Trump Alliance Fuckery, at every turn


Literotica Guru
Jan 10, 2008
Trump Alliance Fuckery, at every turn

George-Skye Williams

One of these men have a life time of integrity.
The other have a life time of Fuckery


1:19 AM - 26 Jul 2019

Guess who is telling lies ?

(pResident Grifter of the United States blocked his ears,
and did not listen to anything that Mueller had to say.

3:15 PM - 27 Jul 2019

Andrew Feinberg Verified Account

None of these things are true.

3:16 PM - 27 Jul 2019

Daniel Dale Verified Account
@ddale8 Replying to @ddale8

Trump calls the Russia investigation an
"illegal takeover" and a "coup attempt."
It was not illegal and was not a coup

6:36 PM - 25 Jul 2019

Andrew Feinberg Verified Account

1. @RepCummings isn’t the mayor of Baltimore.
2. His district encompasses parts of Howard and Baltimore
Counties, and is the 2nd wealthiest majority-black district
in the United States.
3. He had a part in securing $15.7 billion in federal grants,
etc for it in 2018.

2:42 PM - 27 Jul 2019

Maryland’s 7th district, which Cummings has represented
since 1996, includes about half of Baltimore city and has
a median household income of around $60,000 and a
higher percentage of college graduates than the country
as a whole.

It is not even remotely close to the first time a
controversial Trump tweet thread has been
traced to a Fox & Friends segment.

How many times has FOX TV been caught, fudging the facts,
constructing misleading visuals, giving out misinformation,
telling outright lies ?

US President Donald Trump's Economic Adviser (Larry Kudlow) said that 'the president doesn't make things up"

Brian Stelter Verified Account

Larry Kudlow says "the president doesn't make things up."
And he says it's "very rude" to assert otherwise.


8:28 AM - 23 Jul 2019

Analysts believe it is more likely that Trump misinterpreted India’s calls for it to place greater international pressure on Pakistan to crack down on extremism. If Modi had asked for US intervention, this would amount to India “changing its policy on third party involvement entirely, and turning it on its head,” said Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy, associate director of Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies in Delhi.

“One of the possible scenarios, that could have been misinterpreted by Mr Trump, is that during any conversation India might have had with the US, [India may] have asked the US to exert pressure on Pakistan to end terror sanctuaries,” added Krishnamurthy.

Brad Sherman, a Democratic congressman and member of the House foreign affairs committee, said he apologised to the Indian ambassador in Washington for Trump’s statement. “Everyone knows PM Modi would never suggest such a thing. Trump’s statement is amateurish and delusional. And embarrassing,” he tweeted.
Christine Pelosi

#ElijahCummingsIsAPatriot and his hometown paper
responds to Trump’s racist tweets with
“Better to have a few rats than to be one”

(link to Baltimore Sun)

6:21 PM - 27 Jul 2019

Better to have a few rats than to be one

In attempting to disparage Baltimore and embarrass Elijah Cummings,
the tweeter-in-chief has once again exposed the world to his own
ignorance and hate.

The Baltimore Sun The Baltimore Sun @baltimoresun

Brian Stelter Verified Account

A Fox talk show segment gave Trump a warped,
woefully incomplete view of Maryland's 7th
Congressional District... by showing a guest's
videos of the most poverty-stricken neighborhoods...
that's how we ended up here.

(screen grab of FOX TV pal, Republican strategist, Kimberly Klacik)

11:24 AM - 27 Jul 2019


Fox Brings On Black GOP Operative For Hit Job On Rep. Cummings

Republican operative Kimberly Klacik tells Fox's Jedediah Bila
that Rep. Cummings never comes home to his district and that
the conditions in Baltimore are worse then the migrant detention
centers, which Trump later parroted on Twitter to attack Cummings.

Christine Pelosi
@sfpelosi Replying to @baltimoresun

The @baltimoresun to Trump:

(screen grab of quote)

6:24 PM - 27 Jul 2019

We would tell the most dishonest man to occupy the Oval Office
The mocker of war heroes, the gleeful grabber of women's private parts,
the serial bankrupter of businesses, the useful idiot of Valadmir Putin,
and the guy who insisted there are "good people" among murderous
neo-nazis, that he's not fooling most Americans into believing he's
even slightly competent in his current post. Or that he possesses
a scintilla of integrity.

"Better have some vermin living in your neighborhood, than to be one."
Kyle Griffin Verified Account

Richmond: "So it's fair to say the president tried
to protect himself by asking staff to falsify records
relevant to an ongoing investigation?"

Mueller: "I would say that's generally the summary."

7:21 AM - 24 Jul 2019

John Cassidy
John Cassidy Verified Account

Donald Trump and the G.O.P. Confirm
Their Fiscal Conservatism Was a Sham

(link to New Yorker)

5:37 PM - 26 Jul 2019

Donald Trump and the G.O.P. Confirm Their Fiscal Conservatism
Was a Sham

The passage of a new budget act revealed that the principle
is a cynical political strategy rather than the expression of
a core philosophy for the G.O.P.

The New Yorker The New Yorker @NewYorker
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)

Card carrying member of pResident Donald Duncecap's Defense Team

The video that Rubio tweeted was deceptively edited.
(words were twisted in the tweet and video)

Glenn Beck, Dana Loesch, and Dave Rubin all amplified the doctored video.

Just when Donald Defenders need proof to back up their claims,
something magically appears. There is much shouting and pointing.
"Look! We have one! Sadly, their proof is not what it seems.
It always involves fuckery.

Legitimate sources must slog through the fuckery, and do the
work of debunking it.

Fraudulent Trump fuckery marches on, despite exposure.

A campaign running on undead, zombie mis-information.

Trump's Lies Go Marching On!

Jared Kushner caught wading in the filth, after Trump
accidentally shines a spotlight on him, while attacking
a city.

NYT Magazine
NYT Magazine Verified Account

From 2017: Renters in Baltimore complained about a
neglectful, litigious landlord.

Few of them knew that it was the president's son-in-law,
Jared Kushner. By @AlecMacGillis.

(link to NY Times)

9:21 AM - 28 Jul 2019

Jared Kushner’s Other Real Estate Empire

Baltimore-area renters complain about a property owner
they say is neglectful and litigious.
Few know their landlord is the president’s son-in-law.

The New York Times The New York Times @nytimes

Matthew Yglesias Verified Account

Per @AlecMacGillis’ reporting, Jared Kushner is actually
a major Baltimore-area slumlord who’s breaking all kinds
of rules so perhaps Trump should direct his concerns about
rats and such to him.

(link to NY Times)

4:32 PM - 27 Jul 2019 from Washington, DC