The liberal left has succeeded in turning Americans against Islam


Literotica Guru
Aug 2, 2005
Prior to 9/11, most Americans thought and cared little about the Islamic world. Prior to the scandal of Iran issuing a fatwa on the London based author Salman Rushdie in 1989, that number was even less.

But when the twin towers of the World Trade Center came crashing down, that all changed. America had a new enemy, but the problem was that at first, most Americans were not sure who that enemy was.

Shortly after 9/11, the mainstream media told the public that the enemy were Muslims and shortly thereafter, that metamorphosed into all of Islam.

Suddenly, conservative radio hosts who had built their careers on moaning about what came out of of Monica Lewinsky’s mouth, were suddenly curious about the texts of the Holy Koran…except that they weren’t. They had all ready made up their minds that the Koran was more or less a Wahhabi text that read something like a Saudi funded al-Qaeda propaganda video.

As morose as this sounds, it is objectively understandable. America for all its wealth is not a particularly worldly country, just as many vast nations have historically not been, especially prior to the age of compulsory education and mass communication. People in America were upset and frightened after 9/11, they had every right to be.

But then the devious sectarian liberal left stepped in and any chance for a non-biased discussion about Islam became impossible in America.

The sectarian left realised that defending Islam, as defined by the uneducated sectors of the American right, could make them money and give them air time. A liberal talk radio station, Air America was launched on the basis of opposing Bush and the newly anti-Islamic Rush Limbaughs of the world. Suddenly the ‘Islmophobia industry’ was born and like good Hollywood capitalists the American left rushed to get a piece of the pie.

Rather than actually bothering to learn about the vast, diverse and manifold Islamic world, they simply accepted the right-wing talk radio definition of Islam as barbaric and terroristic.

What did they then do? They embraced Wahhabism as the legitimate voice of Islam saying that the west should come to ‘understand’ it. They said that accepting Wahhabism is accepting ‘diversity’, even though the majority of Muslims and Arab Christians hate Wahhabism because it is the least diverse and least accepting form of pseudo-Islamic apostasy that they’ve ever come across.

If America had a liberal left with a real conscience let alone a real collective brain, they would have, should have and could have understood that secular Islamic majority societies hate the same things most Americans hate (jihadism, terrorism, Wahhabism) and more importantly, they love the same things most ordinary Americans love (family, relaxation, trips to the beach, meals with friends, piety and patriotism).

Instead, American liberals did the Saudis and their deep state allies a service, by become their slick, polished, refined apologists. By refusing the shine a light on how Islam is practised in moderate, progressive, modern societies like Syria, Iraq, pre-war Libya, Egypt, Russia, Lebanon and Palestine, they focused instead on Wahhabism and how all of its accoutrements from the regressive female face covering to a prohibition on what most in America understand as ‘free speech’, were really just expressions of a ‘rich and diverse culture’. US liberals said and continue to say that Wahhabism is the oppressed voice of Islam, one oppressed by people like Rush Limbaugh and more recently by Paul Joseph Watson. In reality, Wahhabism is a global oppressor whose leaders couldn’t care less about what Rush Limbaugh or anyone else in conservative or ‘alt-right’ media has ever said.
Before Trump the right bitched the left was too soft on Islam, now Trump loves him some middle east and "Yay Islam."

You conservatives are beyond shameless in your flip flopping.

Grow a pair and actually make a decision based on what you think not who what your hero of the day does.
The original poster of this thread appears to be an ill informed individual who will believe anything as long as it fits their own political agenda. If my parrot had fingers he would do similar things, but if my parrot actually did such things, his parents would be proud to see a parrot accomplish such a feat. I am positive the original poster's parents are not proud of their parrot.
I am surprised to read that presidents Reagan and the two Bushes are now regarded as the liberal left. I'm sure they will be equally surprised by this new designation.

You want to talk about USA administrations cosying up to Saudi Arabia, these three lead the way.
1400 years of Islam. This isn't a new thing.

The USA has had a long history with muslims. It's never been really friendly. And it's not just the US, huge amounts of people have had had issues with them.

It's not like muslims have been model world citizens. Don't try to pretend everyone loved them until 9/11. The "right wingers" you're complaining about are only helping people see more of the real world than your limited scope will allow, and for that you're angry.

Remember hearing how badly most of the EU has it regarding the muslim invasion? The liberal media types are highly upset that the truth is getting out. It's killing their narrative.
In the Philippines, ISIS had metastasized to the point of being a threat, so the government decided to crack down on them. Predictably they have torched most of the turf they controlled, stormed a Catholic church and are now holding hostages demanding that the government go back to letting them be who they really are, one of the many faces of Islam.
