Welcome to fuck house!(Please PM me to join)


Literotica Guru
Oct 11, 2020
He pulled out his video camera and tilted it up to take in the entirety of the mansion. It was five stories tall, big and intimidating with over grown plant life covering its lower body.

"You getting all of this?" Becky asked.

"Ya, I'm getting all of this," Marten responded with the camera firmly in hand. He pushed out a bubble of pink gum, let it pop, and then sucked it back in.

"Good. This here is The Screaming House of Sudhurst," Becky stated dryly.

She had red, curly hair that dipped down from her head in big waves and covered her shoulders. She was tall, very thin, and almost flat chested with perky little A cup breasts. It was clear that she had let her diet get away from her and she always looked a bit on the tired side, over worked, but still enjoying life. She had many a sparkling earring and bright red lips, but she wore simple, warn jeans and an overly heavy fall jacket. She was nineteen in age, as were her fellow classmates.

Marten on the other hand dressed a bit more on the glamourous side. A bright, crimson red skirt draped around his legs with bright red pumps that both contrasted and seemed to fit well with the look. His shirt was yet another shade of red and he had black, curly hair and a slim, delicate, frame. He wasn't nearly as tall as Becky, a lot of women towered over him, but he had this charming, boyish look to him that was very eye striking. Even straight boys always gave him a second glance.

"The original owner, Sr. Jacox, killed his wife and all three of his daughters. Took a big old axe to all their heads. Said he was trying to save them from the beasts in this house," Becky then went on.

This house, The Screaming House, was their college project. They, all four of them, were going to spend the next three days in the place, filming everything, seeing if they could get any ghosts or ghouls on camera. It was a good idea for a project and all of them had agreed it would likely get them full As.

Becky went on with her explanation of the house.

"Since the murders this house has been abandoned, but there has been many a statement about the screams and moans that can be heard in the dead of night around it. Not to mention there is a surprisingly high amount of missing persons cases that seem to relate to this house," Becky went on and Marten zoomed his camera in, taking in the whole place.

"Ohhh, so creepy," Elizabeth laughed as she stepped outside of the minivan and started walking forward towards the mansion.

Elizabeth was Marten's girlfriend and she really didn't mind how he dressed and presented. She was pretty sure she was bi, though she had yet to have a real crush on a woman. She felt in any case that the way he dressed made him extra cute. She herself dressed in much the same way and it wasn't unheard of that they would have matching getups. She was of course taller then Marten, had long, wavy hair that went well down her back that was dyed a dark purple and currently wore a sliming black skirt and top.

Fallowing behind was Kassandra "Kassie" Holler. She had a 34B chest, which was on par with Elizabeth's, and shoulder length blond hair.

All four of them walked up to the daunting building, Becky still going on with her explanation of the house and the horrors that related to it. All four of them were sure they were going to have fun, get high grades, and fully enjoy themselves. They even brought along a tablet to play some scary movies on if things got boring. It was going to be a fun, light hearted, three days.

They were all very wrong.


OOC: Okay, so the idea here isn't that the house is haunted. It's actually a gateway into Hell! Sr. Jacox really was trying to save his family from the demons within the place! Demons and Hellbeasts can simply pop up in the house and the house itself is an extension of Hell.

And that's what I need to join in on this thread! Demons and Hellbeasts! The idea is these college students, three women and one cute guy, will hang out in this house and be attacked by demons. The beasts will force themselves on one of the students, or all of them! And then when the group tries to escape they will find out that they can't. Once Hell is entered, it can not simply be left.

While I will be playing three of the college students, Becky, Elizabeth and Marten(Bankbabe13 will be playing Kassie), whoever joins will get to play the demons that proceed to entrap them in Hell and fuck them rotten(I will be running the demons for now until someone PMs me wanting to take them over EDIT! TheWorldBuilder will be joining as at least one demon but will only be focusing on Kassie's character so other posters can still join as demons if they want to focus their 'attacks' on my characters EDIT! Again! Kililia will be playing a demon out to get Marten.). Please PM me to join, and when you do, describe your hellbeast idea. I want it to be bonkers and over the top! A 12 feet tall werewolf like beast with a long, dripping tongue. A minitour like beast with massive horns and two massive cocks, both intimidatingly large. A tentacle monster that can have its way with everyone all at once. Weird, scary, and out of control is what I want to see.

Hoping to hear some interesting ideas about hellbeasts!:D Still collecting posters for this thread!

As for why these demons trap these college students in Hell and have their way with them none stop? They are demon beasts, they do not need a motive.:D
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OOC: Bankbabe13 has joined this thread and will be playing the character of Kassie

TheWorldBuilder has joined this thread to play as a demon and his character will be focusing his 'attacks' on Kassie's character

Kililia has joined as a demon who is after Marten.
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I enter wearing the following..


I was your typical girly girl type, usually in pink and always looking like a fasion plate. My personality is bubbly but have been called spoiled princess type as well.
Thinking the "demons " aspect is probably BS but the history of the house intrigued me and always up for a good adventure. With the age of the house msybe find some cool old treasures as well as i take selfies along the way for my instagram page.

"This place is huge!" I say wide eyed as I was a bit naive as well. "Where to first?" I ask with nervous enthusiasm.
The four of them entered into the mansion, the massive wooden door being closed softly behind them.

The door led into a main area with a massive, spiral staircase at the heart of it. Said staircase spun around gracefully up to the second floor, both floors being ridiculous spacious. The floors were a simple brown wood covering and the walls were a simple, plain white, but it was all so open and empty. It felt like you could fit next to anything in this place.

Near the base of the stairs were several doors, each just as large as the front doors, each leading to different parts of the home.

"This place is huge!" Kassie said.

"That's an understatement," Elizabeth commented

"Where to first?" Kassie went on to ask

"Well the smart way to get started would be to go and set up the camera in the main living room since that's where Sr. Jacox killed his family," Becky pointed out.

"You have any idea where that is?" Marten asked.

"Nope. Just going to have to go through room to room till we find it," Becky said back.

Becky strolled over to one of the doors by the stairs at random.

"You kind of skipped over the best part of the story," Elizabeth called out to Becky as she grabbed onto one of the door handles.

"That Sr. Jacox was convinced his home was a gateway into the nine layers of Hell and was full of demonic beasts? I'm building up to it. Kind of have to touch on how his mother cursed him for marrying the town outcast first," Becky explains.

"What kind of person curses their kid with Hell over that?" Elizabeth responded.

"Rich people, it's always rich people," Becky said back and pulled open the door she stood by and entered into the room behind it.

The exploring of the home had commenced.

Elizabeth, seeing Kassie trying to post pictures onto Instagram, followed suit by trying to bring up Twitter on her cell, only to find out her internet was down and that she couldn’t call out.

"Services are down, movie night maybe canceled," she commented.

Marten shrugged and went on filming as they explored the home. The internet and cell services being down of course was just the first sign that things were actually very wrong with this house.
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Probably should've stayed together but we wandered our own directions for now. Maybe my naive nature, or just enamored by the cool old school architecture I wander upstairs where some of the master bedrooms and library areas are. Of course I snap plenty of selfies along the way. Place has a bit of an erie vibe but I'm so focused on instagram pics and the cool stuff I see I ignore it for now as I continue on. Voices of my companions becoming more faint.
The Darkness

The slight change in the atmosphere within the house hinted that, once again, it had been invaded by beings inimical to our ordered way of life. My will extended outwards and my servants closed the interfaces which led beyond.

Slowly, I changed some of my form into one that would be tangible in the other realm - but barely. A thin mist drifted from the large, ornate and ancient four-post bed and, slipping under the door, began to eddy and swirl along the corridor outside.

I felt the life of four of the aliens within the house. They were clustered together in the reception hall, their warmth disturbing to the silent chill around them. My ire began a slow, inexorable rise. How dare they disturb the peace of this place? They would be severely punished before their souls were permitted the tranquillity of my immortal paradise.

One of the beings was separate from the others. It came closer to the centre of the house, nearer my throne.
I enter a large study area HUGE fireplace lots of old looking books. I grab one and sit in a oversized leather chair. I feel like I'm being watched but see no one . I go back to flipping through the pages of the old classic novels from the shelf.
"And here it is, the living room!" Becky proclaimed as she wandered into the latest room.

Both Elizabeth and Marten came rushing in, Marten as he did so quickly trying to rub off the lipstick on his cheek that matched in colour to Elizabeth's mouth.

"Now if you two could stop fooling around, we can set up the camera here," Becky stated.

"Question, where's Kassie?" Marten asked.

"She's a spoiled little slacker. She's likely stuck still trying to get twitter or facebook working so she can gab about this. Like, not to be mean, but this is still a school project, no matter how easy and simple it maybe," Becky said.

"We'll likely do a lot better without her. Now set up the camera," she went on.
Three of the warm intruders were moving around below me, not far from where they had entered my domain, but the fourth had come to rest in the old library. The mistiness of my detached part drifted further along the corridor and the chill tendrils of my hate gathered into a thicker presence at the open door of the ornate study.

I could sense the form of the human better now, a young female. It stirred the ancient, buried feelings in me. Once, long ago, I would have felt desire for the slim figure but now those impulses focused on possession of the object and the release of its fear and pain.

Moving slowly inside the room, the cold fog drifted towards the large chair and the air around the gloomy fireplace became damp and frigid. I pondered for a moment: should I draw the fertile youth to my throneroom or play with its emotions in this place?
Reading a book a see a mist in the air and think it odd but just figure maybe dust in the air, being an old house but no dust anywhere else. I dismiss it and go back to reading. The big chair is comfortable so a few moments later I doze off to take a nap.
The mist swirled across the floor. Reaching the large chair it formed around the slim figure of the female, its tendrils settling into every curve and dimple in the shape of her artificial outer covering. He knew one part of her which wouldn't be covered and the mist gathered around her face.

It drifted up her nose and into her mouth. He thought back into the past, before his current existence. He knew that there was something he should do, a shape he could form, that would exploit her fear and despair. He recalled a part of his original body. One that had defiled many women until he was stopped and the change was forced upon him.

The fog thickened. It filled every part of her mouth and pharynx. She was unaware of the invader that had penetrated her body until the form of the mist began to alter. In the shape of a long, thick phallus The Darkness solidified his substance.

The giant cock completely filled Kassie's throat, blocking the passage of any air into or out of her lungs. She woke suddenly, totally unable to breathe.
I awake gagging but see nothing " strange dreams like I was giving a bit but couldn't see who". I think to myself I sit there a bit startled by the suddenness at which I awoke so . I try to focus my eyes but all I can make out is a black shadow that fills my mouth. My petite frame tries to get up from the chair but it seems pinned to it by some force. I can feel the "shadow" going down my throat as I struggle to adjust best I can. My heart racing trying to figure out what is happening.
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The slender form struggled beneath his manifestation as the mist solidified inside her. He could feel her dark emotions and he fed on them, eagerly seeking out her darkest fears. She had to be kept in emotional turmoil, a plaything for his inventive mind. His distant gaze considered her lithe young body. She would be his physical plaything, too. Perhaps he would offer her to his mortal minions, or maybe he would penetrate her soft flesh with irresistible solid objects moved by the force of his will.

Anticipating her future violation, The Darkness softened and withdrew the mist which impaled her throat. There were other beings invading his domain.
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The camera was set up in the living room and Becky was giving her speech on the house in full detail. She loved being in the spot light, and it did show fully now.

Marten though was bored. With the camera set up it had turned into a one person job and Elizabeth and himself were just standing there with nothing to do. Elizabeth clearly showed the same signs of being tired.

"I think we should go find Kassie. She's been gone for a long time now," Marten suggested.

"I told you we don't need her. She wouldn't be much of a help anyways," Becky countered.

"Well, I'm going to still go looking for her," Elizabeth spoke up.

"Ya, we'll find her in just a bit, shouldn't take to long," Marten said.

"Fine, but I know what you two are really up to! Just get back in a reasonable time okay," Becky responded.

Elizabeth and Marten both nodded quickly and left the room, the camera still on, recording everything. They would look for Kassie, but as Becky had pointed out, they had other things on their mind too.

They walked up the stairs in the center of the home, Elizabeth in front of Marten.

"Kassie, where are you," Elizabeth said very quietly, obviously not actually wanting Kassie to hear her at all.

Marten grabbed Elizabeth's butt as they walked up the stairs and squeezed it tightly.

"You are just uncontrollable today aren't you?" Elizabeth responded and turned back to him.

They stood their on the stairs, not knowing the dangers Kassie could still be in or the dangers they themselves were soon to be a part of.
I get to the lights and flick them on. See nothing nothing now or the shadow of the form i felt on me. "Am I crazy? Vivid dream?" I think to myself. I head out of where I'm at to look for others. I see a bright object on the wall in a hallway and touch it. My eyes light up when it reveals a "secret passage " I follow it to a room with a couple of tables with restraints like you would see in a mental hospital. "What the hell are those doing in a place like this!" I say confused. Again I feel like I'm not alone but in my naive nature venture closer to the tables down to them like a mother to a flame as they seem out of place and why the secret passage needed to get to them?
Distracted for a moment by the warmth moving around downstairs, his attention was brought back to the centre of his domain by the creature he had left in the old library. She had somehow found the concealed entrance to the place he wryly referred to as the 'holding room'.

He watched her approach one of the tables. She was close, very close. He anticipated the encircling leather strap around her wrist before it moved the tiniest fraction of an inch. Not good enough, three limbs were free and she began to struggle. He manifested a minor creature of the deep to step out of the wall and throw her body onto the platform.

The sentient restraints instantly wrapped her ankles and wrists in their unbreakable grip and his demonic servant hooked a razor sharp claw inside her lacy pink top and ripped downwards. Kassie's shapely, pert breasts seemed to welcome their freedom, bouncing out of the torn garment to point upwards as her stretched arms lifted and spread her pectoral muscles.

Her jeans appeared to puzzle him for a moment. Then he put one claw into each of her pockets and tore down her legs.
The sound of Kassie's body being tossed onto the platform could be well heard in The Screaming House. Marten and Elizabeth were both snapped out of their childish love affair almost instantly.

"What was that?" Marten asked and then the step under his feet in the staircase collapsed.

He fell, hard. Hit the ground and the blow seemed to knock him out cold. His body was resting under the staircase and despite it being in a spiral he had fallen through a second section of it. He was on the first floor, the side of his head bleeding.

Elizabeth was quick to run down the stairs to his aid. Once she got to the bottom of the thing, back in the main area of the home, the rest of the stairs seemed to completely rip themselves apart. Bits of wood and debris went everywhere. Sections of the stairs collapsed and other parts exploded apart. Nothing was left of them after only an eye blink.

Most of the chunks of wood were to small to cause any real harm, but Marten was covered in a bed of wreckage and it was hard to not panic at the sight of it.

Elizabeth ran to his side and Becky ran out of the living room to see what had happened, the camera left behind her, still running.

"What the Hell just happened?!" Becky screamed out.

"I don't know. The stairs, they destroyed themselves! Help me get Marten to the living room," Elizabeth responded.

"You shouldn't move him," Becky responded.

"Are you a fucking doctor?! Help me get him to the fucking living room!" Elizabeth screamed.

Elizabeth and Becky dragged Marten's body to the other room and now Kassie was trapped up in the second floor.
His attention was diverted from the minor demon in the Holding Room as the staircase disintegrated. Without direction, the scaly creature stopped ripping Kassie's jeans and remained motionless.

The Darkness sensed the three warm bodies moving away from the entrance area into a side room and he concentrated on solidifying another manifestation in that part of the house.

He chose a multi-tentacled form which formed against the wall and lashed out at Elizabeth and Becky, catching one girl a blow on the side of the head and the other deep in her abdomen.

Moving across towards the recumbent body on the floor, the hexapod covered Marten's face with its body and wrapped two tentacles round his neck.
Once Becky and Elizabeth had moved Marten to the living room a slick, bright purple beast formed out of simply the air in the room. It was a mound of flesh, six tentacles that linked together in a simple mass of flesh in the middle.

Before Becky could even respond one of the tentacles lashed out, hit her head, and knocked her out cold. With Elizabeth, she was hit in the abdomen and was made to be gasping in pain. She fell to her knees, grabbing her side as the beast moved from the wall and over to Marten.

It wrapped two of its tentacles around Marten's neck tightly and covered his face.

"You leave him alone!" Elizabeth called out as she moved herself over to Marten.

She grabbed the hunk of flesh over Marten's face, likely in to much pain to do anything to it, but grabbing it all the same. As she put her hands on it, hoping to try and pull it off, her hands sunk into its wet flesh suddenly.

She was jerked into it, up to her elbows, and then the beast seemed to spit her back out. Her body went flying backwards, she slammed into the wall behind her, and was knocked out by the blow. In but moments all three of them, Becky, Marten and Elizabeth, had been completely subdued.
My eyes wide i try to scream out but only a faint silent scream emerges S I'm shocked by what my eyes see. Blushing heavily as my top is ripped open revealing my small but perky breasts. I struggle to no avail as my jeans are ripped to mid thigh. My lacy pink boy short panties the only barrier between this " thing and my hairless pussy. My mind wants to speak but the mouth says nothing. My heart racing,my chest rising and falling with baited breath as I await this creature's next move as something as seemed to get its attention for the moment.
The three beings in the lower part of the house temporarily dealt with, he turned his attention back to the one spread across the table by the undead leather straps. There was still fabric covering her lower torso and he suggested to his servant that it be grasped and torn sideways.

As soon as the command was obeyed, a sinuous shape emerged from beneath the block which lifted Kassie's head enough for her to look down her body. The snake coiled round her neck and slithered towards one uplifted nipple. Its tongue flickered over the flesh, hardening the small nub even as Kassie tried to scream her horror at its touch.

Lower, curving side to side as it slid over her tummy, its goal was clear. The Darkness was puzzled, was this a child of the invading species? He clearly remembered the women he had used before he was banished from that world. The bodies he had impaled against their will had been hairy around the prize he sought. This one had no hair there.

No matter. The prize was still his to claim.

He felt himself in the serpent's body. Touching her skin, exploring the places she hadn't let men enjoy, the flickering tongue was his. The reptile moved, but the direction was his. The sensation was his. He felt the growth and hardening of her flesh again, but he knew this organ would be making her nerves scream far more than her nipples ever could. He enjoyed her torment, lingering for a moment before plunging the snake's head inside her writhing body.

He thought for a moment of the larger creature's ridged phallus. It was at least six times the circumference of this small beast. If only it allowed him to be inside her at the moment of penetration as this serpent's head could. Oh, the joy that must be felt as the enormous, thick cock forced her tight little sheath to admit it. The terror of the girl as she was stretched by the remorseless invading shaft. However many pricks had filled her, she wouldn't be ready for her next one. She would think she was going to burst.

He paused. She was young, very young if she hadn't grown that hair yet. Perhaps the demonic cock would be her first as well as her last?
My mind racing trying to take in whats going on. My breathing labored and I whimper as my tight hairless slit is entered. I was not a virgin but it had been some time since I had anything but my fingers inside me. Seeing my nipples being manipulated secretly was a turn on. I think are the others encountering anything like this or did I just have the misfortune of wandering into the wrong area of this house. I bite my lower lip as I feel it worming around inside me twisting turning, pumping in and out mywyes widen as it slowly increases speed. Still nothing but soft moans and silent screams escape my lips.
He felt the unusual sensations as he forced the serpent to undulate inside the girl's tight vagina. Faster and deeper, the bulbous head buried inside her body with its forked tongue licking the soft flesh of her secret tunnel.

Her astonished eyes widened still further and her moans intensified, as he tried to thicken his host to its maximum girth.

Never before, in his long-decayed human carcass or in any of the manifestations he had summoned before, had he enjoyed the pleasure that his present host provided. He had forced his way inside many women, but none so completely as this youngster. His whole being was inside her, writhing, squirming, withdrawing almost completely and then striking forward along the entire length of her spasming, muscular sheath.

The snake's head reached a small bulge as it extended into the very depths of her body. Flicking the reptilian tongue across her nub, The Darkness could feel another small opening. Was this the entrance to a second hidden cave within her wet recess? He tried to remember his human existence. Did women have another place inside? A breeding chamber? He would find out. Remorselessly, the thin tongue slipped into the tiny opening to Kassie's womb and tried to enlarge it enough to permit the passage of the serpent's skull.
My mind racing. Half pleasure half fear and trying to make sense of it all. My hips bucking up and down. My body betrays me and wants more while my mind thinks the motion will get it out of me. I manage to free a hand and my legs from restraints but I struggle to move off the table,my petite body pinned down by this "creature" pumping me. I can't get a good grasp, each time I think I'm winning, my hands slip and I gasp as it slips in me further seemingly hitting my cervix as I'm on the edge moments away from what I know will be, whether I want it or not a mind blowing orgasm.
Slowly the living room where Marten, Elizabeth and Becky rested seem to darken bit by bit for a few seconds before it seem to head towards a door frame like a passing cloud in the sky. A whistle was heard calling towards the purple hunk of flesh still wrapped around Marten.

The beast quickly responded and dragged Marten's unconscious body to the door, pushed itself into the door, and then said door vanished as quickly as it came about.

The tentacle beast dropped Marten on the bed, - The room was quite spacious, it had a huge bed in the corner in white sheets, the curtains to fake windows were red, the room was lit by candles, the floor was black marble with a fireplace lit. There was door but if open simply a river of lava- and quickly scurried away as if in a state of fear and panic.

A 7 feet tall man stepped out into view. The man was quite slender, sickly white in a black suit and a black hat. The
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