What Are You Thinking Riiiiiiight NOW?! (pt.2!)

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Yeah, I'm checking out. As much as it is, it isn't worth the race. Nice meeting you though.
The first person that made a smiley face with punctuation marks must have thought they were pretty clever.
Perhaps I’m more alpha than I realised.

Perhaps suppressing the anger and passion is why the disconnection has occurred.

Perhaps it’s time to embrace it.
There should be BDSM versions of games like Taboo, Curses, And Pictionary!

What would a BDSM Monopoly look like, i wonder? He he he :cathappy:
That it's way too cold to be out and about tonight. My bed and a pile of blankets is calling my name.:heart:
There should be BDSM versions of games like Taboo, Curses, And Pictionary!

What would a BDSM Monopoly look like, i wonder? He he he :cathappy:

Instead of avenues you can buy time in the dungeon? Renting different areas? :eek:

Gives an entire different idea for Dungeons and Dragons! 😂
My 'friend' doesn't get out of work until Midnight. I have to be up at 5am tomorrow.

I think I may have to go without this evening.
Appreciating your own art is a lot like masturbating, you can do it just fine but you really wish someone else was doing it instead.
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