tigerjen... and poetry, voting, top lists, big foot, recipes...


save an apple, eat eve
Oct 20, 2001
Okay, so there's no new info on big foot, and no recipes! :p

Where do I begin? Well, first thing first. Tigerjen. Love her, hate her, put her in your will... whatever! She's part of this community, and she has the right to her opinion. She has the right to show common sense or no sense! She has rights.

Turning off the voting on some of her many poems is a decision only she can make. I'm sure she's thought it out, and perhaps, she saw negative consequences for her poetry. At this point in time, she chooses not to volunteer. She's made her decision, and she's told us. So there's no reason to attack her because she doesn't go along. (not saying anyone is! lol)

The reason for our tj's actions and everyone else's is because this is a real community. A little city full of real (and very different)personalities. Ever notice that no matter where you work that there's most likely a gossip there? And the guy that hits on anything and everything or the girl that dresses and acts like a slut? (Or maybe it's the other way around!) The person everyone wants to throw out the window, or the one everyone likes and respects? It's the same here. And like in "real life" you cannot throw tj out a cyber window! lol

I believe in positive reinforcement. Praise those who contribute to our little world. Ignore the stupid or insensitive things others do-- when possible. Don't just complain about our problems-- find solutions like some of us are doing now! When you're angry, think before you type.

To the pissed-off poets (I know there are a few): put your feelings in a poem. That'll make for some interesting reading. lol No need to name names. Most of us are creative enough to let everyone know who and what we're talking about. I'm serious! Write! Post your creation on this thread if you'd like. It's a constructive way to let off some steam.

That's it for now!

SA, you'll make a great addition to this community. You already do!

no idea what this is about......someone tattoo a poem to my ass<please make it a good one> and I will be ooooooooh kay.

as for no recipes?

are you sure?....I know I have a gazillion ;)

I mentioned this on the olympic thread, but I'll say it again.

I edit the poetry and poets I respect. I'm extra tough on the good ones. The pain makes you stronger. And I love when You're tough!!!

Love me or hate me, but respect

means telling the truth. It means being honest even if it is an unpopular opinion.

I deplore the notion of "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all". That is the equlivant of coercing people to say what's expected and acceptable especially in instances where honesty(that is not undisputable truth, but expression of how you feel) is unpleasant.

I believe it is possible to argue a position in a tactful, passionate way. I stand by everything I said. I don't give a rat's behind if it is liked, agreed with or rejected. That's called integrity and self-respect.

The only time there is whining is when someone says something unpleasant. As you said, the community mirrors real life scenarios. In life off screen, people disagree. We don't always get along. Confrontation and disagreement is reality-based.

In the real world, people argue, voice dissent and move on. If I had stated some falsehood or attacked someone's character, then I am out of line. I didn't do that.

I don't want to be popular. I want to be respected, heard, and yes, I'd like to occasionally be recognized for my efforts.

I have zero tolerance for showboating, attention-whoring and whining about being victimized. I believe in accountability. I don't cower after taking a stand. Like it, hate it.

It takes a quite a bit for me to go off. I did. Now, I'm done. Enough said.


I guess, I should have mentioned how this all started! lol
Click on the link on my sig line.

I love your post! lol

Actually, I notice a lot of people "attack" tj. I wasn't pointing fingers. I'm just running my mouth in hopes we'll all get along better. Now shut up, woman! :D
ah HA........now I see the light.

I guess the whole thing would matter to me if any of my poems had over 10 votes...lmao

keep on truckin kick ass poets,
Re: Cookies would be nice.

I don't recall participating in that thread.
SA Storm said:

I am with "smithpeter" on this. The top list is a waste. So I'm off it.
But have been wondering how the votes stack up. My own things receive many clicks early in their lives but most show nothing but zeros in the counting. I know why that is but I also am made more aware that clicking on link and being counted does not mean it was read.
I wouldn't consider turning off my votes at this point because none have seen the light of double digits.
Maybe sound effects could be added to make voting more attractive to people reading my things.
Like the crack of a whip or the sound of a solid smack with a wet nooddle.

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Fur fight

When I checked in I thought I was on the general board. :)

What's the deal? Wicked's almost completely off the list, SA Storms off, Daughter's off, Katpurrs too. KillerMuffins not on it. Were going to end up with no variety. Poets are so temperamental.

I guess everyone is big on principle. If I had a poem on the list I'd take it off.

Now when is everyone gonna put them all back up. I need stuff on site to read.

Boards too quiet.

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Re: Love me or hate me, but respect

daughter said:
means telling the truth. It means being honest even if it is an unpopular opinion.

I don't want to be popular. I want to be respected, heard, and yes, I'd like to occasionally be recognized for my efforts.

I have zero tolerance for showboating, attention-whoring and whining about being victimized. I believe in accountability. I don't cower after taking a stand. Like it, hate it.

Here, here! Rock on, daughter. You have the integrity to say what people whisper quietly but don't have the guts to put out there in the open. Personally, I commend and respect you for it. This isn't a popularity contest, but I suspect that you have at least as many admirers as detractors.

Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, right? Some of us like that you don't kid-glove your approach to critique; you're real. That's more valuable than a hundred empty accolades, any time.

Re: Re: Cookies would be nice.

smithpeter said:

sorry sp, but I've already requested this sound effect for my poems, you'll have to get your own;) :p

Maybe sound effects could be added to make voting more attractive to people reading my things. Like the crack of a whip or the sound of a solid smack with a wet nooddle.
LOL!!! I've been at sites where they have weird sound effects when you click on a link or mouse over it. You can't help but do it over and over again.
I think sound effects is the way to go! I want mine to be a sexy voice saying, "Ohhh! Click me again!"
One thing I want to say (like I'll stop at one... lol) I'm not just defending (or whatever it is I'm doing) tj. I'm defending everyone one who goes against the majority, and has a hard time because of it. And I'll also defend daughter and U.P. and everyone else's right to state their opinions. I just think sometimes we can be too harsh. But I can see many of you admire the "tell it like it is" approach. And I agree that sometimes it does have to come to that point-- when nothing else is working.

Am I a wuss? Too nice? :confused:
I would like to take this opportunity.......

to lick the poetry from wicked eve's lips

I just want to say that Lit is a big community and there is room for all of us.
Everyone of us has a different personality, some are shy, some blunt, bold, honest, forthcoming, some demure, quiet etc
Whatever your personality type? You are welcome here. Variety is the spice of life.
Thanks to some people (you know who you are) a little bluntness put my way made me realise I can be more confident. My personality is fairly quiet, reserved, silly and loving and kind. I grew up in a very strict religious family where anger, being outspoken or overly confident were considered sins. Slowly I am developing the ability to say what I think.
I respect people's opinions. What you have to say is important to me.
In closing, we ALL have something we bring to Lit. :)

As you were. :D
WickedEve I don't think you are a wuss. Nor am I. I just prefer harmony! But as Laurel's sig line says?

"Without the spoons amongst us, who would stir things up."
- ranajja.

I love that!
Without the spoons (lol no I am not calling anyone a spoon! ) we may stagnate.