Why do I get no comments?


No Talent Punk
Feb 20, 2005
In the ratings thread, I mentioned that I get very few comments, almost none. I would say this concerns me but that might be overstating it. Would I prefer more feedback? Yes. Does it really matter? Not so much.

That said, I do wonder why. The slam-dunk answer is that I don't allow anonymous comments. I choose to disarm the trolls and that surely reduces the number of potential comments as many readers don't care to reveal themselves. I don't know why. It's not like dadadadiox is my real name. We are still anonymous with our usernames.

I only have 18 followers. Woohoo! That's surely a factor. With the exception of the chapter moved to erotic couplings, I'm averaging 23 votes per submission. I know this is crap for you well-followed, seasoned Lit writers. For me, 20 is a good number.

I rarely use author notes to speak directly to the reader. I know myself too well. If I went down that road I suspect I would overdo it, so I only use them when necessary. I'm wondering if that's a mistake. Do author notes break down the wall between writer and reader making them more comfortable with communicating directly?

I realize I partially answered my question. I'd like to know what you think.
In the ratings thread, I mentioned that I get very few comments, almost none. I would say this concerns me but that might be overstating it. Would I prefer more feedback? Yes. Does it really matter? Not so much.

That said, I do wonder why. The slam-dunk answer is that I don't allow anonymous comments. I choose to disarm the trolls and that surely reduces the number of potential comments as many readers don't care to reveal themselves. I don't know why. It's not like dadadadiox is my real name. We are still anonymous with our usernames.

I only have 18 followers. Woohoo! That's surely a factor. With the exception of the chapter moved to erotic couplings, I'm averaging 23 votes per submission. I know this is crap for you well-followed, seasoned Lit writers. For me, 20 is a good number.

I rarely use author notes to speak directly to the reader. I know myself too well. If I went down that road I suspect I would overdo it, so I only use them when necessary. I'm wondering if that's a mistake. Do author notes break down the wall between writer and reader making them more comfortable with communicating directly?

I realize I partially answered my question. I'd like to know what you think.
Also if you put a link to your stories in your signature, it might drive more traffic to them from the forum.
Allowing anonymous comments will probably help you get more feedback.

Sure it will allow the trolls to complain about silly things, but for whatever reason a lot of people who read here often and leave constructive and positive feedback wish to remain anonymous (like you I don't understand that, but I guess I don't have to understand it for it to be true).

And like someone said above you can always delete the comments that you find offensive or mean spirited.

I didn't start getting a lot of comments until I published in the incest category, and that caused readers to start following me and commenting on everything I wrote, even the older stuff. I didn't add a story in that genre because I was seeking followers or more comments, those were just things that happened.

I wouldn't advise you to write in any specific genre just to seek followers/comments, but know that if you're toying with the idea of trying a new genre that might very well be the result.
I don't get a ton of comments either, but I think I can attribute at least some of that to what djrip noted - I have a couple multi-chapter series, and the earlier entries have quite a few more comments. But then, my one standalone, my entry for the Halloween contest, only managed to get two comments, and those both from friendly and supportive Authors' Hangout neighbors. So... who knows.
And for my final recommendation, mix in a few standalone stories. You probably aren't drawing in many new readers with chapters 33-37 of a series.
I don't know if I agree with this entirely.

When I originally posted several of my novels in chapters or parts I received plenty of comments, although a lot of them were impatient readers not wanting to wait even a day for the next installment and saying so. When I converted all of these to single, longer posts, the comments per view for the whole body of work for each story remained about the same as when they were posted as separate chapters.

Category matters for feedback. You also need to give readers motivation to comment by having something that they either love or hate within the story. (Giving them something to love is more rewarding, IMO)
In the ratings thread, I mentioned that I get very few comments, almost none. I would say this concerns me but that might be overstating it. Would I prefer more feedback? Yes. Does it really matter? Not so much.

That said, I do wonder why. The slam-dunk answer is that I don't allow anonymous comments. I choose to disarm the trolls and that surely reduces the number of potential comments as many readers don't care to reveal themselves. I don't know why. It's not like dadadadiox is my real name. We are still anonymous with our usernames.

I only have 18 followers. Woohoo! That's surely a factor. With the exception of the chapter moved to erotic couplings, I'm averaging 23 votes per submission. I know this is crap for you well-followed, seasoned Lit writers. For me, 20 is a good number.

I rarely use author notes to speak directly to the reader. I know myself too well. If I went down that road I suspect I would overdo it, so I only use them when necessary. I'm wondering if that's a mistake. Do author notes break down the wall between writer and reader making them more comfortable with communicating directly?

I realize I partially answered my question. I'd like to know what you think.
Comments aren’t that frequent a thing. What sort of view figures do you get?

I get more comments from followers than from non (and people who do comment positively then seem to often follow as well).

What I’d say is, despite the lack of comment threading here (why?) I reply to the vast majority of comments. Even if the person never comes back, I’ve at least said thank you. And some do come back and comment again.

Comments aren’t that frequent a thing. What sort of view figures do you get?

I get more comments from followers than from non (and people who do comment positively then seem to often follow as well).

What I’d say is, despite the lack of comment threading here (why?) I reply to the vast majority of comments. Even if the person never comes back, I’ve at least said thank you. And some do come back and comment again.

Oh, and if I get a comment that the person has obviously taken time to write, I try to PM them and say thank you. Not that everyone has a forum account.

Why block anon comments? If one doesn't suit you, you can delete it. I'd start there. Then post a story in Loving Wives or Incest!

There are plenty of non-nefarious anonymous voters.

Some don't want their digital presence linked to Lit.
Some are using devices where logins are a problem.
Some don't want a thread linking their sexual interests.

Djip is 100. You've got the delete. Trolls will still wreck you via score if they are motivated. (honestly, I'd say they're usually lazy so score is the low hanging fruit)

Why shut out what is likely plenty of positive comments on the off chance you'll get some troublesome ones. (unless you specifically write triggering content but that's its own specific dynamics.)
I don't do reader notes unless there's some disturbing aspect about the story or it was entered into an event and I want that known.

Comments are... random. Sometimes I get a bunch, sometimes I get none. I allow anonymous comments though, and get a fair few of those. They are largely positive for me.

I don't think there's a tried and true rule to follow to get more comments. Best luck you'll probably have is to request comments at the end of the story.
I have a hard time asking for comments. I would appreciate feedback but I'd hate to appear needy. Funny thing, right after I posted this I got a nice comment in erotic couplings. The reader is from Providence, where my story is set. Rhode Island gets no love.
And for my final recommendation, mix in a few standalone stories. You probably aren't drawing in many new readers with chapters 33-37 of a series.
I have so many short stories already written I could easily do this. I could adapt to Lit, which is precisely what I've been doing with my long-form work.
Why block anon comments? If one doesn't suit you, you can delete it. I'd start there. Then post a story in Loving Wives or Incest!
I did that for more than thirty chapters of my first story. The men who hate cheating women were flaming me. I deleted shit postings and turned off voting after my chapters fell off the NEW listing.

I don't react well to trolls or general rudeness. This is not just an online problem. I can be a cranky old man but I am generally respectful and sensitive to other people's feelings. Does that make me woke? However, once someone is rude, I meet them on their turf and I can play their game as well as them.

I made a dumb mistake in the early chapters of Punks. I replied to a bad comment. "I'm sorry you were not man enough to please your wife and she had to go outside your marriage to get what she needs."

Do you think that guy might be my unobomber? :oops:
You've effectively written two stories; one of 11 chapters and one of 37 chapters. Very, very few people, if any, who stick it out for 37 chapters are going to leave a comment at the end of each chapter. I've just finished reading a story of 7 chapters but only left a comment at the end of chapter 7.
Comments aren’t that frequent a thing. What sort of view figures do you get?

I get more comments from followers than from non (and people who do comment positively then seem to often follow as well).

What I’d say is, despite the lack of comment threading here (why?) I reply to the vast majority of comments. Even if the person never comes back, I’ve at least said thank you. And some do come back and comment again.

Comment threading would be nice.

My views are low to modest. I'm typically in the mid-hundreds in the first week after submission, 400-600. In that same period, I'm getting about 20 ratings. More views and ratings may come later, but on average that's where I am. The chapter mods moved to erotic couplings had 1400 views in the first week... but only 6 ratings.
Low view numbers, plus by preventing anonymous comments you've cut your comments by over half. I don't understand people who eliminate anonymous commenting. Makes no sense to me. Sure, you get rid of some potential bad comments, but you get rid of even more good ones.

On average, I get over 4000 views for every comment. So your lack of comments, given your view numbers, is not unusual.

If you want comments:

1. Write standalone stories rather than chaptered stories.
2. Write in more categories, including categories that get more readers.
3. Insert a link to your submission page into the signature of your comments here.
4. Allow anonymous commenters.
5. Add a note before or after your story encouraging readers to vote and to comment.
I turned off the anonymous comments as well, but only because the system here links them with [the ability to receive]* anonymous emails. I wouldn't care much if anonymous jerks jizzed on the story wall, since that can be deleted (as mentioned multiple times above), but I don't want to make it convenient for them to pester me outside of the site. As far as I know there's no way to un-link those settings.
I have a hard time asking for comments. I would appreciate feedback but I'd hate to appear needy. Funny thing, right after I posted this I got a nice comment in erotic couplings. The reader is from Providence, where my story is set. Rhode Island gets no love.
There is no shame in asking for comments. That is the only "pay" you require from your readers for the story you are giving them for free. So a polite: "Please vote and comment on my story as your opinion helps me to improve and motivates me to write more," or something like that at the end of the story is quite common.
My take? It's the series thing. I have two similar "novels" being published in installments of multiple chapters, and I also receive very few comments, and none beyond the first two or three chapters. For that matter, the few I do get are basically, "That was great, looking forward to more."

That the chapters are being read at all and scoring well is gratification enough.
Some good advice here that I'll echo.

1. Turn anonymous comments on. A lot of readers are, for their own reasons, anonymous.
2. When someone comments (positive feedback), acknowledge the feedback and engage them.
3. When someone comments (negative feedback), acknowledge the feedback, but don't engage them. Instead, engage "around them" with something generic like. "For those who posted negative comments, thank you for reading my story. Hopefully the next will be more to your liking."
4. Solicit comments, either at the front or the end of the story. Keep it simple - something like "Ratings and Comments are an authors primary feedback. If you could take a moment to rate my story and/or leave a comment, that would be awesome."

If you're not sure how to engage, go take a look at some of @EmilyMiller comments. Even without comment threading (which would be awesome), she does a good job.