What Made You Say Fuck Today.

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A fucking mother trying to take my surge protector at Starbucks, telling me that I don't need it, and her daughters and their friends need to charge up. Bitch! It's MY surge protector, not Starbucks'!
My riding mower getting booged down and stuck in wet leaves. Big time PITA to it unstuck and going again.
So I'm shopping at a grocery store that I used to shop at regularly until they opened one a little closer to my house. So I'm walking out the door pushing my short cart and don't realize the ramp has been moved about 10 feet down from where the door is until I am right at the edge. I try to power through and the cart just nose dives off the curb taking me with it ass over tea kettle. I land on top of the cart and people are asking me if I'm ok. Fuck that hurt.
The gift of a very large glass patio table with umbrella, stand and many chairs. I told the giver thanks yikes. I'm trying to get rid of stuff. Not acquire it. Generous yes but one should ask before doing something like that.
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