Trump touts commitment from China to buy 10 million metric tons of soybeans


Loves Spam
Jun 9, 2018
I’m glad someone wants soybeans. I usually throw the shit in the trash where it belongs.

66,400 tons of soybeans.
Well, I suppose that's better than selling uranium to our enemies as somebody, whose name I won't mention, did.
Well, I suppose that's better than selling uranium to our enemies as somebody, whose name I won't mention, did.

Yeah, those Canadians should be taken to task for that.

Then again, that's nowhere near as bad as someone whose name I won't mention being a Russian asset and working with the Russian mob.
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Yeah, those Canadians should be taken to task for that.

Then again, that's nowhere near as bad as someone whose name I won't mention being a Russian asset and working with the Russian mob.

It seems the pretend conservative is still chugging leftist Kool-Aid.....

In other words, China is going to be buying all the soybeans they haven't been buying because of the trade war which has been devastating our farmers into bankruptcy.

And fan boying for the socialized sector of our agricultural markets/industry.

Funny thing is, someoneyouknow pretends he's not a flaming socialist and thinks actual conservatives buy it. :D
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It seems the pretend conservative if still chugging leftist Kool-Aid.....

And fan boying for the socialization of our agricultural markets/industry.

Funny thing is, someoneyouknow pretends he's not a flaming socialist and thinks actual conservatives buy it. :D

He's an idiot.

What did he (or anyone else for that matter) think what was going to happen to all those soybeans? Farmers were going to leave them to rot in a warehouse?
He's an idiot.

What did he (or anyone else for that matter) think what was going to happen to all those soybeans? Farmers were going to leave them to rot in a warehouse?

All the socialistic types thought it was the dawn of equitable prosperity!!!

Welfare ALWAYS spells that out!!!! Right? LOL :D
A lot of the agricultural troubles would be solved if the US would join the TPP-11. Unsurprisingly, Trump has looked into doing just that. Make America last!
A lot of the agricultural troubles would be solved if the US would join the TPP-11. Unsurprisingly, Trump has looked into doing just that. Make America last!

Unsurprisingly, those countries already in the TPP aren't eager to add him to their group.