The Fantasy Experience - closed for Wickedpen


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2018
Colton Driscoll was 44 years old, ruggedly handsome, filthy rich, and (dark, black leather bench, 21 year intrigued, would you like to hear more?”[
Betsy was not planning on attending this drab fund raiser but the hand delivered message from Colton intrigued her. She got herself presentable, which for Betsy meant a one of a kind designer gown. She arrived fashionably late making Colton, who was the only one who knew she was coming to wait.. She tossed the valet the fob for her yellow convertible Ferrari she just roared into the drive in, without even looking. The blue blood couple arguing over a scratch on their Bentley looked incredulously as she continued without a moments pause into the gala.

She ignored the first three men who approached her and continued, snagging a champagne flute and flirting with the tall attractive black man holding the tray. He towered over her by possibly a foot and a half but she was clearly the dominant one. She moved without effort as the crowd parted for her as though she were the queen of England. She was small but had an indescribable energy and confidence about her.

She sat and let Colton take her in as she let the champagne slide down her soft pink mouth and throat.

Betsy listened fully aware of being the object of attention. She was intrigued by Colton and his proposal.

"You know Colton, I would say the images from the Bellagio have the men and women here more interested in joining your bedroom contingent than mine" her southern accent flooded around him like honey on a hot day as her laugh that followed melted every man within ear shot. Her mouth was mesmerizing and her eyes looked directly into your soul with deep dark blue pools dropping down into fathomless blackness.

"Come of late, I have been bored with the same old Miami scene come to think of it." she said leaving the empty flute on the table between them. Her body was thin but wiry and had an unusual sexuality like a cheetah on the hunt, calm and almost sedate but you know in an instant her fangs would be out and into you feeding on your very life. It was disconcerting as everything else about her made you feel like she was the sweet little girl from next door.

"I would like to hear more" she announced as she moved up to her feet in one graceful motion. "It's a little stogy here, don't ya think?" her words were a command wrapped in the velvety smooth question.
He laughed, “You know the Bellagio night was not even my best night of the week, just the most publicized.” As he was responding to Betsy, the young, extremely attractive Asian cocktail waitress came over, and brought him another drink. As he pulled out a roll of bills to tip her, he saw her look at his crotch and bite her lip. “I take it you have seen the pictures?” He laughed, as he was getting used to the response. Having an exceptionally large phallus, so prominently displayed and enjoyed so enthusiastically had women looking at the already handsome, and exceedingly fit man in an entirely new way. Six foot two and 205 pounds of chiseled muscle, he took pride in his appearance, hitting the gym religiously 4-5 times per week. “Yes, it was real, and much of it was buried in pleasure, but if you’d like a personal show, I am sure it could be arranged.” The girl giggled as she gladly accepted the $50 bill and turned and walked away blushing.

Never ashamed at his forwardness, Colton turned back to Betsy, but saw the young waitress look back over her shoulder, as she walked away. He was sure she wondered if he was serious, but when it came to conquests, he was always serious and always playful. He also knew that despite her shock at his forward response to her innocent look, the odds were at least 50-50 she would find him tonight to slip him her number and see what else the big tipping older man with the apparently enormous cock might be able to provide for her.

“Betsy, believe it or not, I did not invite you here to lure you sexually, no matter how compelling you may be. However, make no mistake, you and anyone else you might like to bring to my bed, man or woman, are always welcome. I like that we are both honest about our appetites, and that both scares and intrigues almost everyone we know. The room may be stogy, but that is more the people I believe than the ambiance. I am happy to go wherever you might like to talk, but before we step away, I want you to look at Steve Bryant over there, look at where his hand is resting on his daughter, and look at where his eyes are fixed, now look at his pants, how hard his cock is, and I don’t think it is because he is thinking about her next tuition payment to Brown.

Now look at Chelsea Rae, 42, vivacious and stunning in her own way, she is surrounded by two waiters, who can’t be older than 19 and 21. Now, look at how hard her nipples are as she laughs and grabs her fourth drink and another bacon wrapped scallop while her husband is smoking a cigar out on the balcony. She can’t help herself from rubbing her thighs together, my guess is she is dripping, but will never risk acting on it. Those are just examples here, I can walk you through many more, and I am sure you could do the same for me, but they will do. They are what I want to discuss with you. Now where my lady, would you like to take me?”
Betsy was not flustered by Colton's teasing of the waitress, but she was intrigued by whatever he is looking to discuss being greater than her blatant sexuality and power.

"You certainly pay attention" she said as she caught her waiters eye and seemingly telepathically summoned his six foot five two hundred and fifty pounds to her delicately balancing a flute of champagne on a silver tray. He nearly had to bend down for her to be able to take it. She playfully stroked the flute then said "give him a hundred Colton, I never carry cash."

Betsy waited as Colton peeled a hundred off his roll and dropped it on the tray dismissively. Betsy settled back on the couch across from Colton and winked at the enormous man with the tray.

"Don't go far" she sighed to him in that southern drawl that could melt the biggest icebergs.

"So Colton" Betsy began wetting her lips with the champagne before putting it down and giving him a nice view of what lay beneath her minimal dress. "I see you are observant and aware of the... let's call them perversions of our follow philanthropists but for the life of me I don't see where I fit in? I mean we could go swing from chandeliers naked and challenge the hotel management with a night of debauchery and sin, but where Steve, his daughter" she looked at the amazing young women accepting her father's hand down the back of her backless dress. "And Chelsea and her bevy of young studs" glancing at the cackling drunken woman now openly groping the help as she stuffs money in their pockets. "What are you suggesting?" she says leaning back with her toned arms spread across the back of the couch. She switches the way her perfectly toned and tanned legs are crossed answering Colton's question of panties in the negative. Her eyes slowly rose to her personal waiter standing behind Colton with another full flute of champagne and an enormous hard on in his black tuxedo pants possibly being the intended audience of her little show. As always she kept the world off guard asking, "why should I care?" as carefree as Scarlett O'Hara's "fiddle dee dee."
“Mmmmm’” Southern Women! Did the devil in all his wicked and warped perversions, ever create a more lethal machine of seduction, manipulation and wielding of sexual power than a southern woman over 35. Colton had earned his masters in the observation and enjoyment of the unmistakable power of experienced Southern pussy while in college. He had been a young buck from the North when he had received a scholarship to the University of Texas. Rippling with muscles and a massive endowment swinging between his legs, but he had been a neophyte. However, so he could have some spending cash, he took a job tending bar at private parties as the drinking age was still only 18 back when he went.

Brought into these southern mansions, he watched the ultimate finishing school of Southern mothers on their daughters, teaching them how schooling was fine, but their ultimate power, the key to their success and living the life they wanted was the unwavering and merciless way they yielded their pussy. While smiling, teasing, and mixing in just the right mix of off-color humor and innuendo, how they moved their body, flashing just the right view at exactly the right time, they brought their men crawling and panting to them, ready to prey at their shrine and provide whatever sacrifices were necessary to worship at the alter between their legs. The older and more experienced the woman, the more incredible the experience. Sure he had enjoyed the young coeds, their nubile bodies, killers in training, but it was the mom’s and socialite housewives, the true assassins of sex that had forever changed Colton’s life, and even now, when he heard “Sugar” spoken in that unmistakable drawl, he felt his enormous cock, twitch, harden, and precum flow, as even he could not resist what that word, uttered just that way, promised.

He watched Betsy, and even amongst the elite of the elite, the hungriest and most ruthless of her kind, she was at a different level. An absolute killer, wrapped in the softest of silk and the sweetest of voice, molten fire, carefully concealed with the thin sheath of elegance and breathtaking beauty. Colton gladly tossed the kid the $100 Betsy requested, and he gleefully partook of her show. It was ironic, for the young and virile African American man should be paying him, well her, for the privilege of witnessing absolute greatness. Colton wondered, what was her game tonight, or was he or they merely fun toys to be played with, was it fulfillment or denial, or keeping him/them teetering in a way only the best could, cock throbbing, mouth watering, damn near crazy wondering if this was the beginning of the greatest night of his/their life, or if he would need to rush home or even into the men’s room, to jack off and find relief from this incredible yet unrealized temptation. if His python of a cock that extended down to just above his knee as rock hard and he felt the precum trickle down his leg. This was why he wanted her as his partner.

He slid next to her, and slid his hand up her bare thigh, whispering, “oh what you’re doing to that poor boy and this old man”. He let his hand slide a bit farther up and watched the young man stare and his chest heave in and out. “Here is what you are missing and why you should be interested. Look closer at Daddy over there, look at the hesitation in his hand, look at the look in the daughter’s eye, not sure if she should be wet or pulling away? He doesn’t have the guts to move forward, terrified of her rejection and the horror even the suggestion of his real wants could bring to his life. Same with Chelsea, yes she let her hand graze his firm young ass, but then she withdrew. She is older, scared of being rejected, humiliated, wanting to be in control, terrified she might be being played. Better than anyone, you and I know the dark desires that lie deep within our souls. But unlike others, we made those desires come true. "

He paused, looked at the young man, and moved his hand up farther, wanting to feel her heat, appreciating the lethal predator he was playing this game with. "These people need help, agents to close the deal and make their fantasies happen. They need someone who can help them look into the unsatisfied yearnings of their deepest, most carefully hidden desires and tell them it is okay, and to facilitate their occurrence, in a way that eliminates that risk of rejection or exposure. You and I my dear have the power to do that. Make these fantasies come true, enjoy the moral corruption and the sexual enlightenment of our friends here and others, and get paid handsomely while having the time of our lives…now, hadn’t you mentioned something about getting away to somewhere less stogy?”
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Although Betsy was taken aback by Colton's forceful intrusion she remained calm. It was not the first time a man made her a proposition with his hand moving up between her thighs. She looked into those dark viper like eyes and smiled.

"Well Mr Driscoll, if you will kindly remove your hand from my thigh I might be able to keep my friend with the tray from separating it from your body" Betsy said as cool as teh farmer with his shotgun to the fox in his hen house.

"I will say your business venture is, what's the word? unique, and I do believe you may have an eye for opportunity. I rarely dirty my hands with such things, but once in a while, when the right situation arises (her eyes dropping to his lap, confirming the rise) I will take a position to full avail myself of just such rewards." Her hand moved to his thigh as many in the room had taken note of their "conversation". She patted his leg like a small child's head and sat up. She reached for her champagne as though performing for the room. Letting her tongue slide between her lips and the rim, just a little, which brought an audible moan from many in the room before she poured the golden bubbly into her mouth and then swallowed, her throat moving obscenely with the ideas most already were imagining.

She put the glass down and squeezed Colton's cock imperceptibly as she rose to her feet.

"I don't know Colton, now that you have pointed out some of the nuances of this gathering I might prefer to stay, possibly mingle even." she said as her eyes met the man's who was still keeping his daughter closer than social company allows

"Come Colton the deal is not done," she said with the power of a general and the subtly of a down feather. She walked slowly holding her small hand back for Colton to take and accompany her as she headed for the silent auction.

"Maybe you should buy me something as a show of good faith?" she said with a twinkle in her eyes as she squeezed his hand and looked up into face. "Please daddy?" she whined with the tone of a fresh young girl, in a way that nearly buckled the experienced man's knees.
Colton gently pulled his hand away, “my apologies, I thought I was doing that for your friend with the tray, although I was enjoying it myself. Consider me reprimanded.” He turned and looked at her, Colton was not one to ask for permission but once declined, he was also not above asking for forgiveness. If the lady had been providing an invitation, it was apparently not directed at him. He smiled, he had not come to this function in search of sexual favors, quite to the contrary, he had been far more interested in ascertaining the sexual desires of others and making a business or at least a hobby of provisioning them.

He got up and took her hand as she led him to the auction area. Leaning in he spoke softly into her ear, “Betsy, I think you are missing half the fun. While I do believe there is a business here, an extremely lucrative business, you and I both have plenty of money. No, for me, the money is just the interesting element to the mix that allows us to find out one of life’s most interesting questions. What is your price? How much would you be willing to pay to fulfill your greatest desire, and how much is your virtue, morality, cock or cunt worth to someone else? Isn’t that what makes this fun. We are not talking about booking the penthouse pet of the year for $10,000 for a weekend, although we might do that too, no this is about the man who wants to line up and fuck the USC song girls, or his daughter, and is willing to pay whatever it takes to make that happen, is their a price that he can make his fantasy happen.

Or for our virginal daughter over there, at what price is the thought so intoxicating and decadent for her to give up her virtue, succumb to someone else’s desires, and perhaps to give in to your own and rationalize being someone’s sex toy? Is there a price? I expect some of these people will have rather ordinary and pedestrian desires, but how much fun will it be to crawl inside their soul and see what really burns there, and just how much they would pay to have that thirst quenched? $100,000, a quarter of a million, a half, more? The articulation and negotiation and then the arrangement of the experience will be half the fun!

Look at the ladies in this room, how many of them might be turned on at the thought of finding out how much their sexual talents are worth, and what combination would engender the greatest offer, how do they stack up to their peers, who is the most prized pussy of the litter? I mean no offense, as I will gladly purchase whatever you may desire to cement our partnership, and I no long hold any delusion that this might earn my right into your bed, but wasn’t part of your flirtation to see just how much I might be willing to pay for your favor?”

He slowed and turned her toward him for a second, here was the pitch, “I now solely own a luxury resort on St. Kitts, the Four Season’s, and a 10 seat luxury, private jet to fly people in and out of the private air strip there, anonymously. You and I set up the events. However, you may need to do some additional training to make the event memorable, and their talents worthy of the prices being paid. You and I are the producers, directors, marionettists and purveyors to what could be the most decadent experience on earth. And we, being the ribald and unrepentant enthusiasts, we are, can be as involved and participative as we want to be at any given time or moment. We can discuss pricing but based on a few and highly selective conversations I have had, I believe the absolute minimum will be $100,000 for a night, and up to whatever it takes, depending on the fantasy beyond that. It should take roughly 10 percent to cover costs of travel and accommodations, legal, etc., 60% for the seller of their services, and 30% is our cut. Assuming we eventually are doing 3-5 fantasies per week, I expect you and I to clear around $5 million per year each, pretty much tax free. I am offering you a 50-50 partnership.”

They were now at the tables, “so partner, shall we seal the deal, what can I by you, vacation, furs, artwork, jewels…I am happy to get you anything. And then, once we are done here, I thought we might hit the floor…there is a ready market out their, one might say, virtually unlimited demand, we just need to read them, look deep inside and get them to give us a tell on their desires…and then reel them in. Not and easy job for sure, one that will require the ultimate in seduction and curation of desires, but you and I my dear, I believe we were born for this…I only hope you agree?”
Betsy listened as attentively as she ever acted, but heard and processed every word. It was the final frontier. She had skirted it with herself and with others but this was being the dealer. I sex was the drug they were the kingpins.

"I can see you have given this a lot of thought. I too am interested in finding what crawls around in the deepest reaches of those with everything." her tone was different now. Quietly serious and even more attractive as Colton became entranced. She moved from item to item as they spoke and was not really interested in anything any more than covering the conversation she was having. A conversation that few people would understand and even fewer would dare to have.

As Colton closed the deal facing her to him, she noticed how excited he was. Not sexually but by this plot, because that is what it is. He framed it as a business but as he said, neither of them needed the money. He was excited about the game. She had to admit she was too.

"OK Colton I like what you have sketched out here. I do wonder how this will work. For example how are you going to get Steve's daughter to give him what he wants?" she asked as her large friend reappeared with a tray of mushrooms. She took one and the glass of champagne he had at the ready.

"Have a mushroom, I think you will like them" Betsy said with a telling look. A glass of scotch was suddenly handed to him as well.

"Thank you" Betsy said to her waiter.

"Your island sounds lovely. I look forward to seeing it." she said. "I guess we should mingle" she said holding up her arm to be taken to the dance floor.
Yes, he had given this a hell of a lot of thought. Ever since the photos, when the trap door opened and his career, marriage and life fell through it, he had realized one thing. 'My God, I'm free!' And at that point, he became focused on his passion, SEX. He couldn't wait to see how this game would play out, how he could get people to trust him enough to tell him what they wanted, desired at the deepest, and yes sometimes darkest, levels of their souls, and never imagined they could live out. But he needed a partner, and from the moment his plan started to formulate, he knew there was one person, she was absolutely imperative, and if she had declined, he likely would have shit canned the entire concept.

He looked at her, heard her tone and smiled, "I thought, hell preyed, this would resonate with you, like it did with me. Somehow I knew it would, we are kindred spirits of a very rare breed. You were the only one I considered. Here is how I see it working, although we may switch roles in certain instances....but generally, I will work the men, if they are the buyers, I will watch them, engage them, and see if I can pull their desires. Initially, we will need to guerilla market go directly to people we consider as likely interested and pitch the proposition, but I don't think it will take long for the word to spread, not the specifics, but the gist of what we do, and then I think we will have more clients than we know what to do. Then the fun will really begin, as we can only choose the ones that most delight us. As for the sellers, the girl i your question?" He raised his brow, and cradled Betsy's cheek. That is why I need will be irreplaceable in pitching the opportunity, making them feel like it is the most delicious compliment they have ever received, the ability to be desired absolutely, and rewarded handsomely for the privilege. Play to their psyches, their desires, and the taboo desire that exists in so many souls to be objectified, desired beyond any reasonable comprehension and live the fantasy of the ultimate sex toy."

He took the drink, he didn't remember ordering, and ate the stuffed mushroom he didn't particularly desire, but as she suggested. It was excellent. He hoped they were celebrating a very special union. He watched her, and waited until she had dismissed the waiter. Still gracious and sexy, but she had pivoted, and was now focused and engaged. I think I've got her, he thought, and the fact that he was so much more excited to have her as a business partner, than an invitation to her bed, surprised even him. He wanted this to happen, had spent hundreds of hours planning. Yes, he wanted it badly, and it increasingly seemed, so did she.

He took her hand, and looked forward to dancing with her. Colton was an exceptional dancer and he enjoyed confidently and strongly leading a woman around the dance floor, bringing out their elegance, athleticism, and passion. He enjoyed it almost as much as he enjoyed bedding them, and found the skill in one to be an uncanny predictor of exceptional performance in the other. A salsa began to play, and she was an even better dancer than he expected, and his expectations had been high. Feline in her movements, supple, elegant, sensual, but aloof, they soon had every eye trained on them. They were simultaneously enjoyed and envied by those watching not only for what they could do, but what they represented. Spinning her in and out of hold, as smooth as butter on on a warm summer day, he pulled her back in whispering, "then let's go there tonight, tomorrow, as soon as you want, I can have us wheels up within an hour of anytime you are ready. Let's go, I want you to see it, and let your imagination run wild with all we could do there!" Spinning her again they moved and flowed, owned the floor, and as the music ended, their breathing was accelerated, and their eyes were on fire. "So, is your answer what I hoped...shall we go make this happen...or should we indulge in one more dance?"
Betsy rarely danced like this, in a ballroom simply due to a lack of competent partners.She had learned to dance by masters who her mother had personally vetted for their prowess on the their feet and on their back. She was pleasantly surprised by Colton's high quality dancing. His hands were strong and placed perfectly to arouse but not overwhelm. It was borderline dirty but certainly acceptable after a glass of wine and Betsy appreciated it.

"You are a good dancer" she breathed into his ear as he leaned over her taking in her cleavage. "I appreciate that in a man" her hip grinding into his hip.

Sensing he might simply be playing a game to get her to his island for a roll in the sand she pressed the business. "Who can we take with us?" her eyes sparkled as his non verbal response let her know, he did want her physically but that was secondary to this other pursuit.

Betsy glowed as the workout with Colton grew more intense. She was savoring being moved and manipulated through movements she recalled from her youth. This would have ended with hot wet bodies writhing in heat on the hardwood floor of a dance studio back in the day..

The music stopped and Betsy fanned her smiling face as the room applauded them. "I need a drink" she said taking Colton's hand and leading him back to a table near the dance floor. Her waiter stood like a statue holding a tray with champagne and a whiskey. His eyes were a thousand yards through the far end of the hall.

Seeing Colton's curiosity about this waiter Betsy leaned into him and said "he is my everything, bodyguard, butler, driver, whatever I need. He goes everywhere with me" she told him looking up into his eyes.

They sat and Betsy beamed with the afterglow from the dancing like she had just had a three minute orgasm. "We must do that again!" she said excitedly.

She drank the champagne and looked at Colton, "now who do we take with us tonight?"
Damn, she was good, her body hard, but light, agile and flexible in his arms, his large hands enveloped her delicate waist and that slit, that amazing and tantalizing slit, kept flashing him, beckoning him, to enjoy and devour what was apparently not on the menu, at least for him. His mouth watered like a hungry man, seated next to the kitchen in a five star restaurant. As god as his witness, albeit the two of them were not exactly on speaking basis, he had not come here, asked her to join him to try to sleep with her. But he was quickly understanding, that when you were in the presence of Betsy, it was impossible not to think of fucking, FUCKING HER, HARD!

There was her man with his ever present drink, and he laughed when she told him the handsome young waiters role. "Well I'm sure he provides you a depth and quality of service that is hard to equal." Colton got even harder thinking of that pussy he had glanced and fantasized over much of their time here, being impaled by the impressive ebony cock he had no doubt hung between the personal man servant's legs.

Almost on queue the little Asian girl was back, this time with two more blouse buttons undone. Colton winked, appreciative of any woman not afraid to advertise her assets. She gave the waiter, a dirty look, in no uncertain terms stating her claim, 'the hot, hot blonde is yours buddy, but the handsome slightly older man with the hard cock, he's mine." She also handed him a drink, but this time there was also a folded napkin. On it, written in blue ink was a "heart, Asia! 312-575-1210, I'd like to take you up on that show!"

He had avoided the question the first time, thinking she was kidding, but the second refrain made it clear she was not, "now who do we take with us tonight?" He laughed, "Well I guess we could try to close one of the candidates here, or we could just invite our little service staff here and have a little party. However, I thought we might want to do some preparation first. I want you to see the property, all the features and nuances we can use to create our experiences. We also have to get legal documents, confidentiality agreements, and contracts prepared that all participants will need to sign. We need real teeth in not breaking the confidentiality of all that takes place here. You will learn that I am happy to take risks, but I don't think either one of us has the ass or desire to enjoy Federal Prison. So up to you, we can wing it and take a first group off, or you can see the island, enjoy the resort as my guest, and we can get all of our plans in place...however if you want to bring some play things with us..." he eyed the two willing servants, "well that is fine too".

He stood up and reached out his hand, "Now, for that next dance..." Dancing with her truly was better than sex with most women...however he was very confident...still not as good as sex with her...should he ever find out...
She held in her laugh at the implication that she fucked the help. Although Thomas was an outstanding specimen there were lines that were there for a reason and neither of them crossed it. Colton and the waitress, that was cute. She liked Colton. He was simple, primal and rich. He also shared her interest in the unseemly and perverted.

She noticed the note but not letting on the Colton. She led him back to the dance floor as he prompted her and she liked the fact that he knew his place. Suggest, don't demand. Follow unless the occasion calls for leading and then lead well. These were the words of her mother and her mother before her. It was hall all the Hall women operated and if a man wanted to be in their company. they had better understand.

"Paperwork and lawyers bore the shit out of me" she sighed into his ear as they slowly moved around the other couples. Her hand on his neck and hand just feeling the gentle curve where her spine met her ass. His other hand in hers and their feet pre-programmed grace.

"Yes, I will see this island of yours" she announced, then explained "I will bring Thomas (Colton somehow imagined that was the waiter) to keep you at bay and you can bring Asia to keep that monster properly tended." Her look left no question to these plans. "And please darlin' I don't want to hear about liability or profit or anything so mundane. I want only to dive into the lagoon of lust and depravity this social veneer hides so well.: Her hands moved outward as Colton too her supple hips and they spun. She was showing him she was referring to all the people in that room, the rich and elite of Miami and beyond.

The music ended and Betsy's mile was infectious. She took Colton's hand and walked back to their table. As they walked she casually rubbed her hand over his hard on. She looked up at him and said "good, I never do business with anyone I cannot arouse. Now call your airport or whomever and get that plane ready. I will drive." she stated. She released him and went to Thomas quickly instructing him of the plans.

"Very good mam" was all he said and walked away.

"Shall we?" she asked. "Oh yes, no need to call Asia, Thomas will take care of that."
Colton laughed at her admonition of attorneys, in truth he hated them more than she did, but they served a purpose and part of what he brought to their partnership was taking care of these things so she didn't have to. Not to be chauvinistic, but he didn't want her wasting her wicked and beautiful mind and creativity on the mundane, when there was so much delicious mischief to create.

"You are welcome to bring Thomas, and we can bring Asia, and we can all do whatever, but I hope you aren't doing it for protection from me? Betsy, I am nothing if not straight forward, and I would love to take you here, on the plane, at the resort, or on an iceberg. I would love to bed you alone or in a group. From everything I see, that will not change, just signal me the time and place. We are partners, we can play or not, and it will not impact how I feel about our business here. I am not possessive and I celebrate the freedom to fuck whomever, whenever any of us want. I love to fuck, and the more attractive and adventurous the woman the more I desire her, and on that spectrum, you may well be the Everest of my desire. However, I will never force or try to take advantage of you to bed you...there are lots of Asia's around to be had and enjoyed, I celebrate free will. Those women I was with at Bellagio all knew what they were doing and were there of their free will.

He heard and Argentine Tango begin to play, the lights dimming other than a few spot lights, and escorted her to the floor. Soon they embraced and danced in a way one could only describe as erotic. She was incredible, he was pretty damn good himself, and they sizzled, laughing, smiling and intertwining their fit and sexy bodies.

As they finished, he was ready for a drink and a cigarette to celebrate the tour de force Betsy represented. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Our Daddy Daughter combo just broke, she is headed to powder her nose and he to the bar. I think it is time for you and I to begin marketing our little proposition, and see if we might book our first experience...Perhaps meet with a few others, we will be wheels up in two hours, and we don't really need clothes unless you want, we have the best boutiques in the world there, but your choice." Looking at the targets moving in different directions, he kissed her cheek, "Shall we?"
The last dance was not expect but Betsy went along. The Tango was special dance and she wanted to see if Colton could handle it. She worked with im, worked is not the right word as they took all the spotlights. The floor cleared as they tangoed and tangled and untangled as gracefully as lovers. By the culmination Betsy was hung against Colton who somehow remained flaccid while Betsy did her best to change that.

"Whoa" Betsy exhaled laughing off the supercharged finale. "I better power my nose" she said winking at Colton and going to the ladies room.

Betsy stood at the counter checking her makeup as she had dismissed the attendant with a promise as she awaited Miss Bryant to appear from the stall. She could hear the distinct sound of sniffing as the wheels started to turn. She washed her hands as the young woman emerged looking annoyed anyone bur the help was there.

"Stevie's date tonight?" Betsy said in a soft tone.

"Not! I am his daughter." she said annoyed with the presumption.

Betsy stopped and looked her up and down, sizing her up. "My apologies, it's just when I see a man with his hand down a woman's dress and holding her so close I assume they are intimate." Betsy said returning her eyes to the young woman's who was not sure what to make of this woman. "Betsy Hall-Duke" she breathed as she held out her hand to shake.

"Lisa Bryant" the woman said taking her hand, although the name "Betsy Hall-Duke" nearly collapsed her knees. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh it's nice to meet you my dear" Betsy said again looking her up and down, like an auctioneer or more likely a bidder at a livestock auction. "So Steve is your daddy?" she asked in a breath of sensuality that flustered Lisa.

"Yeah" Lisa exhaled nearly speechless. Lisa knew Betsy by reputation as being rich and wild. Her father would talk about Betsy with his buddy's at cocktail hour at the club and what a whore she was. The jealousy was sad but Lisa was duty bound to be with her dad, as mom had taken ill.

Betsy smiled at Lisa and said "don't worry, your little secret (she tapped her nose) is safe with me, but I may call on you one day. Would that be ok?"

Lisa's simple life of wealth and luxury never prepared her for the likes of Betsy.

"Yeah, sure" Lisa said unclear what else she could do. She watched the older woman turn and walk out of the bathroom as the attendant returned.

Betsy walked to the bar away from others and flirted with the gorgeous Latino bar tender, seeing Colton and Steve still talking. Lisa joined them taking daddy's arm and glancing at Betsy who smiled warmly to her.

Betsy leaned over the bar to whisper in the bartenders ear "would you have them bring my Ferrari around." She stepped back and turned as most of the men, and a few women turned from gawking at her perfect backside displayed over the bar. Even Steve had taken a notice and the jealous grimace on Lisa's face let Betsy know the deal was practically done.
Steve Bryant was a man that Colton knew well. By reputation he was a hard edged business man, running one of the more prestigious wealth management firms in the country, his reputation had been well crafted by his PR firm, and it was....bullshit. Colton had played golf with Steve, poker, even been in the high roller room at the Wynn. And if he knew one thing about Steve, it was, as the stakes got higher, the risks bigger, his pucker got tighter than the tightest vise. Oh, Steve liked ot be around the game, flirt with danger, think he was a player, his hands started to shake over the two foot put to win the match, and the jerky stroke would barely, almost inconceivably not even hit the hole.

Steve, needed someone to take the risks for him, set it up, make it a sure thing, that was the game that Steve Bryant could enjoy. Colton came up, as they were the only two at the bar, and as they were quickly served their drinks, he shooed, the bartender out of earshot, giving him a $100 for the privilege of privacy.

Clinking glasses, Colton winked at his "friend", "mighty sexy and attractive date you have there!"

Steve almost choked, "You dog you, you know that is my daughter Lisa." He looked nervously from side to side, 'oh god what had he done, had Colton seen his hand, he thought he was discreet, so discreet that even his daughter hadn't felt his need, his want'.

"Relax, if you know anything, you know I don't ever question what a man desires and how he fulfills his needs...there are no moral police here...if I were you, I would want the same, except, I would make it happen." Colton knew she would soon be back he needed to drop the line and hook the fish fast, so he pressed, much more quickly and aggressively than he would have liked.

Steve's face got red, but was it anger at the insinuation or embarrassment at being caught hand deep in the cookie jar. "My god man, she's a good girl, she would never..."

Colton cut him off, the bobber had just bobbed, time to yank the hook. "But you would..." He laughed, " is okay, I would too, any real man would". He tripped his other tell. Christ, Steve wanted to be Colton, just for a night, be a player, someone who laughed at risk, doubled down, and walked away with the chips. " think she's a good girl, but what if she wasn't, what if she slides her fingers between her thighs in her bed, just like you jerk your cock in the safety of the shower thinking of her?...I can find out, take the risk and she would never know you put me up to it. I have an island, a private set of luxury suites. She would never know the man she was meeting was you, she would just think a man wanted a Daddy fantasy, and if she feels like I ma confident she feels about you, that request will be accepted. Once in the room, you two could live out your fantasy, and noone but you, me, and Betsy would ever know. It isn't cheap, it will cost you ...(Colton saw the dilation of the man's pupils in desire, he was ready to grovel) $200,000 for the night. But what a night, most of that goes to your daughter, so really it is in the family, but it will make her feel better...and allow you to go on after together, no one the wiser, but living out your one and most secret desire!"

Colton saw Lisa, closely followed by Betsy. He saw the man's staggered breathing, his eyes fidgeting, he was trying to comprehend this most indecent proposition. "Would you like my card Steve, have me draw up the paperwork?" Never had Colton seen his friend more frightened or aroused. This was a decision of a lifetime. As Lisa put her left arm around him, and extended her right to shake Colton's, he looked up, let out a deep breath, "Yes, yes, Colton that sounds good, let's do that!". Colton smiled, shook the young girl's hand, and handed her filthy minded father the card with which he would be authorized to corrupt.

Steve was as horny as a 17 year old as he glanced over and eyed Betsy leaning in, Lisa's eyes flared, and Colton smiled. It was almost stealing to get paid this much to fulfil something to people both so badly desired. But no guts, no glory, he and Betsy had guts...and that was why they were the perfect partners.

He slid over next to her, "I take it your ready to leave, we have our first customer, sure you don't want to bag another, or are you ready to go? Straight to the airport or should I meet you there? And Thomas...and Asia?" He had a huge grin on his face, fuck, FUck, FUCK, this was going to be a fun game to play!
Betsy watched Colton, so cool she could only tell he won by the slight up turn his mouth. She loved it and having little Lisa's secret this was a done deal.

"My car should be out front, I'll drive" she said as her manicured nails ran down his thigh. "This is exciting" she gave him a little. She knew dolling out the fact that this whole evening was a huge turn on for her would be too much. "Give out the leash and lose the dog" her daddy used to tell her. She assumed it was literal as a girl but as a woman she understood it applied to men too.

She did not ask if he was ready or coming she just walked. You never knew if she cared if you were there or not. The valets fought each other to open doors for her and move away anyone who might have been anywhere near where she might want to go. The yellow Ferrari was running exactly where she had left it but headed out. She got in and looked at Colton. If looks could speak she was screaming "tip the man."

As the door closed next to Colton Betsy dropped the perfect machine into gear and roared out the parking lot like a Formula 1 drivers wet dream. Every face in the area turned to watch as she snaked out onto the busy streets of Miami and weaved perfectly through traffic.

With the stores spinning by behind Betsy, her face was bright with excitement looking over at Colton. The speedometer leaned well past 100 as the ocean was dark and still on the other side of the road the yellow beast roared down.

"God I love driving this thing" Betsy said as her blonde hair blew in the night air she was still accelerating into. She looked different, free, like an NBA player on a fast break or a gymnast flying through a tumbling run, confident, focused yet relaxed. It only made the desire to see her seeking orgasm on top of Colton burn hotter in his head.
He watched the men scurry about, she was a master puppeteer, even though they didn't fully realize how much she was in control of everything, then he smiled, wondering, was he?

He tipped the kid who helped them, and he saw her smile least he was doing the little things. He watched her, she wasn't a woman to fawn, and he liked that too...but fuck, she had to be turned on, this was a total adrenaline rush, they were both adrenaline junkies, and their fucking would be epic!

"Thank you for driving, I rarely do, I'd sent my driver home though, so...maybe I had a premonition". She drove like a fucking race car driver....and he loved it! Dashing through traffic, she hit 100 and shifted into a higher gear. "You like power, adrenaline, having the stick in you hands. I'm a man that likes to be driven hard into the turns and redlined until the tires burn...I have just never found the perfect driver...I'm just saying!"

"God I love driving this thing" , and she might not say anything more truthful all night. He saw it, the rush, the control, but pushing it, pushing it. "I'll tell you what..if there aren't any flights, I will see if they will let you take this out on the runway, how fast does it top out at, how fast can you go 0-100? Want to find out? Betsy, you have the perfect partner here, even if you don't believe it...look at me, I'm not scared, I'm not hard and fast as you want to push it, I will be there, trying to see if we can't even go more...let's get to our island...we are going to be magic together!"
Betsy ran the fingernail of her pinky over her glossy pink lips as her other hand was wrapped around the black leather steering wheel. She watched Colton with a natural smile. She liked him and he was one of the few people who were not terrified of her driving.

She pulled into the private airport just outside Miami. It had taken only a few minutes for her, what would have taken usual drivers nearly half an hour. The yellow sports car was waved through by security thanks to Betsy's smile, and of course Thomas calling ahead. Thomas handled everything making Betsy's life a literal walk in the park. He was compensated well for his 24-7 attention. His large extended family back in Chicago where he met Betsy by happenstance were all out of the projects and living lives they deserved.

The deep throaty engine was finally parked next to a hanger with a jet being prepared to leave. Thomas stood by the doorway with his usual thousand yard stare. He was a unique individual and Betsy had recognized it right away. There is no one who could command a situation the way he could. What she lacked in physical domination he did not.

"This is nice" Betsy said as she slipped her hand into Colton's arm. An idol compliment from a woman well versed in private jets, but kind none the less. She leaned over to Colton as they walked out to the plane. She said "I bet that little Asia is hot and wet for you already in the back." with a tone of a dare and maybe a little "I am gonna watch."

Once onboard Betsy took a glass of champagne from the attendant. She was stunning, tall and graceful. Betsy dismissed her without a word and fell into a luxurious leather seat.

"So are Steve and Lisa joining us here, or on the island?" Betsy said looking up at Colton who was looking towards the back of the plane.

"If you need to do that..." Betsy said nodding back towards the sleeping quarters, "I understand." Her eyes dropped to the bulge in Colton's slacks and playing disinterested and hard to get was Betsy's best thing. She did not see this as letting the leash out too much.
She handled the wild beast that was her car, with the skill of a Formula 1 driver, and he had enjoyed it. There was almost no area in life he didn't like to go as fast as possible, with the sole exception of fucking, where he liked to go hard, but prided himself on the length and sustained intensity of his sessions.

As he got out of the Ferrari he realized he was hard, very hard! Had it been looking over at those toned legs flowing out of that slit, as her legs and high heeled foot, deftly moved from accelerator to clutch and back again, knowing that each punch of the accelerator probably made her naked pussy wetter? With Betsy, he wasn't sure why there was a break at all. He laughed, no it had to be the way she handled her stick, hands delicate but reflexes cat quick, anticipating the needs of the powerful machine, and harnessing its power and bringing it under her command. By the time they had gotten out of the car, all his thoughts about not caring if they were sexual were long gone. He wouldn't force it, but fuck he wanted it, and Asia was nothing but a distraction.

They came into what could best be described as the living room, of the luxury jet, with Thomas there and Asia no where to be scene, and Colton actually breathed a sigh of relief. Not that he wouldn't want her, he lust was just momentarily focused elsewhere.

"This is nice" she said, and Colton smiled. "Good, I'm glad you approve...we may do some of our fantasy events right here, don't you think?" She leans in..."it could start now....I bet that little Asia is hot and wet for you already in the back." Colton laughed,"you sure seem interested in me and her, would you like to join us or just watch? Either can be arranged, or we could skip her altogether" he winked in an only semi joking manner. "or if Thomas is as good of an assistant as you say, you could give him a little bonus? I'm pretty sure her wet Asian cunt would love to embrace his ebony member!"

Monique came out of the galley with champagne, giving a glass to Betsy, and Colton who smiled, "thank you, Monique!" As she looked back she smirked at Betsy. There was little doubt the blonde woman was beautiful and undoubtedly rich, but her attitude toward Monique, the indifference, and even 'her Colton' pissed her off. Monique was a Colton creation. He had met her in Paris 4 years ago. Night after night, after long work days, he would go down to the Bar at the La Reserve Paris - Hotel and Spa.
The chic hotel with its 15 rooms and 25 suites was the caretaker to the very wealthy. Monique was an easy hire there, 22 and stunningly beautiful and naturally elegant despite her dirt poor upbringing. It was his fourth night there that the polite service/client relationship became much more intimate. She had a tough life, and wanted something better, and was willing to do whatever it took to get there. Her decision to bed the handsome middle aged gentleman that night was the best career move she ever made. Taken with her he sent her to classes at the Sorbonne, classes in the arts, all the finishing touches. If Betsy had Thomas, Colton had Monique, however he had no issues, nor did she, about blurring the lines between employer/employee and passion. He trusted her discretion and loyalty more than any other employee or friend, he had, ad her willingness to do anything he asked of her, no matter how delicate or perverse it might appear on the surface.

"So are Steve and Lisa joining us here, or on the island?" Coltone laughed, thank goodness Betsy had Thomas, the details were not anything Betsy seemed ot worry about. "Well that all depends my dear, I left Steve clearly ready to pull the trigger, but don't you still have a bit more work, at least another conversation with Lisa, don't you? I know you baited the hook, but we still have to snag an reel her in."

Colton felt a bit obligated to the young cocktail waitress in the back, He pictured her lying on the bed, petting her little kitty, waiting for the festivities to begin, and he hated to disappoint his playmates. "If you need to do that...I understand." "Well, I'm glad you are so considerate, you will learn, when it comes to matters of pleasure, I never disappoint my women." He motioned to Monique and whispered into her ear while she smiled, and Betsy tried to ignore.

Off Monique went to the back and five minutes later the ladies were back, in matching black lace teddies, they came up and each put a hand on Colton's shoulder. "Monique explained things to you, and this sounds good?" He asked the young Asian woman, who softly nodded and smiled. "Well then Betsy, the ladies here would like to have some fun, they can stay out here or go back there, and they are happy to entertain any combination of us, so what is your desire, Thomas? You? Me? Any combination thereof? Here or in the back?" He smiled, curious if her appetites were quite as robust as her reputation, and what type of trist piqued her interest.
Betsy rolled her eyes subtly at Thomas as Colton had actual bird feathers hanging out of his clenched Cheshire teeth.

"You three go along I need to make a phone call to Lisa anyway." Betsy said with a wink and knowing look. The two other women were possibly revealed the would not have to deal with her.

Thomas sat attentively next to Betsy with an attache of phones, passports and other items a person of Betsy's stature and proclivity for taboo experiences my require. A couple bundles of hundred dollar bills, bags of white powder, a small handgun. Enough to put Thomas in jail for a long time, if Betsy was not there to prevent that.

Thomas was castrated by the Taliban in Afghanistan and Betsy had met his at a Verteran's Gala. She had at first thought he was a gorgeous hunk of man to perform acrobatics on for a night or two but once they were alone ans she spoke with him she learned his story. He was a Rhodes scholar who volunteered for the military. He was on his second tour in Afghanistan when he was captured. He spent six months in a cave where the sadistic bastards tortured him for fun. They did not speak English and did not even try to ask him questions. He finally managed to escape and made his way by the grace of God back to the US. He had been homeless and suffering PTSD and alcoholism. He had managed to get himself back together a few months before the fateful Gala where he was paraded out as "the kind of guy you want to open your checkbook for." as the MC said over and over.

Betsy had written a seven figure check and managed to get him alone long enough to invite back to her penthouse.

They sat up that night talking and she was so taken with him she offered him the job. She had never had an assistant but there was something so intimate, so yin to yang about them that he accepted on the spot and they had been together ever since. He loved her and she him. An unusual couple but they were unusual people with unusual stories.

Betsy asked for the phone and dialed Lisa's number.

* * *

Lisa arrived home and helped her dad to his bedroom where mom was already asleep. Her sleeping pills kept her comatose as daddy groped his daughter inappropriately. Lisa managed to slip away from him and get to her room and lock the door.

She was a beautiful woman, albeit flawed like her mother. She went to her dress and immediately cut two lines on the small mirror but before she could take them her cell buzzed.

"Hello?" Lisa said having seen "Betsy Hall-Duke" on the caller ID. "Who does that? Uses their real name on caller ID?" she thought to herself.

"Lisa, it's Betsy I trust you got home safely?" Betsy said sweetly into the phone.

"Yes mam" Lisa said catching herself. "Mam? what the fuck?" the thought as she never said "mam; to anyone.

"Good, there is something I need to speak with you about and it's a little delicate so do you have a moment?" Betsy said as Thomas listened.

"Yeah sure" she said as her heart raced. She felt like she was listening to her boarding school headmaster was calling home telling her parents she was expelled for drinking.

"Good. Your father is going to suggest you take a short vacation with him to an island soon and I need you to agree to go, can you do that?" Betsy said as though using some Jedi mind trick on the young woman.

"Yes mam" she said, again annoyed with herself but unable to explain why she was so reverent to this woman.

"And Lisa I think it best that you leave your morals on the runway before the plane takes off for the island, OK?" Betsy said not wanting to have to revert to more strenuous means.

Again Lisa responded "yes mam." She had to admit that this woman, Betsy seemed to have a hold on her. Lisa was not sure if it was just the knowledge of her habit but it seemed more. There was almost a sexual implication to her words.

"See you soon darlin" Betsy said and turned off the phone. She smiled at Thomas who did nto acknowledge her in any way. The fact that this man was unaffected by Betsy was the most erotic thing Betsy had ever known. "She's in" she said as Thomas replaced the phone in the case and closed it.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" he asked. Betsy shook her head as the sounds of the women in the back of the plane rose over the sound of the engines and through the sound proof walls as she wondered if they were playing to his ego or he was actually that good...

Lisa turned off the phone and looked at herself in the mirror replaying the conversation. Then leaned over and cleared the mirror with the glass tube up her nose.
Colton was only slightly disappointed, but only in the context that he was the consummate host, and he wanted to make sure Betsy was enjoying herself, but honestly wasn’t sure what would tickle her most desirable fancy.

His arms around the two ladies, he felt Monique’s soft, warm breath on his ear. “She wants to experience THAT cock, she was almost giddy, so I thought we might enjoy our little choo choo.”

Colton only smiled, as he turned and gave her a brief but hot kiss. “It is that creativity that makes you the best and definitely most appealing employee I ever was lucky enough to employ.”

Monique loved Colton, truly cherished him, and he was the one man in her life she felt she could truly trust as he had never let her down. Quite the contrary, he had let her spread her wings, and words could not express how much she enjoyed this all consuming career. Sometimes daughter, sometimes sister, sometimes mother to him, the only consistent of their relationship was their uncompromising desire to explore the taboo together. He was the most generous and giving lover and man she had ever known, not a jealous bone in his body, she would kill for him, and nothing made her happier than feeding his kinks, just as he fed hers.

Closing the door behind her, she saw Betsy pick up her phone, maybe she had judged too harshly, maybe she just wasn’t into them sexually, there was always a first. That didn’t mean she couldn’t be a perfect partner in their new venture. Monique had helped Colton with everything, and would be intimately involved with the execution, and as always she would be rewarded handsomely and allowed to indulge however she desired in the actual festivities of the experiences.

She didn’t have sex for money, he had made it clear that was not a requirement of the job, she had sex because she LOVED sex, and that being a perk of this job was every bit as, if not more, compelling than the private jets, lavish wardrobe, and 5 star restaurants and hotels Colton generously threw into the mix.

Monique first undressed Colton, letting Asia watch, and giggled as she watched the girl’s eyes widen, as she charmed his python from the basket. As Asia, licked her lips, and instinctively pet her kitty, Monique just smiled, “as nice as it is to look at, wait until you feel what he can do with it inside of you!” Yes, Monique knew how to fluff her boss, and Colton’s prick leaped to full hardness, twitching and gleaming, at her praise.

Next his girl Friday, turned her attention to the young Asian, “you really are precious aren’t you, you are in for such a treat’. She stood the girl up, and peeled the teddy off her petite, five foot four, 36-23-34, tight little body. She kissed her, nibbled at her neck, and then kissed her agan, before gently pushing her ass down on the very edge of the bed. In an almost feline like movement, she kneeled down and grabbed the woman’s ankles, and lifted them up and then spread her legs wide, before turning back and smiling at her boss, “Dinner is served.”

Colton took those ankles and slid the young girl back on the bed, until he could kneel on the bed himself, his ass in the air, he leaned down and slid his arms and biceps underneath her, lifting her ass and pelvis up towards him, and kissing, and licking her wanting sex, enjoying dining at the “Y”. His hands and fingers worked her wet pussy like a magician, eventually coaxing he little button and then making it dance to his skills.

As he worked, Monique readied herself, enjoying the screams her sexy boss induced. “Really fucking good isn’t he, I almost feel bad that he pays me a salary too…ALMOST” she laughed. Ready for thing to progress, Colton felt her tongue, rim then tickle his pucker, over the years they had learned how much he enjoyed and how skillful she was at anal play.

As her tongue began to tease his brown eye, her one hand reached under to massage his large, clean shaven balls, and her other to stroke his massive prick. The hand on his prick was already covered in lube from her preparation, and she greased his cock and know his moans were almost as loud as the sweet young Asian’s. “Are you ready Colton?” Was all she purred, and smiled as he enthusiastically nodded, never letting his tongue slip from the cunt he was fucking with gusto.

She heard him groan, as the dripping with lube, strap on double dildo, penetrated and slid deep into his ass. They had designed this little device together..a replica of his cock deep in her cunt, while a much smaller but exactly what he would enjoy pegged him, delighting his ass and prostate. Now it was Monque, perhaps louder than anyone who moaned uncontrollably with every thrust. “Fuck me Colton, Fuck me”.

Colton felt the young girl edging, Monique had him on fire, and he leaned up, and smiled at Asia, “Slide underneath me Kitten, it is time for you to get the full treatment. Almost like a gymnast, she slipped underneath, opening her legs, desiring the steel hard cock that hung almost to the ground. Grabbing his lubed prick, Asia would later thank Monique for helping the impossibly big tool fit her tight tunnel, he teased her up and down her slit until he found her opening, “yes, that’s it, please fuck me”, she pleaded, and he slid inside, showing as much control as a man could whose ass was being fucked by the nymphomaniac behind him, getting off on his feaux cock. Soon inside her little, bug strong legs wrapped around both his and Monique’s thighs.

Within seconds the cries of “FUCK ME COLTON” were being screamed by the two women, and “Oh GOD, YES FUCK ME, YES!” by him. What Betsy must think he couldn’t imagine nor was he thinking about, as he was caught up in the carnal pleasure of their interesting double penetration. To someone outside it was almost as if he had two cocks…and in a way, he did!
Betsy feigned sleep as the cries of pleasure and screams of lust subsided somewhere over the ocean. Colton came out in a bathrobe as Monique was exactly as she had been when she went in.

She went to the galley and fetch champagne for Colton and Asia who was still recovering in the bed.

Thomas was staring out the window. He nudged Betsy's arm and said "we shall be arriving shorty" with a quiet voice.

Betsy leaned up and stretched her arms pushing her chest out arching her spine in a way that made Colton's well spent libido visibly jump under the robe.

"Anything from our new friend?" Betsy asked Thomas ignoring the rest of the room.

"A test mam. Arriving 2pm with daddy." Thomas said reading from one of the phones.

"Oh good" Betsy said standing and facing Colton. "Looks like our friends have decided to join us" she said beaming up at Colton. She was not sure if the two women had sucked him of his interest in their little endeavor or he was just showing his age.

"We are still on for this right?" she asked in a slightly perturbed manner, as though she had created the company and Colton was simply living off it. "Of course you are" Betsy laughed as her tension then release brought an exhale of relief from the galley, while Colton simply smiled, always playing it cool.
Before they had started in the back Monique had whispered to Colton about Betsy being on the phone and he had smiled, confident in his partner of closing the deal. He had taken his phone and sent a quick text. "Steve --- she's ready and expecting you to invite her...the plane will be back, fueled and ready to leave the hangar at 8 AM...I'd suggest you leave before your wife is up and leave a note....Betsy and I will be waiting for you...your fantasies are about to come true...BTW...we won't be charging you...enjoy!"

Having enjoyed and released, once in Asia and once in his lovely Monique, Colton came out of the back and sat down, he would shower and dress before landing. He sat down and eyed Betsy who seemed, well...a bit pissed off.

"Oh good" Betsy said standing and facing Colton. "Looks like our friends have decided to join us" Colton only nodded, smiling internally, wondering if Steve actually came when he awoke and read his text when he took his middle aged man pee. He saw the impatience in her look and tone and played with her a bit, "We are still on for this right?...Of course you are"

He had heard the dishes rattle in the galley at Betsy's question, as he knew Monique wanted this as much or more than he did. He smiled his best "cool hand Luke" smle and crossed his legs, showing he most everything, expect for his quickly recovering, cum lacquered manhood. "Relax my dear...yes I know our guests are do you think Lisa was invited, except by her Father, and who do you think texted her Father that we were a go and to plan to meet this plane in the morning?" He looked into her eyes as she scanned him as if wondering, how could this man have actually induced all that screaming and for almost an hour straight no less.

"Betsy, Monique told me you had made the call...and I...unlike you had faith in my Partner. I texted Steve and told him we were a go and would take care of everything here to make their fantasy more than they ever dreamed of...of course, we might want to throw in some twists for our enjoyment?" He was grinning like the cheshire cat now, letting his wicked imagination spin. "I always combine business and pleasure, for me they feed on one another and heighten both the enjoyment and my talents in both...but I never forget or neglect my priorities."

Now though he had the bad news or what he was afraid was the bad news which he hoped didn't end their partnership before it had really began. "I have made a decision though that I hope you will agree to..." He watched her body stiffen as she was not used to people making any decisions without her knowledge and compliance, if not outright permission, "I don't want to charge people, have contracts or anything. I want this to be our hobby. Your statement about lawyers hit home and I want to keep those scum sucking leaches as far away from our enjoyment as possible. I want this to be a hobby, an epic hobby where we can pluck or grant the fantasies of anyone as long as they interest us, never letting money stand in the way of carnal pleasure...." He looked and tried to read her reaction, Betsy would be a hell of a poker player and he made note to make sure they enjoyed the gaming tables together at some point, "this little resort we are about to land at, between the rooms, private villas, liquor, restaurants and gambling grosses over $125 million per year, and nets between $30 and 40. If I have mislead you, I am happy to share in up to 50% for your role here as my partner and confidant. For me, this is about the game, the fantasies, and understanding and enjoying making the deepest, darkest desires come true...the money was going to limit that. I hope that isn't a deal breaker...but I understand if it is."

He was done, and suddenly Monique was a quiet as a churchmouse waiting...Colton looked at Thomas who was stonefaced, then back at Betsy...and then he got up to go back and shower before landing, wondering if he still had a partner?
"Wake up honey bun" Lisa heard her dad saying and nudging her shoulder.

"What?" she grunted as she opened an eye seeing the clock said 7:00 am. "Jesus dad I just got to sleep?" she grumbled and tried to roll away from him.

"I have a special trip for us baby, a tropical paradise!" he said sounding excited and even younger. "It will be beautiful baby." he glowed on.

Lisa's head was foggy but she definitely heard "island" and "trip" and her memory triggered the phone call from last night. "OK daddy just give me a minute" she sighed as she felt him pull the covers off. She was wearing a tee shirt and panties. Her tee shirt was up near her inherited full chest and her panties were plain old white cotton but on her looked amazing. Lisa was a beautiful creature, apple of her father's eye for the same reason. She had seen pictures of her mom, who was now a depressed alcoholic cursed to her bedroom, when she was young and they looked practically identical. This is why Lisa thought her dad brought her everywhere with him.

She pulled her tee shirt down and said "I'll be ready, just go."

She finally dragged herself into the shower but first a quick bump on her dresser cleared the cobwebs. She washed herself and replayed the conversation with Ms Hall-Duke last night. "... leave your moral son the runway." "What the heck did that mean?" she wondered as she put on some eye liner and pulled on a thong with a short tennis skirt and a polo appropriate for a flight to an island. She threw her black and peach bikini in her bag with some shorts and a sundress and a few pairs of panties and slipped her sandals on. She did another bump and packed her baggy and straw in her purse and put it all in her carry on.

She bounced downstairs finding her father in his causal khakis's white shirt and sport coat.

"Very casual dad" she said with a laugh.

"The car is out front. I will grab my bag and be right with you" he said beaming. It was odd but she was happy to see her dad was happy.

The car ride was mostly uneventful except daddy kept his hand on her knee almost the entire ride. Lisa did not say anything because he was a very touchy feely dad.

At the airport they were taking a private jet.

"What's the occasion?" Lisa asked, accustom to flying commercial.

"My friend Colton sent it" he said as he held out his hand to help her up the two steps into the plain. Monique greeted them and offered them anything they would like.

Lisa had a Bloody Mary and Steve had tonic with lime.

They were wheels up by 8:30 and Monique told them it was a three hour flight. Monique offered them the use of the bedroom but they declined. Lisa was puzzled. She wondered if she was supposed to go back there, having left her morals. She did not want to disappoint Betsy. she knew her secret after all.
It was 4:30 AM and Steve Bryant's head was pounding when he woke having to take his nightly mid night's sleep piss, fucking prostate! But then he saw the text illuminated on his phone. He read it and it didn't make sense...then the fog of the 8 scotches cleared and he remembered, "Lisa, holy shit I'm gonna get to fuck my kitten!". He had said it out loud and shot a look at his wife, as if that lump of alcohol and pills could be awoken by mere words, or even a jet airplane taking off.

He didn't sleep again. He laid out his clothes four different times, but how many things can you do with Khaki pants, polo shirts and blazers? He packed his favorites, even a pair of shorts and sandals. Tick, tick, tick...the clock finally hit 6:45 and he went into her room, carefully pushing the door open he tiptoed over to her bed. She was out, his princess slept like a log, if he didn't know better, he would have thought she had the same alcohol and pills problem as her mother.

Steve shook his head, but Lisa was nothing like her, and then he remembered, he had allowed her to finally have alcohol last night, poor Kitten, she was a little hung over. Feeling bolder, her in a tranquilized state, and Colton's plan about to happen, he lowered the covers and looked at her. Taking the bottom of her t-shirt, he lifted it up an raised it so he could stare at her gorgeous tits. She had her mother's tits, or at least her mother's tits when she was 18 and not an alcoholic also hooked on pain meds. His cock was now hard, hard like only the thought of his daughter made him, he stared a bit longer and fondled himself through his trousers, this was going to be so good! The clock hit 7:00 and he put the t-shirt back, well almost back, and pulled the covers off and shook her shoulder, "Wake up honey bun" and the plan was in action.

Luckily Lisa was spend on coke and the vodka the bartender gave her after she sucked him off behind the bar. Yes the plan was in action, but Daddy was in for some surprises, she was not quite the virginal pure thing he envisioned, in fact none of her holes were. Luckily, in her stil stupor, she didn't see the wet spot on the front of Steve's khakis as he left the room. He did, and hustled in, luckily he had 15 other pairs, and when Lisa finally came down the stairs, he was fresh as a daisy and rarig to go.

An hour later they were in flight and Monique had served them their first round, of course Steve was avoiding alcohol and had already popped the first blue pill, just some insurance to ensure a stiff mast for today's sailing. Colton had warned Monique, this was going to take some work. Neither was quite what they seemed, but he knew people and there was some shared darkness in their souls and it was his, hers and Betsy's to bring them to light. The Dad was a bit of a dud, bordering on creepy, but when your were as rich as Steve, you got away with creepy, just ask the current President. The girl had issues too, she was an increasingly cocaine dependent slut, but she had Daddy issues, and was crying out for a man to show her who was boss. Steve would need some help getting there but there was a Dom in their dying to get out, Colton was convinced. She laughed as she saw him try to look straight ahead, while constantly looking down out of the corner of his eyes to stare at his daughter's long, and even Monique had to admit, exceptional legs.

She had offered the back bedroom to "rest" and the girl had quickly declined. She needed sm education on leaving her morals on the runway. Monique needed to get this party started so she called Lisa into the galley. There she had four tequila shots, limes and salt and handed one to the young girl, and shared the first one with her, "here you're going to be glad you did this, but when we go back out there you follow my lead got it? Betsy told me you would be cooperative, do I need to tell her when we land that she was wrong?"
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