Wearing and wetting diapers


Aug 25, 2017
I have noticed the lack of diaper subjects here. There are many diaper and wetting sites on the internet but I would love to hear from others who enjoy this fetish. I began to feel the attraction to diapers and wetting very early in life, I was a bed wetter till seven years old. After my older sister and her friends dressed me up as a baby in diapers and plastic pants in the attic while playing house, I was unable to stop feeling the attraction to diapers. I also like to dress in feminine baby cloths. When I was twelve I was wearing diapers and baby cloths when after wetting my diapers I started playing with myself and had my first orgasm in my wetties. Ever since then diapers and wetting have become a total obsession and have shaped the nature of all my relationships since. Has anyone had similar experiences?
I also enjoy wearing and wetting diapers. I have worn panties under the diaper at times so I can enjoy wetting my panties along with my diaper. This keeps that wet feeling longer. Don't get to wear diapers to often as wife does not know about my diaper fetish.
I can take it or leave it, however I used to be closer to this scene, but not as a participant. Watched a really beautiful woman being changed once, she started to pee when her pussy was exposed, fuck was that hot.
Got a chance to enjoy wearing and wetting a diaper three times over the last weekend. Love the feeling of pee flowing as I’m drinking water.
Your right, there is dearth of diaper discussions herein so I'll add some of mine. This isn't every day, but it was what happened today.

The day started with some kink. Doesn't everyday? I got up early, put on a thick bathrobe and headed to the bathroom. No, I didn't use the toilet, rather I removed my underwear and the TENA Incontinence Guard - Super Absorbancy that had been embracing and comforting my genitals through the the night. These TENAs are so thick and absorbent as to be like a diaper without a bottom. I don't need them....well maybe I do but not in the conventional sense...but I want them and they are almost my constant companion.

I then pulled on a pair of LivDry Ultimate Adult Pull Ups, which are perhaps the thickest and most "diaperlike" of disposable pull-ups, and went about my chores. I use some thick and big "tab style" brief diapers as well (lately TREST Elite), but for fast, down and dirty fun, the pullups are convenient. First, outside with the dogs for their morning constitutional. The tactile sensations of the plush, soft fabric of the diaper tickled my dick while the thickness between the legs led to a bit of a "waddle" walk. Once the cold morning air went up the bottom of my robe, the urge to pee crept up on me. I didn't resist, just relaxed, released the tension, and let it go. It was the first pee of the morning and I could feel the copious volume of warm urine soaking into the diaper and spreading till I was warm and wet from the front of my groin to between my legs. As the fabric between my legs soaked up the migrating piss, it expanded and made "waddle" even more pronounced.

Back into the house,wander down the hallway, wife still sound asleep. Back into the kitchen, I start a pot of coffee and then get started on fixing meals and medications for two finicky senior dogs. As I'm doing so, my bowels start to grumble a bit, some flatulence here and there and with each "fart" the urge to defecate starts to creap up on me like a little "knock, knock, knock" at my back door. The coffee is ready, and I practically shotgun the first cup which stimulates my bowels even more, the "knock" becomes more insistent, and my bladder is telling me it's time for round two.

Once the dogs are fed, and they've gone out for round two of their doggy duties and come back in, I wander out to the "man cave", my attached garage and workshop, where I smoke a little weed and drink more coffee. The knock at my back door is getting more insistent, and though I could "go" now with just a little conscious push and assistance, I wait till the urge is imminent, desperate, and I can barely hold it in. Then, I just let it go. My rectum opens up, I'm sure my "rosebud" makes an appearance, and the rear of my diaper becomes heavy and full as my bowels open up and expel a rectum and colon load of waste. At the same time, another bladder load of piss is soaking the front even more. I reach between my legs, and find that the large load of feces is making my diaper sag. Another intentional push, and another large log is expelled but, with the diaper so full, some of this sticks between my ass cheeks and makes a bit of a mess. It all feels so warm, so delightful, and so nasty.

So....I just hang out like that for awhile, diaper full of feces and piss as I fiddle around a bit, sharpening some mower blades, and wandering out into the yard to take out the trash. All the while, wet, soiled, diaper sagging between my legs.

Finally, when I've had enough, when I'm drained, relaxed and content, I tear away the diaper at the tabs and carefully let it drop to the floor, full of contained feces, between my feet. I then kind of scoop out the messiest part that has stuck between my ass cheeks with paper towels before thoroughly cleaning and wiping with TP and moist wipes and disposing of it all. When all cleaned up, back into my underwear, TENA pad applied to the crotch, and I return to the house to get fully dressed and go about my day.

Next bit diaper play day Thursday. If there's interest, and a lack of trolls, I'll talk about it.
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Not into the adult baby thing but love the idea of wearing and wetting at inappropriate times. Such situations as a young woman taking the bar exam and filling her diaper. Going out to a fancy restaurant and/or dancing and filling her diaper so much she has to go to the bathroom and change. Giving a presentation and letting go. Unfortunately, I never see these type stories. One of these days I'm just going to have to write these stories down myself.