What part of writing do you enjoy the most?

Character creation and plot development. I know this is the art of story writing. It is why I enjoy The art of writing, the creative part. Re characters writing dialog I also enjoy. Brutal One
I love coming up with ideas, almost to my detriment. I only got back into writing in this format last month and I've come up with more ideas than I could possibly write. I note them down just in case but by the time I finish the one I actually choose to write, fresh ideas have pushed the ideas of yesterday to the back of the queue.

When it comes to actually creating the stories, I love writing the moments that originally drew me to the idea! Whenever I come up with an story there's plenty of wiggle room on how the characters will behave or what will happen in the bedroom or how it ends, but there's always one or two moments that I know will be part of the story and getting to them and being able to bring that specific aspect of my plan to life is a lot of fun
Not really writing, but the vivid boredom-induced daydreams that lead to a story are always great fun! Then spending the next few days iterating scenes over and over in my head until I feel like I understand who the characters are, what their personalities, motivations and desires are before putting anything on the page.

In terms of parts of the actual writing process.. Detail, trying to capture every squish and moan to hopefully translate the intensity of the situation from my mind's eye to words.
Worldbuilding. I often have to stop myself.

Or, if it's not an SF/fantasy/supernatural story, then background research. Which is also worldbuilding, or at least world-informing. Dialogue is fun, too.
This. And it isn't just SFF. I really like laying writing out the backgrounds of the stories I write, the places they're in, the characters' histories, the background of the situation they are in. It just flows out and it's like I get immersed in an imagined world.

And yeah, I have to reel that in a lot.
3. I like endings. I usually write the last page or few paragraphs of a story before I'm very far into it.
There's your problem. You've fooled your brain into thinking the story is done, coz you've written the ending.

Maybe you shouldn't write the ending, just think it. That way, you've got to write the story to get there.

I'm the same - I can often picture the last scene, even the last sentence, but if I write it down...

My tip, don't write the ending too soon!
I love character development, that early stage where you are just getting to know them and learning their backstory. Then as the story develops you know how they would react to a situation because you understand their thinking process. It is very satisfying for me.