin ass we can. But if people just want to talk without being hassled they got a place to come.

You cool in my book though. No doubt on that.