The Pack (open looking for a rp partner)

Once Luna was asleep in her bassinet he joined Orion and Nikki on the bed. Holding Nikki to his chest as he caressed her side. He said "I love you so much Nikki. Everything you've given me. I couldn't be more happy than I am right now. I love you so much."
Nikki snuggled right up to Axel, kissing his neck. "And I love you too my love. Though I think it is best we keep an eye on Orion when he goes outside."she said. Content as she used Axel as a pillow, their daughter was sound asleep. "But if you need to work go ahead, I'd have to keep you from that."she said.
Alter shook his head as he let her lay on him. He said "Im finished for the day and I agree with the watching orion when he goes out. We'll have a extra pair of eyes though since your father is stayin with us till this blows over." He kissed her head as he looked at orion at the foot of the bed and Luna in her bassanet and just smiled.
"Alright hun I just wanted to be sure."she said. Nikki looked over at their daughter. "The wait was worth for Luna, she's perfect. Plus Orion has been good too. He'll wake me if I don't hear her."she said. The quiet didn't last long as, making Nikki sigh. She crawled off the bed and walking over to their daughter. Showing Axel how to change her diaper. Putting Luna back as she smiled at her. Rejoining Axel and kissing him softly. "Though we will get through this together."she said.
Axel watched her change the diaper. When they returned to bed they just enjoyed each others company and the company of there children. When Orion raised his head and hoped off the bed looking at the door. Axel guessed he wanted out. He said "Ill take Orion out be right back love." He followed the wolf into the woods letting it do its business while he kept his senses sharp for any kind of trouble.
Nikki smiled as she got comfortable under the covers. Once the boys were back, Nikki snuggled back up to Axel. "I can make dinner tonight."she said. Pulling Axel into a kiss, a deep one. "I love you so much. I miss being able to do this with you. Curling up in bed, being close to you."she said.
Alter smiled and said "i missed it too baby." He kissed her deeply again trailing his kiss down to her neck. Sucking on the skin of her throught. His hand groped her ass.
Nikki held Axel close as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I have to give it a few more weeks before we can have sex again."she said. Which was perfect as that is when the full moon was. Smiling as she placed her hands on his cheeks. "I hope you can wait that long but I can always suck you off."she said.
Axel shook his head and said "I can wait Nikki besides it will just make it all the more pleasurable for us both when we do have sex again." The mention of the full moon made his inner wolf salavate at the prospect of breeding his mate with another child. He kept the beast in check and said "you know how lucky I am to have you."
"Yes but we are lucky to have each other. Though right know Luna is enough to handle. Orion is at a good age but Luna is young."she said. Nikki soon snuggled back up to Axel, using him as a pillow. "Once she is old enough we can try for a second child."she said.
Axel smiled and said "true. Even if we don't try to have another child. The full moon will still make us both more eager for sex. Not that I need the full moon to love you physically." He kissed the top of her head as they kept laying there. They eventually took a short nap.
Nikki smiled before she fell asleep. Though woke up to the sound of Luna crying. It was time to feed her and Nikki got out of bed. Walking over before sitting on the edge of the bed. Holding her daughter to her chest as she fed. Once Luna was done, Nikki slipped on her wrap before placing Luna inside. Soon waking up Axel, "Hun wake up."she said.
Axel stretched and said " we must of dozed off. If you still want to make dinner. After you finish feeding Luna I can take her."
Nikki smiled before waiting for Axel to get up. She handed Luna to Axel before they went downstairs. Nikki headed into the kitchen as she began to make dinner. Though Orion wanted to play with Axel but he had Luna.
Axel while holding luna decided to go down to the kitchen with Orion. Holding Luna as Nikki cooked he took one of orions favorite toys and tossed it. The wolf intstantly knowing the game of hunt the flying animal and bring it back to the pack leader. Luna giggled each time orion came back with the toy.
Nikki smiled hearing their daughter giggle. Making sure to make Orion dinner as well. Placing hisnplate on the floor before setting their dinner on the table. "Come and eat."she said. Tonight is fish and vegetables. Nikki took Luna back from Axel as they sat down. Placing her back in the wrap as Luna snuggled up to her mother. "Hun....can we take a trip to the store....Luna is growing fast and needs more clothes."she said.
As they ate he listened to Nikki's questioin and said "sure we can go tomorrow your dad will still be here to watch the house and orion can stay with him and help." Orion perked up from his plate and Alter smiled and said "yes you are gonna help granpa protect the den." Petting the wolf's head as it went back to eating.
"Alright because I'm going to try and have her sleep in her crib. That way Orion can be close to her."she said. Also now she needed to get a breast pump to stock up for winter. "Plus she has an appointment tomorrow for a checkup. Crazy to think she is almost a month."she said.
Axel smiled and said "yeah time has certainly fried." He said " I wouldn't have it any other way though."
Soon they cleaned up dinner and settled on the couch. Nikki sat Luna on her lap as Axel played with Orion. "He is doing real good with commands"she said. Wasn't long before Nikki began to feed Luna so she was full before bed. "She is beginningto sleep more through the night. Though Orion is still to hyper sometimes with her."she said.
Axel sighed "I'll work with him some more. Do it in wolf form if I have too. I know he doesn't mean any harm to her but we don't want any accidents especially with her being so small."
Nikki leaned over and kissed Axel on the cheek. "I know he does hun, we will work with him."she said. Luna soon was done as they all headed upstairs. Nikki walked into Luna' s room and placed her in the crib. Orion laid right down by the crib before Nikki gave him a kiss. Walking out before taking Axel's hand, heading to their room. "I'm trying this as she is growing fast. With Orion close I hope she sleeps soundly."she said.
Axel smiled at the sight. Heading back with Nikki to there room. He said "it seems to work and Orion certainly seems like he enjoys being her company." He stroked Nikki's hair affectionatly before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. He said "come on lets try to get some sleep before Luna needs us again."
Nikki nodded her head before crawling into their bed. Snuggling up to Axel as getting comfortable. "You know she will be a daddy's girl."she teased. Nikki didn't care as she knew that was their little moon. Soon she fewl asleep and stayed that way for a few hours. Until waking up to the sound of Luna crying and Orion growling. Nikki shook Axel she flew out of the bed, heading straight for Luna. Calming her daughter as she held her close.

Orion was downstairs with her father, out on the porch. One got too close but some members of the tribe stepped in. Luna soon calmed down in Nikki's arms. Kissing her daughter's head before walking downstairs. "This has to end dad...."she said. Feeling Axel come up behind her as he looked to be sure Luna was okay. "Both get dressed...the council as called an emergency meeting."her father said. Nikki headed back upstairs and got changed. Making sure to grab Luna's blanket and wrapped her up.
Axel also got dressed putting a comforting arm around his wife as the the three made there way to the emergency council meeting.