What are you listening to ?

It's a hard-knock life for us!
It's a hard-knock life for us!
'Stead of treated,
We get tricked!
'Stead of kisses,
We get kicked!
It's a hard-knock life!
Got no folks to speak of, so,
It's the hard-knock row we ho
Cotton blanket
'stead a wool
Empty Bellies
'Stead a full!
It's a hard-knock life!
Don't it feel like the wind is always howl'n?
Don't it seem like there's never any light!
Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
It's easier than putting up a fight.
No one's there when your dreams at night are creepy!
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink!
No one dries when your eyes get wet and weepy
From the crying you would think this place's would sink!
Empty belly life!
Rotten smelly life!
Full of sorrow life!
No tomorrow life!
Santa Claus we never see
Santa Claus, what's that?
Who's he?
No one cares for you a smidge
When your in a orphanige
It's the hard knock life
(Making a whistling sound and imitating Miss Hannigan)
i want my bathroom to shine but don't touch my medecine cabnet!!!.
kill kill
[ORPHANS (Except Molly)]

Yank the whiskers from her chin
Jab her with a safety Pin
Make her drink a Mickey Finn
I love you Miss Hannigan
( Molly)
Get to work!
make the beds

I said get to work!
It's the hard-knock life for us

It's the hard-knock life for us
No one cares for you a smidge
( Molly)

When your in a orphanage
It's The Hard Knock Life!

wrong lyrics, but yes, that.
Paul McCartney's voice had a rough sound to it. I was guessing that it was Axl Rose, that was singing.

I am transitioning to listening to music during my commute again.

I always listened to Opie & Anthony on SiriusXM, but after Anthony was fired the show just didn't do it for me. So, I'm working on filling a USB with music for my car.

I admit, I haven't listened to terrestrial radio in several years, so I'm not super up to date on new music.

I hate Kanye, but I am in love with that FourFiveSeconds song by Rhianna!