What have you posted recently?

And that is why I'll never Wade into LW. I just don't have the shoes for it, but good luck
You just need to get past the need for high ratings by recognizing that the rating system is skewed.

If you post to other categories such as Incest, Gay, Lesbian, BDSM, etc, your audience there is selective and leaning toward liking your story. You're less likely to get feedback from those who hate that type of story, because they don't go there. And there are authors who "pat themselves on the back" by rating their own stories multiple times with 5s, trying to desperately achieve the Red-H.

I prefer the more honest ratings of a larger, more general audience, some of whom will legitimately HATE my story, because it contains material which triggers bad memories in them (extra-marital sex, when they remember their spouse cheating on them.)

So, I post to LW, taking the bad with the good. My story is now just over six hours old and has over 2.3k views. And this story has triggers of extra-marital sex, cuckolding, gangbangs, black-on-white (minimized so it's not a racist thing, just descriptive of a variety of people), sexism, and girl-on-girl. There's something for almost everyone to hate!

But it's risen to 2.51 with 37 people taking the time to rate it! At this pace, it will probably get over 20k views and rise to well over 3.0 in a week. And I consider that a success.
But if you get a bad rating because of kink mismatch, does it really tell you anything about the quality of your writing? When such votes are mixed into the pool of "genuine" one's, IMO it only serves to dilute the meaning of the latter.

Of course, you may simply ignore the ratings altogether, like you suggest, but that can always be done, regardless of category. I don't think it's right that LW is the only place where you basically have to do it.
My first work with Transgender and Crossdressers is now up. It recounts a young man's transition as he moves from heterosexual experiences with a paraplegic woman to a relationship with her caregiver brother. Those experiences formed a special bond between Bobby and Gaylan in that short period of time before he went to the university. It is told in flashback mode as he makes a weekend getaway from his teaching role at a university on the way home for a tenth-year high school reunion. It's a slow-burn story that bounces between fellatio, vaginal, and anal sex scenes.

Bobby's Metamorphosis, Love's Spark
Bobby Engages with Sara and Her Brother Gaylan.
05/11/2024 in Transgender & Crossdressers Stories

Publishedbadge1 Like 728 views 4.75 / 8 score
This is a cannabis and vodka-infused reply from a state with legal recreational herbs. It's amazing how good legal weed is today. Do you recall going to seedy houses or apartments in the 70s and 80s for Mexican dirt weed hoping that's not the day Curt the sleazy dealer gets busted because you know someday he will? There's just too much traffic. The neighbors notice. It's just a matter of time.

I recently surpassed a hundred chapters. I'm a wordy serial writer. Eighty-nine of those chapters are in the same punk universe and the rest are a detective tale I'm proud of. They are very different projects, mostly non-erotic but hitting guardrails as mods have bumped some submissions out of NE. And there is some mediocre erotic writing in PUNKS I don't regret but could do better. It was my first attempt at published erotica. Give me a break.

Watching The Detectives has earned me an additional twenty followers, which for me is a big bump. I guess a bump is a milestone.

As an occasionally commenting wallflower of almost two decades here, I feel like I'm bragging. I am not. It took me fifteen years to publish in Lit. I was rightfully terrified to put my characters and stories out there. Then I realized fuck it, who cares? What's the worst they could do?

If it weren't for high-grade state-sanctioned flower and Tito's vodka this reply would not have happened.
Barstow - Trouble in River City

FMC nearly gets busted for indecent exposure by a cop who suspects it but didn't see it; MMC saves her bacon by interceding and knowing the law. The MMC and his troupe of beauties flash-mob a dive bar, heavy on the "flash".
My new story is up! In this fantasy short, Arryn the half-elf bard (Previously featured in Feline Fervor) finds himself in the desert town of Aridale, and has a steamy encounter with some kobold girls at a bathhouse. It's a simple scene, but turned out longer than I expected at around 5k words I think.

Given that this story is male POV with non-human females, I'm curious to see how it'll do. Most of my stories center on female POVs with non-human men.

Anyways, I hope ya'll enjoy: https://literotica.com/s/a-bold-local-flavor
My Loving Wives story "Raging Hormones" went live (5.5k words). "Wife talks to her husband about their sex needs."

It's not about PMS as some might guess, but rather a way of increasing testosterone in people to increase libido. The wife is trying out something to appease her husbands demands, and what happens when they work very well.
The Baddie Neighbor Chapter 5 just went up this morning.

When I checked it was not doing well. Someone must have really hated it as it sat with a 2.5 where all the rest are solidly above 4.5. Still early yet being out for only a few hours and under 500 votes but made me a little sad to see.
It was a dud.

I have ideas for a third and final part to this series that would tie up all the loose ends but no one is reading Part 2. I think the opening sentence is turning people off ("A condom lay cooling on the floor next to the bed where I had dropped it"). After a month and fewer than 1,000 views I think I'm too old to throw good writing after bad. I could re-submit the same story as an edit without that opening sentence but it's too late - sometimes the answer is right in front of us. A dud is a dud.
On second thought, I think I will go ahead. There are story holes to be filled and even if no one reads it, it will give me pleasure to write it. If you're familiar with the series, part three will be from Jean's point of view and Jean will have the last word.
My new story is up: One Orgasm At A Time 01. A woman has been hogging orgasms, so the Three Aspects of Orgasm send her on a journey through time and space to give them back to the people who should have had them.

A bit of silly fun, but I like it.