Why do you cry?

I cried when my mother and father died. When my best friend died. Not a sniffle but just burst out sloppy crying. I think it helped.
Oh I’m a softie. Some might say overly emotional but I wouldn’t want to be any other way!

I cry when:
- I’m angry
- I’m happy
- I read something beautiful
- someone is kind to me when I’m at a low ebb
- my dog kisses me
- I have a good memory flash across my mind
- I make a good connection with someone

Etc. etc. etc. 😇
I cry at the drop of a hat. Happy, sad . . . nothing, something.

I'm okay with it except at work.
I actually don't cry that much, and I don't know why. Generally if I'm crying something has just been fucked so badly that there's no way to unfuck it. It's like... I don't usually get super emotional, so I think I cry out of helplessness. If a situation has reached the point of no return, that's when I cry about it. And generally it has to be something that could have been fixed and just wasn't.

I tend to feel anger even in situations where I should feel sad. I learned in therapy that some people are just wired to do that, because some people assign blame, and the difference between sadness and anger is that one is directed at nothing, and the other is directed at something in specific. I'm just wired to figure out who caused the problem and be mad at them, rather than being upset that there's a problem.

Both are valid ways to process emotions, and both of them have similar ways that you have to work through them. You have to feel it, accept it, ride it out, but not act on it.

Edit: I also can just cry though, like I can put myself in that headspace. My littlest brother can do that, too. We can both just cry on cue. I don't mention this to make myself seem evil or manipulative- I've never used it for that. Just like, if it's a movie or a social situation where I need to get into that headspace, I am capable of doing that but I have to catch myself and be like, "You're feeling the wrong emotion. Fix it."
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I know I posted in this thread before, but earlier, I did cry. I personally was feeling well so I know I was feeling the pain of someone close to me. Am pretty sure I know who, He has been very short with me lately. Almost comes across as being angry with me but I sense it's not that. I think it's his SO. She seems to be constantly hanging around. In the past, she has prevented us from having contact with each other. I think she is doing it again. She lurks so she can watch and listen to us. I have kept my conversations with him very brief and stuck to important things like telling him not to put certain items in the recycle bin and that I need him to clean out a certain area of the garage by Mon.

I just interacted with her. She was lurking in here at after 3:00 am. Creepy! I think she is pissed about yesterday. I was dancing. He was watching.
I have found that it happens more than it used to, now that I am older. There are times when it is impossible not to be swept up in the emotions caused by a well written story, or a spiritual moment. There are times when memories of the past produce the swell of the chest and the moistening of the cheek beneath the eye. More often than used to be the case, I find that I am swept away by the vision of a sunrise or sunset. Those are some of the direct instances, but there have been others.
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I think I'm weird at crying.

There's one side of me that can cry quite easily during a book/film/tv programme, but crying about real life events that are personal to me comes much harder.

I never cry over happy events like weddings/births etc.

I only ever cry when my emotions have become too intense to contain. Extreme anger/frustration/fear/relief/sadness. It doesn't happen often, and if I do find myself crying more than once in a blue moon, then I know I'm off kilter and have to address my mental wellbeing.

I rarely cry in front of others. If other people are crying, I tend to 'stay dry' and be supportive then cry on my own later.

But I kind of mostly enjoy crying. The relieving feeling it brings after can be like a weight lifted and cleared mind.
Seeing the joy a dog exhibits when it realizes it's adopted, watching kids being surprised by getting a puppy, the lyrics of certain songs, movies when the superheroes, outnumbered and almost spent, rally for one last push against the villain (When Captain America lifted Thor's hammer and said, "Avengers assemble" I bawled like a child), happy endings in movies. I'm a complete sap for things like these.
I'm the same. I got emotional when Optimus Prime said "My name is Optimus Prime, and I send this message. Though we did not choose to be of Earth, it would seem that we are here to stay. If you approach this planet with hostile intent, know this: We will defend ourselves. We will defend humanity. We will defend… our home.” I need a tissue.
Don't ever get me started about how he was willing to sacrifice himself to protect the Allspark.

I mean.... it's dusty in here...sniff.... 😢
More people should be able to cry. This fucking world sucks and people make it a thousand times harder than it needs to be.
I cry easier at movies than I do at real world events. My theory is the music. It’s the same reason I will jump at a movie, but not when someone tries to scare me.

I rarely cry at real sad events like funerals. I’ll cry at home, but not there. I’m there for someone to cry on my shoulder, not for me to cry.

I well up like I’m going to cry when I feel failure or anger. It drives me nuts! I don’t get a quivering lip or anything, but my eyes get wet. It is insanely annoying/embarrassing at work.

The most recent reason I welled up? I got my wife the wrong size slippers and was disappointed in myself.
After mom died. Not immediately, because i was just too pissed off at the blonde doctor bitch. But later, when I was on the side of the mountain, sitting on the moss, thinking, and looking at forever.
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The last time out of sadness was after deciding it was time to put my dog to sleep.

Tears of joy were shed when I spoke to my daughter as we danced at her wedding.
Anything to do with animals will do it.

Sorry about your dog, Handeguy. Hardest decision in the world.
Animals and children especially get to my emotions. I also will find myself tearing up at a great feel good story even more so when true.