When a story jumps off your screen and into real life.


Just a Regular Guy
May 12, 2020
Or nearly so.

I just finished a story (currently editing) with an exhibitionism scene where the 2 FMCs and a guest FC flash a high-speed passenger train. Since this story series is intentionally based in real life locales, a little research was done about a specific train and a location meeting particular requirements such as little to no traffic, crossing gates, a rural road, and at a certain time of day.

We came pretty close to living that scene today. We were traveling to our summer cabin and passing through the town near to the imagined (but possibly real) location. I looked at the time and realized that it was indeed close to when I said it was going to happen in the story. I told my wife (model for one of the FMCs) that we were going off-route for a few minutes. I turned down one farm road, and it didn't have everything described in the story. Got out a map - a real paper map, specifically, a topographic map - and discovered I had turned one road too early.

So we turned back, and there it was. "Oh God, this is the scene in your story!" she said as we drove up. I pulled off onto the gravel drive I had detailed, I checked the Amtrak status on the phone, and it had left the closest station on time. "Any minute now," I mumble, and no sooner were the words out of my mouth, there go the gates.

"Want me to get naked?" she chuckles. "No. Not this time," I laugh back.

We both get out of the car to watch it go by just in time, and "Whoosh!", there it goes.

My gosh, talk about giddy and goose bumps. Just like I wrote it last week. Minus three naked cuties, unfortunately. ;)
It used to be the height of hilarity to moon at passing trains. I'll bet it made the day for commuting paedophiles.
There was a bar somewhere in Southern California along the coast... Oceanside, maybe?... that had a running gag going where the regulars would line up along the busy L.A.-San Diego tracks on a certain day every year to moon the trains. Like all things inspired and fun, it got too popular and the humor and spirit were lost, and they had to quit.

A now defunct model train company made scale model figures depicting the culprits, in two popular scales.
Years ago I boarded a late night train in Narvik, Norway and traveled overnight to Stockholm, Sweden. Once the sun came up and as we neared the city, I looked out to see a couple, totally starkers, standing some 30 meters from the tracks, facing us and waving. I knew then I would like Sweden.
Years ago I boarded a late night train in Narvik, Norway and traveled overnight to Stockholm, Sweden. Once the sun came up and as we neared the city, I looked out to see a couple, totally starkers, standing some 30 meters from the tracks, facing us and waving. I knew then I would like Sweden.
Up the iron ore line?
My gosh, talk about giddy and goose bumps. Just like I wrote it last week. Minus three naked cuties, unfortunately. ;)

Unfortunately my last few stories have been:
  • Mind Control and including demons
  • Blackmail and corporate espionage
  • Set in a hedonistic manor in 19th Century England
So if any of them turn up in real life, I'm probably in deep shit.
The last few years this idea that what I am writing about somehow seems to have real world effects keeps coming back to me. I had various encounters with, mostly women, that made me think about this possibility. The last two years I wasn't able to get any writing done and so far these similarities have stopped. Maybe I just imagining things here, it's what aspiring writers are good at :)
Sometimes the celebrities in my stories have had strange real life experiences to match the things I write. Other times I’ve been unable to predict the curves the real world will throw at them. At least I approve of things for the most part. :)

Unfortunately my last few stories have been:
  • Mind Control and including demons
  • Blackmail and corporate espionage
  • Set in a hedonistic manor in 19th Century England
So if any of them turn up in real life, I'm probably in deep shit.
All I can say is there are some strange sights in the National Forest when you go hiking naked. Especially when you have two naked redheads with you.
Earlier this evening, my husband and I stopped at the grocery store. I waited in the car while he went inside.

A pickup truck pulled in across the lane and a man stepped out. Suddenly, I was living in The Adventures of Ranger Ramona

Jeezum crow, its Paul Bunyan, she thought. Aaron Haines stood well over six feet tall, and appeared to be made of solid muscle. He had been sawing down a stand of puckerbrush at the edge of the clearing. The chainsaw looked like a toy in his hands.

He turned off the saw and put it down. After waving to Piney, he made eye contact with Ramona. His long hair and full, but neat, beard were jet black, his eyes nearly as dark. He was wearing a tight fitting tank top, and as he walked toward them, Ramona had to make a conscious decision to stop staring at his bulging biceps.

He was exactly Aaron as I imagined him. He wasn't wearing a tank top though. He wasn't wearing a shirt at all, just a pair of black work out shorts hanging low and showing off his obliques. I watched as he got a shirt from the truck and put it on, then as he walked into the store.

I might have to shop there more often.
Earlier this evening, my husband and I stopped at the grocery store. I waited in the car while he went inside.

A pickup truck pulled in across the lane and a man stepped out. Suddenly, I was living in The Adventures of Ranger Ramona

He was exactly Aaron as I imagined him. He wasn't wearing a tank top though. He wasn't wearing a shirt at all, just a pair of black work out shorts hanging low and showing off his obliques. I watched as he got a shirt from the truck and put it on, then as he walked into the store.

I might have to shop there more often.
I've done that, been people watching and someone caught my eye. I imagine them as a character in one of my stories, and then it's hard to look at them and not picture them in the steamy scenes they played in.
My gosh, talk about giddy and goose bumps. Just like I wrote it last week.
Wait a minute - you wrote about an Amtrak train running on time AND IT HAPPENED?!?
You are a GOD
A now defunct model train company made scale model figures depicting the culprits, in two popular scales
There was a fellow who modeled Circus trains and had a portable layout that showed a circus parade marching around a city block, the whole circus setup near by with the big top and the circus train parked nearby. There were hundreds of HO scale figures set up in all kinds of scenes and many of them animated. I remember a well done pickpocket lifting a parade viewers wallet

In many of the building windows there were scenes set up, mostly people reading the news paper or watching the parade out the window, but in one building, set up so small children couldn't see it, was a naked couple in a bed in flagrante delicto, at the foot of the bed was a movie camera on tripod, camera man, sound man with boom mike, and a director with stereotypical megaphone.

It was a masterpiece of modeling!
Wait a minute - you wrote about an Amtrak train running on time AND IT HAPPENED?!?

The high-speed lines such as the CHI-STL route have very little freight traffic, with several stretches rebuilt with state and fed funds expressly for the passenger trains. What's even more fun is we caught one going in the other direction when we were coming back home from the cabin last week. The story with this train-flashing scene has been sitting in the approval queue since Tuesday; Laurel must really be backed-up.

Yeah, the long-distance trains running on CSX down in your neck of the woods are red-headed stepchildren. Not nearly as bad as what CN does to the CHI-Carbondale state-sponsored trains, tho'. Ostensibly a five-hour schedule which somewhat reliably is an hour to two hours late. "So sue us!" is CN's position.

I have a set of Noch "Sexy Scene" figures (N scale) which will go somewhere on the layout, provided I can pause writing erotica and resume working on the train stuff. Last time I looked, they had at least six different scenes with couples doing the deed in various positions. I don't know if you're familiar with FKK (German body freedom philosophy); but Noch also has several nudist figure sets with this theme.
Last time I looked, they had at least six different scenes with couples doing the deed in various positions

The Souris Valley Model Railroad Assn. ALWAYS had a skinny dipper or two hidden on the layout, just to keep Doc happy. It was well hidden from young eyes generally in that corner of the layout that visitors don't see like edge of the staging yard... but 6 Scenes!!! Doc would have snuck into the layout on maintenance night and crafted an orgy the likes of which would have guaranteed a layout tour video on Pornhub
There was a bar somewhere in Southern California along the coast... Oceanside, maybe?... that had a running gag going where the regulars would line up along the busy L.A.-San Diego tracks on a certain day every year to moon the trains. Like all things inspired and fun, it got too popular and the humor and spirit were lost, and they had to quit.

A now defunct model train company made scale model figures depicting the culprits, in two popular scales.
Yeah, a lot of times it starts as fun then spirals out of control. One of the best examples I can think of is Sturgis. It started as a small motorcycle rally back in the 1930s and spiraled from there. Now 600,000+ bikers and wannabes show up for a week every year. We had a s smaller version close to me, 40-60,000 attended every year. Unfortunately, it was run by the Banditos. There was never any problem and all the proceeds went to charity. Even with that, some high-profile people in the community objected to it because it was a nasty ol' outlaw club. It shut down this year. I think they got tired of trying to prove they weren't doing anything nefarious. All that funding for charity gone because some buttheaded pious ahole couldn't get past who was running the event. Okay, 'nuff bitchin'.

Sometimes though the more it grows the better it is. A little hole-in-the-wall burger joint not far for me "Fat Smitty's" is an example. Smitty opened the place on the main highway in and out of here. Now while it's true he serves the biggest, juiciest, most delicious greasy burger in four counties, it didn't really take off until someone had the idea to write their name on a dollar and thumbtack it to the wall. The article says that guy was a traveling salesman. Legend has it that he was also a marine since Smitty was a retired marine. Anyway, that took off and a few years later the walls and ceiling looked like the picture below. Smitty decided to take down the money and donate it to veterans' causes. They've been doing it every 5 years or so since. So sometimes when fun things spiral it turns out good.

inside smitty's.jpg


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