Truth in the Ruins (closed for heartofcourage)

Stone heard soft steps behind him and knew that Dylan had approached out of hiding. He had hoped she would have just stayed off to the side for the moment but he knew she would want to be sure he was fine. He didn't keep his eyes off of Sully however and his fingers gripped harder on the pistol.

The canisters presented a problem, one that Stone's old military tendencies weren't exactly willing to overlook. Glaring at the mercenary scumbag who wasn't doing anything to try to improve the global situation, only infuriate it he wanted very much to put the man down but instead he pulled back his hand and slammed the butt of the pistol down on his head.

Sully fell down in a heap on the floor with a large bruise and Stone standing over him. He turned back nodding for Dylan to get closer if she wanted.
Dylan came closer to the scene, stopping at Stone’s side as she looked down at the man that had just been subdued. She let out a small sigh and placed her hand on Stone’s arm to calm him. She could feel the anger and tension in his body and she hoped that by just being there, she would help him in some small way.

“We should go, Stone. I’m sure people will be coming soon. I led them on a chase, but that’s no guarantee.” She said softly, speaking low to not startle him.
Stone turned to look at her and then slowly he nodded. There was little else that he could do here. He had found out Mormont's plans and knew that they meant bad days were going to be coming to Windvale. But as he looked at Dylan he knew that he both had a job and a duty to keep her safe as his charge and lover. And so the two snuck out from the town under the cover of night. They fought off a few more patrols but soon enough they made it back to his vehicle.

He helped Dylan in and then set the vehicle back on course. Heading out along the route he made sure to avoid any signs of trouble as they left Windvale headed for their next way point to an eventual refuge.
Dylan was quiet as they made their way back to the vehicle in the dark. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this new turn of events and she certainly didn’t know how she felt about Stone’s involvement in them. She loved him, that much she knew, but did she like the taste that he could be a cold blooded killer? She wasn’t sure…

“I think we need to talk.” She said finally as they drove along in silence, her eyes trained on the dim light of the headlights that flashed in front of them. “I mean, really talk about what just happened.”
Stone was focused on driving their ride but he turned slowly to her all the same for a moment and then reset his eyes on the road. The road was dark ahead and he needed to focus but he wouldn't just ignore her.

"I know it's not what you're used to Dylan but the world isn't what it once was. Sometimes... you have to be ruthless. Or you don't get to walk away." Stone said knowing that it was always better to walk away and realize perhaps you had made a mistake then not being able to walk away and realize you'd made the wrong call. Survival was everything.
“But did we really have to do that?” Dylan asked, looking at Stone in the darkness as he tried to answer her and concerntait on the road in front of them. “I mean, I know that things are different now, but do we really have to be violent? Why not set an example for everything else?”