Welcome To Paradise (open)


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2017
Welcome To Paradise

“Welcome to paradise!”

The ship an Epsilon class travel shuttle kicked up steam as it flew mere inches from the water. The sleek silvery craft glistened as it kicked up sea spray its twin engines glowing a faint blue. Every so often a strong wind would hit the craft rocking it and sending it dipping ever so softly. Beneath them was a sea of crystal clear water. The world below that water was one alien and breath taking. Sea creatures of various sizes and colors danced with one another talking with their bodies alone. A colorful rainbow of jellyfish scattered as the ship passed them moving around human made clear tubes.

“We will reach colony midnight in FIVE minutes” The ships AI said as it made miniscule changes to the flightpath. The lights lit up inside the shuttle revealing rows of seating that were empty. Only one of the seats currently had an occupant a man and a large duffel bag.

The man straightened out running a hand over his clean-shaven head. His pointed chin was shaved clean as well. The clothing he wore was light and tropical a pale blue shirt and matching slacks that showed off his tone body. Six months ago they would have hung on his frame evidence of his long cryo sleep. The minute he popped out of his coffin he was put on a high carb meal and exercise regimen that rivaled the athletes of the old earth. By the time he was slated to go down to the planet he was trim and lean a bull of a man.

His large hand reached into his duffel bag feeling around inside. Seconds later his hand reappeared clutching a small silver frame. Inside was a simple family portrait two stern faced parents clutching a small baby boy. A pretty young girl sat at their knees smiling a wide toothless grin.

“I made it Lemmy” The man said tapping the picture gently as his eyes became sad “You told me to reach for the stars and I did”

Before he could say anything more the ship shuddered and began to slow down. To his left the ships wall disappeared revealing the water to him and a massive floating barge. Landing pads dotted the barge along with flight towers and mechanical drones signaling for ships to land. The star port was buzzing with activity and work. Cargo ship carrying needed supplies from the Ark Noah moved back and forth pausing just long enough for one of the automatic cranes situated around the space port to unload the supplies before blasting back into space.
He was the only one to arrive today according to the Ark colony officer. His was a special case marked priority for reasons he wasn’t sure of. He was an engineer but not a very high ranking one and there were surely other people who could do what he was picked to do. Even the Ark colony officer wasn’t sure!

The ship jostled as it touched down shaking him from his thoughts. With a hiss the doors behind him opened spilling real sunlight onto him for the first time in a hundred years. His nostrils flared as he took in the salty smell of the sea that covered the entire planet. According to the briefing there was only ONE island on the planet and it wasn’t large enough to hold the hundred thousand souls on Ark Noah.

Which meant… OTHER options were needed.

“Thank you for traveling with us!” The ship AI said with mock enthusiasm “Ark Tech reaching beyond the stars!”

He chuckled and got up. His hand wrapped around his duffel handle and he swung it over his shoulders. He moved to the opening and stepped out blinking as his eyes took in pure sun. He paused for a minute on the threshold reminding himself that he was about to step on an entirely new planet. He thought of the many who came before him dreamers who wanted to reach for the stars and made it all possible.

Like his sister.

He took a deep breath and stepped out. His boots touched the metal desk and he stepped forward leaving the comfort of the Ark transport ship and stepping into his new world. He moved to the edge of the landing platform and looked down taking in the gently rocking sea. He could see the tubes down below the complex network of water tight tubes and rooms that made up humanity’s home here. It was a marvel of human engineering one that would allow them to have a place on the planet.
“Ensign Mark Dowell?”

He turned noting the green shirt attendant waiting for him by a flight of stairs. She was a pretty thing with shocking red hair. She had a smile on her face but her eyes were all business. She glanced at the tablet in her hand once more reading the information before turning her attention back to him.

“You are him correct?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Uh yes” He said blushing as he stepped forward and offered her his hand “Ensign Mark reporting for duty!”

“Good” She said turning and ignoring his offered hand “If you will follow me please…”

She moved away her boots slapping against the landing area as she moved down the stairwell. Mark blinked and dropped his hand hurrying after her as his confusion grew. Was there an emergency he wasn’t being briefed on? He was a nobody! What could he fix that no one else could.

“Is something wrong?” He asked her as they moved down the stairwell and into the lower ring. The area below deck was a flurry of movement and motion. Drones of all shapes and sizes moved about the area carrying supplies or performing maintenance. They passed a small batch of drones welding a bulkhead and then a group carrying several sealed black boxes. Then they were moving through another stairwell that hummed with machinery.

“Why would something be wrong?” She asked confused as she moved them down a corridor marked elevator.

“I was fast tracked out” He said his confusion growing “Marked as a priority but they wouldn’t tell me why”

She paused turning back. For the first time her professional mask slipped away revealing confusion and what he thought might be embarrassment. She glanced at her tablet once more before clearing her throat awkwardly.

“They uh didn’t tell you?” She said biting her full bottom lip.

“No” Mark said shaking his head “is it bad?”

“Its best if your boss explains” She said hurriedly turning around and moving down the corridor “Follow me please”

He followed doing his best not to have a panic attack. What could possibly be the reason? They couldn’t fire him and send him back to earth! Was he being demoted? Did they think he lied about one of his qualifications? Panic began to fill his chest and he tried to resist his mind which told him to run.

They reached the elevator leading down into the depths of the sea. The tube was clear forged with toughened glass from back on earth. The initial tubing system was premade but eventually they would run out. The planet was full of rich materials however and everyone on the planet was trained in extracting them underwater.

She opened the doors for them and Mark stepped in. She followed and the door clicked sealing itself before the platform began to go down. They left the star port in a matter of seconds giving Mark a chance to look at the underbelly of the massive floating platform. Large chains tethered it in one place keeping it semi free floating. The water around them was shockingly clear pristine like a beach from the old age on earth. Mark worry was momentarily cast aside in favor of wonder. He moved forward studying the different alien marine life that passed by them.

“This is amazing” He murmured more to himself than to her.

“It is” She said answering him anyways “And here is our new home… Colony Atlantis”

His eyes flickered down taking in the rapidly appearing network of tubes and oval buildings. The colony was already rather large stretching out across the sea bed. The tubes were all glass giving him a chance to see people moving in and around the colony. People outside in dive suits and under water construction Mechs worked adding on piping or clearing the way. He watched as one Mecha stomped forward scattering a school of rainbow colored fish. One of the tenants of their mission was to coexist with the population that was here before. So far there didn’t seem to be human level life on the planet so it made their job easier.
The elevator slid into the colony and settled to a stop. It clicked in place and the doors opened revealing a white pristine room that welcomed visitors. Exhibits and signs were already set up detailing the history of Ark tech and humanities push to leave their failing earth. Signs promoted the latest eateries and few entertainment options already set up on the ship.

“The usual tour and orientation will have to come later” She said already moving down the hall “Let’s get you to Director Addison’s office”

“Addison?” Mark said confused as he followed along “My boss was Commander Lexington”

“Was being the key word” She explained as they passed into another section of glass tubing “You’ve been temporarily assigned to Addison she will be your boss until your work is done”

“This work you can’t tell me about?” Mark said snorting “I don’t get all the secrecy”

“Soon” She promised leading him into a circular office and through a bulkhead door.

Inside was a simple office with a fake wood desk a window looking outside into the ocean and two chairs. She pointed for him to sit in one and he did shifting to make himself comfortable as he regarded her.

“Director Addison will be here soon” She said going over to the door “One other will be joining you a female. She should be here shortly.”

“Uh okay” Mark said watching as the woman ducked out. He shook his head in confusion and settled in trying to relax and not think the worst of what might be happening. The minutes ticked by and soon enough the door opened. When it did he rose looking at her curiously as he stepped forward and offered his hand.
“Engineer Mark Dowell” He said “Do you know why we are here?”
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Elsa Parker had arrived to Gleesa 355a around a year ago. She should have known exactly when. But some days, it felt as if she had been here all her life. From what she had seen, everything on this planet was beautiful. The whole planet seemed beautiful. If there was ever a planet deserving of the name 'Paradise', it was here. In fact, everyone called the planet "Paradise" though its technical name was that rather unglamorous Gleesa 355a. And the few sour pusses here called it "Waterworld ".

Her job was known as Dietitian Third Class E with her secondary job as Botanist Fourth Class or as she called it, Cook and Chief Bottle Washer with Dirty Hands. When you're populating a planet, there are two things to remember. Not everyone can be in charge. And everyone must be able to do more than one job. Despite the fact that food could be replicated, it was discovered that humans ate better if the food actually tasted good. So some things were replicated, like ingredients. But it was up to the cooks to be creative and accomplish dishes with substitutes. Nothing was thrown away. Instead, leftovers would be creatively used the next day.

One of her jobs was to fix what she was told to fix. If her superior, Chief Dietitian First Class A Frank Popkin had decreed that chicken noodle soup be prepared that day, then she was to cook up a vat of chicken noodle soup. Not that there were chickens here. But the synthetic actually was pretty good.

Each week, the menu would arrive with the choices for the week. There were 7 restaurants here and she worked at restaurant 5, hence the 'E' in her title. The name of the restaurant was called "Howdy" and the food all had more of a flavor resembling the spicy or comfort food. There was "Aloha", "Bon Jour", "Ciao", "Χαίρετε", "你好", and "Hello".

As to her other title, it basically meant that in one of the few "gardens" that existed on the island, her job was to pull weeds, water and pick the ripe fruits and vegetables. None of her work was glamorous, but in its own way was still essential.

She lived in a small apartment underwater that mainly consisted of a living room that doubled as a bedroom when she pulled the bed from out of the wall, a kitchenette and a bathroom. Most furniture was built into the walls and all told consisted of about 350 sq ft of living space. Plenty of room for a single person here on this planet.

So she was surprised when she was contacted early one morning and told to quickly pack up all of her belongings. She was not to report to either of her jobs, nor to her superiors. Instead she was told to report to Director Addison. She was confused. Had she not done something she was supposed to? Surely they were not sending her back. She had finally grown all her hair back after being bald for hyperspace.

She quickly packed, worried. What had she done wrong? The chime of her doorbell sounded and with trepidation she answered. Standing outside were two officials.

"Dietitian Third Class Elsa Parker?"


"Are you packed? Good. Just leave your bag there. It will be transported for you. Follow Petty Officer Crank here to Director Addison's office. Step lively. They're waiting for you."

She nodded and stepped in behind the officer and followed him as they twisted and turned through corridors and tunnels. Occasionally things would open up and the outside world could be seen with colorful fish and other creatures swimming around. She was gonna miss this world.

Eventually the officer stopped before a rather impressive door. She could hear voices in the other side, though muted. The officer rapped sharply and she clearly heard "Enter" from the other side as the officer opened the door and stepped aside. Elsa took a deep breath and stepped inside.
“Ah there she is”

Mark turned looking in the direction of the open door. Director Addison rose as a pretty blonde girl came in one who judging by her long hair had been here for some time. Even though he was warned ahead of time that there would be a female joining them he still blinked in surprise. Seeing someone who was here for so long beside the colonist director was something of a shock to him.

“Come on in” Director Addison said a short haired red head woman who projected an accomplished air of superiority.

She did and only when the door closed behind her did Director Addison finally speak.

“You both have been given a very important job” She said pulling out two packages and handing them to him “The first round of people for phase two of our colonization plan”

“Phase two?” Mark asked confused as he opened the contents of the package “What’s phase two?”

“Reproduction of course” Director Addison said as a bottle of pills fell into Marks hand “You two were genetically paired together and chosen among a hundred of your peers to have a baby”

Mark blinked trying to figure out if the Director was joking. His eyes flickered over to the women trying to gauge her interest before he finally spoke.

“You can’t be serious Director” Mark said his tone one of shock “I just got off the ark!”

“Yes I am” Director Addison chuckled “Why do you think you were fast tracked out! You were the most genetically viable the two of you were”

“But this goes beyond genetics!” He said shaking his head “What about compatibility?!”

“Is she not pretty then?” Addison asked raising an eyebrow “I think you both make an attractive pair”

“That’s….” Mark said failing for words as he looked over at her “What do you think of this?!”
Entering she was met by Director Addison, a woman with short red hair and a bald man. If he had been gaunt, she would have thought that he was just recently out of hyperspace.

Ah there she is

Elsa was confused, not quite sure what was going on and why she was here. The Director motioned for her to enter and take a seat and she did as ordered. She crossed and sat in the vacant chair beside the man.

Sitting down again, Director Addison began once the door closed and it was just the three of them in the office.

You both have been given a very important job

Confused, Elsa watched as the man took the packages that the Director handed him. An important job?

The first round of people for phase two of our colonization plan.

“Phase two? What’s phase two?”

“Reproduction of course. You two were genetically paired together and chosen among a hundred of your peers to have a baby”

Elsa's mouth fell open in shock, staring at the Director. She must have miss heard the woman. She knew that the director and the man were talking, but her mind was busy replaying what the woman had just said. This was crazy! She didn't know this guy. Didn't even know his name.

What do you think of this?!

Suddenly she was aware that they both were staring at her, waiting for an answer. Blinking, she licked her lips and tried to think straight.

"Uh, I'm sure that this man is nice but something like this is very personal and...well, you can't just order something like this." It was quiet in the room as they both watched her. There was a knot in the pit of her stomach. "Can you?"

The Director smiled at her. "Actually, yes. I can. There were papers that you signed. A pledge made before you were even prepared for training to come here. And before you were even put into hyperspace once again you agreed to such."

"But...um...I don't understand. I was just ordered to pack my bag to vacate my apartment. And what about my jobs?" She shook her head as if to clear the confusion. She muttered under her breath. "I can't believe this. This is crazy."
“This is your job” Director Adison explained shaking her head “Both of you will be taken off the work rotation for the duration of the conception and pregnancy. You will be treated in positions of honor within the society and be given the best accommodations”

“The best accommodations?” Mark said his eyes widening in surprise “What does that even mean?”

Director Adison sighed and leaned in regarding them both.

“Listen you two” He said eyeing them both “The colony is stable. A year out and we have already met our mile stones and exceeded them in many ways. The mandate of this mission is to create a home amongst the stars. In order to do that we have to start making babies. The ark has more than two thousand people still on board that need to be thawed”

“Shouldn’t we be focusing on them then?!” Mark said rising up despite himself “On getting those people out”

“They are coming out on time” Director Adison remarked shaking his head “now it’s time to focus on doing what we were meant to do having babies this is the mission and you two have been chosen”

Mark faltered and sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Addison took that time to go for the kill.

“Your wrist watch has already been updated with your new credentials” Addison said nodding at her “Inside the packet is your wrist watch wear it at all times as its needed to get into anything within the colony I suggest you two start learning about one another”

She nodded her head directing them to leave.
And with that, they were dismissed. She crossed to the door and as she opened it, the man was right behind her. Immediately, Petty Officer Crank stepped up to them.

"If you will both follow me."

Walking quickly they were heading off in an area of Colony Atlantis that she had never been to. As they walked she spoke to the man, quick and quiet. Better to figure all this stuff out when they were alone.

"Put that watch on and don't take it off. We'll need it into get through any security checkpoints."

She held the packages for him so the man could put the watch on. Meanwhile her thought returned to the Director's word.

So it was now her job to get pregnant by some man that she did not know? Because they had good genes? She was a virgin, not necessarily because she wanted to. But because she had not wanted sex just to have sex.

Suddenly, the petty officer stopped and placed his watch in front of the scanner. The red light turned green. Stepping back, he motioned to her and she stepped up, expecting alarms to sound when she waved her watch in front of the scanner. Green light. She stepped back and the man waved his watch. Green light.

Another hall with more closed doors with numbers. Walls were a soft pinky coral color, which she had never seen before. Suddenly they stopped in front of a door marked C101.

"This is the Coral Wing. Your ID's will work on this door." He gave a curt nod, turned and left.

She paused, looking at the man.

“I uh guess we go in” Mark replied totally at a loss and still trying to catch up with what was happening. The look on his face was a mixture of shock and confusion as if he didn’t quite understand what was happening. For Mark the last five hours seemed like a blur. When he was thawed out and told he was now a priority colony member he couldn’t have imagined it was for this. Ever since the Director said the words reproduction he felt as if he was in a long tunnel. Everything felt echoed and a million miles away from him. She moved with him following like a zombie or perhaps a puppy that was a little lost.

They stepped into the suite together and Mark was temporarily shaken out of his inner turmoil. The room they were in was simply amazing! It was a living room and kitchen with two doors leading off into what he assumed were the bathrooms and bedroom respectively. The truly amazing thing about the room was the left side of the suite which was entirely composed of a window that looked out into a coral reef. As they stepped in a group of exotic looking fish floated up to the window peering in for several seconds before leaving.

“Amazing” Mark whispered moving over to the glass and gently touching it. He jumped back as a holographic display appeared on the glass giving ambient water temperatures, the type of fish in the area, and the current time on the planet.

“It really is paradise” He murmured turning to her “I uh… I don’t think I introduced myself my name is Mark I’m supposed to have been a structural engineer”
From the look on the man's face, he was just as shocked as she was at the strange turn of events. With some hesitation, they stepped into a dream.

Her old apartment had been small. In fact, her whole apartment would fit in this one room alone. The window that looked out into the ocean was spectacular, and she watched as the man was amazed at the information that the holographic window revealed. Light was filtered through the water giving everything a bluish tint. There was not a ton of furniture but she was surprised that it was real, actual furniture. In her old apartment, the furniture was actually as if part of the floor or the wall. The kitchen was an actual kitchen, not a couple of gizmos in a kitchenette.

It really is paradise. I uh… I don’t think I introduced myself my name is Mark I’m supposed to have been a structural engineer

She looked at Mark, at least having a name to put to a face.

"Mark. I'm Elsa. I'd say nice to meet you, but...uh," she hesitated. "I used to be Dietitian Third Class E and Botanist Fourth Class. Now, I'm not quite sure what our title is."

She slowly walked across the living room, a pair of Followers following her from one side of the room to the other. She didn't know their scientific name, but most people called them Followers as they had a habit of following people that they noticed through the windows. Pretty little bright blue fish, they didn't follow all movement, only people that moved. They also easily lost interest so it wasn't creepy to be followed by a fish. As she reached one of the doors,she noted the Followers apparently lose interest and swim away.

She opened the door and stepped into a mind blowing bedroom.

"Oh my God!" She couldn't help the words that left her lips and she heard Mark rush in and stand amazed. She noted that her bag sat in a chair over to one side. "There's my bag so I guess that they really mean this."

Quickly stepping outside, she went to the last door and slowly opened it. Inside was the most
incredible bathroom
she had ever seen. Instead of her small shower from the apartment, here was an actual bath tub. Again, there was a window with a fabulous view of the ocean.

She was stunned - to be placed suddenly in such splendor was hard to take in. And all because her genes were compatible with this Mark? She hoped that there was some kind if explanation inside those packets that he had.
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He saw his own bags and blinked struggling to keep himself up. The last time he saw those bags was more than a hundred years ago. His personal effects were packed inside the last memories of his family. He wanted to bury himself in them to comfort himself with them. It was all too much for the poor young man.

His… whatever she was moved into the bathroom. She exclaimed and he knew the bathroom had to be Just as grand as the bedroom. Why put them in such quarters? If they were just here to procreate then why make it so lavish. The opulence made him uncomfortable just as much as the package the director gave him.

“I guess so” He said his voice weak. He took the package over to the dining room table and empties its contents. Inside was a rectangular box as well as a small video disk. Mark went for the box first opening it to reveal a row of rectangular pills. They were gendered colored blue and pink and were clearly meant for both of them. An instruction booklet was inside the box and detailed what each pill was.
“Oh lord…” He said trying not to hurl as he read the instructions. The pills were simple half of them were to aid in restarting there dormant reproductive systems and the others were to aid in said acts. Simply put they were made to get them both horny as hell and fertile.
She couldn't get over the lushness of this apartment. Looking around, she wandered over to sit on the couch, her head in her hands, speaking as if to no one in particular.

"There are too many possibilities of this not working. What if we're not interested in each other? What if I don't get pregnant? What happens if I do get pregnant? Do we stay here? For how long? What is our job title? Cause people ask that all the time. So what do I say? 'Hello, I'm Elsa and I'm a breeder'? Just what is in those packages?" She heard his Oh lord… and worried. None of this made any sense. She noticed that Mark looked a bit sick and thought that it might be a reaction to the thawing out.

"If you don't feel good, you might want to lay down for a bit. The thawing out process sometimes does that to people." She stood up and crossed to the table where he was checking out the contents of the packages. Picking up the video disk, she said, "Wonder what's on this?"

Crossing to a slit on the wall, she popped the disk in and waited to see what was on it. There was a flicker as the video hologram began.
He heard the video beginning to play and slowly made his way over to the large video screen. He sat down just as the logo for Ark Tech appeared and the theme song played. The music reached a crescendo and the logo faded to reveal a bright happy young woman wearing what looked like a flight attendant uniform.
“Isn’t that the lady from all the commercials?” Mark murmured remembering all the commercials to join the Ark colonization program.

“Welcome to Ark tech info video R22” The woman said in an overt cheery voice “if you’re watching this then you colony has achieved more than 80 percent viability! In layman’s term this means your colony is successfully adapting to the planet and you have reached a stable period!”

The woman paused as a montage of simulated people in far off alien worlds were shown. The clip played for thirty seconds before being replaced by a picture of a pregnant woman and a man smiling happily.

“Now that your colony is stable it is time for us to get busy with the true mark of colonization” The woman said continuing to smile happily “population!”

The woman disappeared replaced by clips of people kissing and touching back on earth. Mark struggled not to scream at the images and what they represented.
“You and your mate have been selected as the first for this honored mission” The woman’s voice said happily “You have been genetically accepted over all others for your viability and your potency. Over everyone else in your colony you two showed the most viability with one another. Isn’t that neato!”

“I can’t watch anymore” Mark said shaking his head and moving away from the screen just as the girl began talking about the process for reproduction. He moved to the kitchen opening the high-tech fridge and groaning as he noticed the aphrodisiac styled food waiting for them. He dug in and finally found a water bottle taking it and lingering in the kitchen as he gulped it down.
The beginning was just like hundreds of infomercial that she had watched back on Earth about joining the Ark. Same actress. Almost the same spiel about how wonderful it would be.

And then it went into the embarrassing, talking about creating babies. At that point, Mark got up and went into the kitchen. But she stuck it out. Listened to the whole thing though it freaked her out as it explained just how to have actual sex. Though she was a virgin, she knew exactly what sex entailed. But the disk wanted them to be at it like rabbits, at least until she was pregnant.

And then it started. At the very end of the disk was a porn movie. As the disk said, in case they found that they needed help getting in the mood. Apparently, there was no way out of this. She turned the disk off and went in search of Mark. He was in the kitchen drinking water.

"Ah, Mark. I'm sorry that we had to meet like this. I've been here about a year, and I had never heard anything about this." She hesitated. "According to the disk, we have some kind of supervisor that will check on us daily to make sure that we take the pills. And regular physicals to make sure that we are..." She couldn't finish the sentence. Just like she didn't know how to tell him that she was a virgin.

She had not had a period since she came out of hyperspace, and had gotten used to the freedom. But these pills would change that. She walked over and looked at the container on the table. Pink and blue pills all lined up and waiting to start the new world. She glanced back at him.

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“Well what?” He said eyeing the pills and ignoring the images from the porn movie that lingered in his mind. Who would put something like that in an informational disk! If this was something that was supposed to be so grand and great why were they making it dirty! It wasn’t like he could even have a reaction to the video. The act of freezing them basically iced everything including their reproductive organs. He couldn’t get a hard on right now even if she launched herself at him!
Those pills however would change that. It didn’t take a chemist to know they were designed to kick start his equipment again. He didn’t have any doubt that they would also make him horny and hungry with need.

“Its not like we have a choice” He said taking the blue pills marked for the day and swallowing them. He took a large swig of the water washing them down before he could throw them up.

“Like you said I am sorry this is how we met” He said pushing the pill case over to her “But at the very least you seem like a nice girl and you are quite beautiful. There are worse people to end up with”

He offered her a weak smile and moved over to the couch. The events of the day were starting to ebb his strength and so he dropped down. He closed his eyes sighing and pushing his head back.
Well what? Its not like we have a choice

She watched him take the blue pills designated for Day 1.

Like you said I am sorry this is how we met. But at the very least you seem like a nice girl and you are quite beautiful. There are worse people to end up with.

She knew that he didn't mean it the way that it sounded. Part of it was that he was experiencing what they called "Sleep Sickness", which was a general nausea and exhaustion within the first 24 hours of being thawed out. And to be hit with something like this right off the bat! 'Hello, Welcome to Paradise! Get busy breeding!"

He sat on the couch and put his head back, closing his eyes. Sleep would really be the best thing for him.

She picked out the Day One pink pills and went over to the fridge. Inside was a cornucopia of exotic foods designed with one thing in mind. She found a bottle of water and took the pills.

Best to leave him alone. She went in the bedroom and began to unpack. She had not brought a lot. Space was limited and each person was allotted a small amount of space and weight. A few pictures, some toiletries, some clothes, a few odds and ends and that was really it.

She opened a drawer and found a few sexy nightgowns in the drawer. Great! These people were going all out, weren't they.

In the bathroom, a drawer had been stocked with various feminine products for when her period started.

While he rested she explored the apartment before sitting in a chair in the bedroom and looking out the window to watch the sea life swim by. Once he got a bit of rest she could fix him something to eat. Some soup would sooth the nausea for him. When he felt up to it, she could give him a tour of the city.
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He hadn’t planned on it but he fell into a deep sleep on the living room couch. The exhaustion of the day and the revelation was too much for the poor young engineer’s mind to handle. Luckily his mind compensated whisking him away into a deep slumber filled with black. He didn’t dream and instead slept soundly for three hours as the fishes swam past him and overhead. His mouth was slightly open his nostrils flaring as he slept.

He awoke later feeling refreshed and hungry. His bleary eyes took in the living room wondering where his new “roommate” was. He shrugged and got up moving into the kitchen and opening the fridge to take stock of what was there. He groaned again when his eyes took in the aphrodisiac inspired food and quickly slammed the door shut. The echo of steel slamming against steel caused the fish outside to quickly scatter.

“This can’t be happening” He groaned pressing his forehead against the cool plastic. He stayed like that breathing in deeply until he heard the door to the bedroom whoosh open.

“Ah there you are” He said rising his head up and looking at her “Do you want to go out of here? I need something to eat but can’t bring myself to have any of the food they gave us”
The sound of the refrigerator door slamming told her that Mark was awake and hungry. Rising from the chair, she crossed and opened the bedroom door.

Mark looked up at her quickly. At least he didn't look so sick. The nap had helped after all.

Ah there you are. Do you want to go out of here? I need something to eat but can’t bring myself to have any of the food they gave us

"Sure. Actually, you have a choice. There are seven restaurants, and depending upon the type of food you like, we can go to any of them. And afterwards, I can give you a brief tour of the city. Or, if you prefer, I can cook. I could fix you some chicken soup. It is up to you. It doesn't matter to me."

She was trying to be accommodating. And maybe trying to delay the inevitable. She wondered what color his hair would be when it started coming back in. But his green eyes looked back at her and she decided to plow forth.

"If we eat out, what kind of food do you prefer. Greek? Italian? Mexican? Or just plain, everyday food?"
She mentioned several different restaurants and he felt himself relax a bit more. It was such a small thing but the idea of having multiple eating options like back on earth helped him feel better about being here. Bit by bit they were making this water world their own and he was proud to be a part of it. Maybe that’s what would get him through this seeing it as his duty and his own way of playing his part. She seemed nice enough and maybe they would find out through talking and being intimate that they were perfect for each other.

“Something that helps me feel like I am back home” He said to her favoring her with a handsome shy smile. He moved away from the kitchen and towards the door opening it with a wave of his bracelet. The door beeped and opened leading them into the private glass hallway that connected their suite to the rest of the colony. The following door was an airlock designed to seal them from the rest of the colony in case of flooding. He primed the manual release when they got to it cycling through and bringing them into the main colony.

“Lead the way” He said stepping back and allowing a group of people to brush past them. He looked around as he waited for her delighting in finding himself in the main colony. Everything was pristine cleaned, scrubbed, any shiny new. Welders moved outside working in robotic dive suits that looked retro. He followed her as she moved always looking around and trying his best to talk to her at the same time.
Just talking about going out to eat seemed to brighten his mood and she followed him as they headed out into the settlement.

"Slowly but surely we have headed out across the seabed, and new areas are constantly being opened. And the engineers, like you, are ever mindful of what is already here and trying to live with the planet. There is, of course, a small island and from what I have heard, is quite beautiful. There is quite a long list waiting to spend an afternoon there."

They passed through an airlock and entered a breathtaking sight.

"This is their showcase lobby. It is known as The Magnificent Perspective. It is usually where they bring the VIPs and people that they wish to impress when they are first thawed out."

They stood for a moment, watching the sealife swim by. Several people stood to the side and glanced at the two of them, whispering. She stared straight ahead, looking out into the clear blue waters on the other side of the window. "And so it starts." She mumbled to Mark. "For all the people that we have here, it still is really like a small community. And word gets around fast, whether they wish it to or not."

She turned and smiled to the people watching them, saying hello. Then they continued on, passing through another airlock.

"We have two restaurants that might have what you're hungry for. One is called 'Howdy' and the other is called 'Hello'. Let's go to Hello. I used to work at Howdy and I wouldn't want them to think that I was pulling airs on them. We can go to Howdy another day."

She led him towards an airlock with a sign stating 'Hello' beside the entrance. Inside was a very welcoming restaurant, with even the ceiling covered with windows looking out on the sea. They were seated at a table by the window and given menus to peruse.
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“It truly is amazing” He said softly as they walked through the tunnel “I remember when they told me I was assigned to this planet, that I would be building an entire world under the sea. It took two years for us to learn how to build the habitats to learn from the company’s engineers”

They entered the VIP area as he spoke and his eyes ran across the architecture and scenery presented outside. A few fish were dancing around a vibrant reef he watched them tracking them as they ducked dodged and weaved. He was so intent in watching them he didn’t even notice the people whispering until she pointed them out.

“I suppose it’s going to be common knowledge, isn’t it?” He said with a groan “Great just great”

He shook his head following her and trying not to let it get to him. He didn’t even have the time to get to know everyone as the new guy know! Everyone would know about him and who he was long before he made the introduction. It made a crap situation even worse as far as he was concerned.
“Whichever one works” He said not really caring about the restaurant. He sulked and followed along trying not to let it get to him and failing. He didn’t say anything more until they finally stepped into the restaurant.

“Well nice to know we still have an eye for fancy restaurants” Mark murmured glancing up at the place as they went to sit down. An attendant was waiting for them directing them to a table over in one corner of the room.

“Here” He said moving forward and pulling out her chair as she went to sit. He waited until she sat down before pushing the chair in and moving to join her. The minute he did so an enthusiastic waitress rushed over to them.

“Hi!” She practically gushed her eyes as wide as saucers.

“On behalf of the restaurant I just want to say what an honor it is to have you two here” The waitress said gushing further “it’s our honor to be the ones to feed you! I know you haven’t eaten here before sir! Can I recommend something for you or is your partner going to pick?”
Such a gentleman! He held her chair for her and got her properly seated before he sat down. She had hoped for a relaxing meal. That hope was squashed as the waitress, gushing enthusiasm and acting as if they were rock stars, carried on like an idiot.

Hi! On behalf of the restaurant I just want to say what an honor it is to have you two here. it’s our honor to be the ones to feed you! I know you haven’t eaten here before sir! Can I recommend something for you or is your partner going to pick?

She flinched as the woman spoke, and she was afraid that Mark was going to throw up or leave without eating. She knew that things would eventually calm down, but right now, for Mark, this was all raw, overwhelming, scary, sickening, and frustrating. She was facing the same feelings but she was not having just thawed out. She remembered just how it felt when she first came out of the deep freeze. It was her job to smooth things for him.

"Ah, thank you but we just walked in. Can you give us a while? We want to relax and look the menu over. I'll let you know when we are ready to order. Okay?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'll just wait. Ah. Over here? Okay?"

"No. You just go about your work. I know how to get your attention. What is your name?"


"Okay Becki. I'll ask specifically for you."

Once Becki left them alone, she spoke to him. "Mark, I'm sorry. All I can say is after a while, we will lose out uniqueness. Something else will catch their interest." She started glancing at the menu. "I can tell you that the chicken substitute is really pretty good. As for steak, that big juicy steak that you could get on Earth is not here. It's more like slices of steak substitute. Of course, the fish is varied and great. And the vegetables are grown hydroponically from seeds that we brought from back home."

She stopped for a moment and looked at him, giving him a hesitant smile.

"I have had their chicken pot pie and it really is pretty good. I prefer our soups. Does anything sound good to you?"

Movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Outside the window, swimming slowly towards where they sat, was a Giant Gloub. It's black, yellow and blue scales made the creature very distinctive.

"My God, it's a Giant Gloub. They are very gentle and very rare. I've never seen one. We've all seen pictures of them, but it is considered a blessing to see one."

Slowly the thing lumbered through the water until it reached the window where they sat. Pausing, it looked in the window as if looking directly at them. Everything grew quiet, no one said a word. For almost a minute the thing seemed to hover outside their window before it slowly seemed to drift backwards, disappearing into the distant blue haze. Suddenly the room was filled with people talking.

She finally turned and looked at Mark across the table from her. Her right eyebrow raised in wonderment.

"Well, 'partner', it would seem that we have been blessed."
“Thank you” He said when she managed to get the waitress to go away. He reached out touching her hand ever so slightly before blushing and moving his hand back. He tapped his fingers against the menu a nervous trait he never was able to break.

“I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of fainter or something” Mark said sighing and leaning back “I usually am pretty cool under pressure…. I just never imagined this! I fully prepared myself to be here and part of something bigger than me. I just wasn’t expecting all the other stuff. I’m sorry I have not been calmer about this! It isn’t really fair you’re going through this as well and having to take care of me as well. I promise in a day or so I should be more or less normal”

Having said what he wanted to say he focused on the menu. He nodded at her choices wincing at the idea of any sort of “substitute” meat. Eventually he was going to have to try it but maybe not as a first meal. They were supposed to eventually bring the small livestock they brought from the ark planet side but he wasn’t sure when that would be.

“Fish sounds good” He said scanning the fish choices. He was contemplating two separate dishes when she shouted out and gestured at the viewing window behind him. He turned just in time to see the creature his eyes widening in wonder as he watched the beautiful beast move from side to side. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as it contemplated them all and when it finally moved away Mark couldn’t help but feel sad.

“I guess so” He murmured turning back to her and smiling “I can’t think of a better first meal for us”

He turned back to the menu and pointed his finger to show her which one he wanted. He turned gesturing for the waitress to come over. She practically rushed over to the two chatting at a mile a minute about what just happened and what it meant for their “mission”.

“If I can cut in” Mark said his tone firm and slightly loud as he cut her off “We are ready to order”

He showed her what he wanted and let his date make her own choice. After they ordered the waitress known as Becki began to talk again. He cut her off with a polite nod and hinted that he would like sometime alone with his date. Thankfully Becki got the idea and turned peeking over her shoulder as she disappeared to fulfill their order.

“That’s better” He said sighing and turning to her.

“So…. How do we do this?” He asked laughing “I would say it’s a normal date… but it’s really not!”
His touch was brief and hesitant and she understood. Once their order had been placed, he seemed to calm down a bit. People at the other tables continued on with their meals, occasionally glancing at them.

"No, it's not a normal date. Mark, you've just been thawed out. They say that there are no complications from the trip out here. But there are. Our bodies are basically put on hold and they don't like it. I went through the same thing that you did and by the end of day one I was cursing myself and wishing I had never come here. But trust me, it does get better. And then to have them hit you with this! It's hard for me and I'm not having to deal with my body going through "sleep sickness" like you are. But once your body calms down, and you start learning more about Colony Atlantis, the more incredible it is. And, this other thing..." She paused, and lowered her voice even more and leaned in to speak. "...we will just take it one day at a time. Okay?"

He was trying to be upbeat and positive, and she knew that it was hard to do it. She smiled and reached out to pat his hand back.

"Now, if we can just get people to chill out and..."

Her voice trailed off as the food arrived and she watched him look at it hesitantly.

"Go ahead. If you don't like it, we can send it back."

She tried her pecan-crusted troot, with a flavor similar to trout back on Earth, hence the name. Her dish had a light delicate flavor, and was one of her favorite seafood dishes.

"Well, what do you think?"
"Taste pretty good" Mark said biting into the fish and making a mmm sound. He nodded at her words thanking her for her own consideration in dealing with him. He decided that he would move off talk about the colony and focus on her instead.

He spent the rest of their dinner talking about himself and her. He gave her a brief bit of insight into his past that of being born into a part of the farm hand collective. His family was assigned to the Kansas collective and his father was a third generation farmer. He gave her a brief description of life on the farm and his own duties. He then went into his love of engineering and how helping fix the high tech farming machinery led to his ultimate passion.

"What about you?" He asked raising an eyebrow "tell me about yourself!"
She was glad that he liked the fish and listened as he talked of his life back on Earth. Earth seemed like another lifetime, and in a way it was. She had been here on Gleesa 355a for a year now, awake and working. He had been here the same amount of time, but still asleep until suddenly awaken. Earth would still be fresh in his mind. She sought those memories made hazy by time and distance.

"It sounds as if we have some things in common. Though I lived in the Texas collective of Austhoustian. You know, it was one of the largest in that area of the United Federation of the Americas. My Mother worked in a factory making clothes shipped all over Earth. Father worked in one of the eating establishments and it was from him that I learned to cook. When there was talk of the building of the Ark, I saw it as a chance to better myself. I studied what would be needed and saw that Hydroponics would be an asset, maybe help me be chosen. I immediately joined a hydroponic group and as soon as they opened registration, I applied. Most people were scientists, like you. But I figured that they needed all areas. And I thought that once here, I stood a better chance of working my way up."

She took a breath and gave a wry smile. "I just didn't figure on working my way up like this."

She was starting to feel a bit stressed, or something, and she didn't know if the pills were starting to take effect or if she was tired from the stress of the day. But she was ready to get back to the new apartment.

"Mark, if it is okay with you, I'm ready to get back to the apartment. I don't know if they explained everything about your watch. Not only does it allow you access to your apartment, but it is also your wallet. Your pay is added to it. When you purchase something, like a meal, they scan your watch to deduct the bill. I'll show you back at the apartment how to access it, but you can get in there and see what you have spent, what is available, etc. That is why you never take it off."

She pressed some of the buttons and turned some dials on her watch. Her eyes grew wide in surprise and she wanted to cry out. Instead, she leaned in and whispered, "Holy Crapolinni! I'll tell you when we get back to the apartment!"

She didn't want to talk about it where anyone else could hear about it. She had never seen or heard of anyone having an unlimited credits account!
They enjoyed lunch together and when she mentioned going home he nodded and quickly got up. He was starting to feel tired again as well and the exhaustion from the day was creeping up to him. He was more than happy to go back with her even if it did mean they were going to have to face intimacy like the sleeping arrangements. He somehow doubted the couch became a bed after all....

She seemed shocked by... something related to their financial situation and shrugged. In paradise it seemed like worrying about money would be stupid. Surely every one was given what they needed? He made a mental note to ask about it later.

"Lets go" He said grabbing her hand. He helped her out and they quickly leaved before the overly nosy waitress came back around.

The walk back to their apartment was quick and short. He was as eager to get back and rest as she was and all but rushed back to the safety of their suite. They both tumbled into the room the door closing behind them and cutting them off from the outside world.

"Feeling better?" He asked shrugging off his jacket and taking hers. He hung them both up on the hook and watched her wondering what they should do next.