The Atheism of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, by John Engelman


Jan 8, 2022
“K. Marx and F. Engels On Religion,” was printed in Moscow by Progress Publishers when the Soviet Union still existed. I bought it at a Communist Party book store where I was known and welcome.

The Forward says, “The world outlook founded by Marx and Engels is based on the objective laws of the development of nature and is radically opposed to religion.”

Actually, Marxist Leninism is radically opposed to other religions. It is no longer a creed millions of people are willing to kill and die for. Russia, China, and North Korea are motivated by nationalism.

During the brief ascendancy of Marxist Leninism it could be seen as the third great religion to emerge from Judaism. As such it could appeal to Jews and Christians who had lost their former religious faith. For secular Jews the Classless Society after the Revolution resembled life after the coming of the Messiah: there will be no wars, crime, or poverty; everyone will enjoy their jobs.

For lapsed Christians Dialectical Materialism resembled God the Father. It was a mysterious force that causes things to work out well in the end. Karl Marx took the place of Jesus Christ. Frederick Engels was the analogue to the Holy Ghost. Vladimir Lenin resembled St. Paul. The Revolution was the Final Judgment when the proletariat would be entered into the Workers’ Paradise, and the bourgeoisie would get their just punishment.

The official atheism of the Communist movement is not required by other writings by Marx and Engels. It has never been an asset. It has often been a liability, especially in a country as religious as the United States.

In “The Communist Manifesto” Marx described several schools of socialist thought, including Christian Socialism. Then he criticized each of them.

Because Marx over estimated the appeal of what he was advocating, he viewed other socialist movements as rivals for power. He should have seen then as allies. Nevertheless, I recommend “The Communist Manifesto.” It is a short book that can be read in one or two sittings. In it Marx expresses his ideas better than he does anywhere else. In his other writings Marx explains his theories with a patience exceeding that of the reader.

In this anthology we find Marx’s famous claim that religion “is the opium of the people.” Marxist Leninism can be seen as the opium of failed college graduates who were unable to achieve their goals in life.

In their essay “The Holy Family, or critique of Critical Criticism,” Marx and Engels write:

‘There is no need of any great penetration to see from the teaching of materialism in the original goodness and equal intellectual endowment of men.”

Human nature is not intrinsically good, nor are humans inherently of equal intelligence. Political policies based on assumptions about humans that are not true fail, and often have unfortunate results. This is certainly true of Marxist Leninism. Rather than creating heaven on earth, it inspired the first totalitarian dictatorship, and filled countries under its sway with corpses.

Karl Marx and Frederick Engles did not advocate the totalitarian methods that were used in their name during the twentieth century. They did inspire them, so they are not completely innocent. During the twentieth century millions of people were not killed in the name of John Stuart Mill.

In “Emigrant Literature” Engels wrote, “The only service that can be rendered to God today is to declare atheism a compulsory of faith and to [pass laws] for prohibiting religion generally.”

That is of course what the Soviet dictatorship did, and the reason the Russian Orthodox Church has outlived its shabby religious rival.

The knowledge Engels and Marx had of the New Testament was superficial. In “On the History of Early Christianity” Engels wrote:

“the four Gospels were not eye witness accounts but only later adaptations of wittings that have been lost…no more than four of the Epistles attributed to the apostle Paul are authentic.”

According to the contemporary scholarly consensus Paul wrote at least seven of the epistles attributed to him. Scholars are evenly divided about three other epistles.

Contrary to what Engels claims, Paul’s epistles, rather than the book of Revelation, are the oldest part of the New Testament. St. Paul talked to men who had seen Jesus after the resurrection.

At least the Gospels of Mark and Luke were written when the authors had access to eye witnesses to the ministry of Jesus. Mark was written by John Mark, a traveling companion to St. Peter. Luke was written by St. Luke, a physician and companion to St. Paul.

The Gospels of Matthew and John probably began with accounts written by those apostles, accounts that were later embellished by other writers.

In “Redating the New Testament,” John A. Robinson, the Dean of Trinity College, University of Cambridge and Bishop of Woolswich, England presents a plausible argument that all of the New Testament was written prior to the 70 AD. He also argues that St. John was the only author of the Gospel of St. John.

In “Dialectics of Nature,” Engels wrote:

“In the most advanced industrial countries we have subdued the forces of nature and pressed them into the service of mankind; we have thereby infinitely multiplied production…And what is the result? Increased overwork and increased misery of the masses, and every ten years a great collapse.”

I agree with that. That is the result of unregulated capitalism, and consequently the result of Republican efforts to repeal the Democrat reforms of the New Deal. Political thinkers should be read for insight, rather than doctrine. This is certainly true of Marx and Engels.

I cannot prove the existence of God any more than Marx and Engels disproved His existence. Nevertheless, occult phenomenon indicates that the mind can survive the death of the brain. The complexity of the universe implies a divine Intelligence behind it. The finite nature of the big bang suggests an infinite Beginner.

This does not – alas – prove the 39 Articles of Religion at the end of “The Book of Common Prayer.” It does not even prove the Nicene Creed. Nevertheless, it enables us to say to Marx and Engels what Hamlet said to his friend in Act 1 Scene 5 in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Read it if it is not above your reading level. You might learn something. If your lips move, no one will see. :nana:
I know that you believe you have something to teach..... sadly, it's just stupid book reviews from a racist asshole on to get thumbs up on Amazon to feel important
Not once. The facts are on my side and you know it. If the races are in intrinsically equal in criteria important to civilization it would be easy to point that. Post data on mental aptitude test scores, academic achievement, along with rates of crime and illegitimacy. I have posted data on these important racial differences on several occasions.

All you can do is jump up and down, wave your arms, and shout "John Engelman is a racist! John Engelman is a racist!"
Yes, I get that you believe that.
If you want to write about what a terrible person I am, start your own thread. You have said nothing about the topic of this thread.
Both of us believe it because it is obviously true.

Go out and find data that proves that the races are intrinsically equal and post it.
I have no idea who "us" is here, but certainly doesn't involve me.
I have no idea who "us" is here, but certainly doesn't involve me.
I have documented my assertions on many occasions. Document yours. I want credible sources of data that demonstrate that the races are equivalent in average intelligence, as well as rates of crime and illegitimacy.

You say you have posted that before. My memory must be failing me. Help me out and post it again.
I have documented my assertions on many occasions. Document yours. I want credible sources of data that demonstrate that the races are equivalent in average intelligence, as well as rates of crime and illegitimacy.

You say you have posted that before. My memory must be failing me. Help me out and post it again.
Yes,.I've read your posts. Sorry you're clueless about your own horseshit.

And as I've said before, I'm not here to debate you nor do I owe you anything.
Don't hijack my thread. My book review is about Karl Marx's and Frederick Engels's writings about religion. If you can contribute something to that topic, please do so. If you want to discuss my opinions about intrinsic racial differences, start your own thread. I want to see if you can fill a complete computer page with prose that indicates that you remember what your high school English teachers taught you about about spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. I would also like to see if you can discuss anything of importance without resorting to grade school insults.
Don't hijack my thread. My book review is about Karl Marx's and Frederick Engels's writings about religion. If you can contribute something to that topic, please do so. If you want to discuss my opinions about intrinsic racial differences, start your own thread. I want to see if you can fill a complete computer page with prose that indicates that you remember what your high school English teachers taught you about about spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. I would also like to see if you can discuss anything of importance without resorting to grade school insults.
Lol, I made one comment and was content with it. You dragged it out. Good job.

Filling a page with horseshit doesn't make it any less horseshit.
That's a lot of words for people who are used to 280 character tweets and two sentence posts.

Too bad they can't read and understand it or they'd realize they are Marxists.
That's a lot of words for people who are used to 280 character tweets and two sentence posts.

Too bad they can't read and understand it or they'd realize they are Marxists.
Saying nothing doesn't matter whether you use 100 or 500 words. That's basically all of Engleman's book club reviews in a politics forum. He only posts them here when he's not getting enough likes on Amazon.
Marxist, fascist, racist and sexist. Anything leftists call others is what they are, and they are all those things and more.

No conviction in anything, every issue is just a chance to squeal to get attention from like minded jackals.

If tomorrow Rachel Maddow said black people are bad, the woke of this forum would be donning their whites.
Marxist, fascist, racist and sexist. Anything leftists call others is what they are, and they are all those things and more.

No conviction in anything, every issue is just a chance to squeal to get attention from like minded jackals.

If tomorrow Rachel Maddow said black people are bad, the woke of this forum would be donning their whites.
Not a leftist. I'm a moderate liberal.

Look at every thread in this forum....the "squealors" aren't the leftists.
Marxist, fascist, racist and sexist. Anything leftists call others is what they are, and they are all those things and more.

No conviction in anything, every issue is just a chance to squeal to get attention from like minded jackals.

If tomorrow Rachel Maddow said black people are bad, the woke of this forum would be donning their whites.
Sadly accurate in the observation.

While all men may be created equal, the distribution of innate talents aren't. We don't need testing of various traits to inform us of this, Darwin, and his theory, dictate that this is as it must be. Just as the physical laws of the universe can't be overturned with legislation, neither can 4 million years of evolution no matter how much some people would believe otherwise. While Lions and Tigers are capable of procreation (actually true of all the the Panthera family), they remain uniquely different in their appearance and behaviors. To suppose that Homo Sapiens are immune to the same forces of evolution that act upon the rest of the natural world is folly.

As with most of JE's threads the subject of IQ raises it's head. JE basically anchors his/her arguments based on the mean. And virtually all testing supports what he/she has stated. The problem is that very few individuals ARE the mean. It is the Standard Deviations outside the mean where the exceptions lie and those exceptions translate to individuals. Which is to say every individual is to be assessed on their own merits and capabilities, not the 'mean' for their particular group no matter by what metric you use to isolate the group. Further, humans, like all other species, tend to congregate in groups of their own kind. Even within a major grouping you find sub-groups that will gravitate towards one another based on a particular trait. The point here is that while a particular group may exhibit a certain trait that trait is as likely to be traced to some cultural/social commonality as it is genetic.

The extreme left is of the mind that ALL individuals are the same and of equal capabilities. They also demand that ALL behaviors, no matter how bizarre, are to be accepted no matter the consequences to society in general. They are the antithesis of the extreme right that believe that only their particular group and/or belief system is acceptable. Both of them are full of shit. By far the most dangerous is the extreme left. The extreme right is relatively easy to identify because they are self-isolating. The extreme left not so much so. Their inclusiveness in the extreme appears to make them morally superior until you realize that they define anyone that doesn't blindly hold to their doctrine, a doctrine that seems to change on a regular basis, as being on the extreme right. The extreme left has no morals and having no morals is the antithesis of being "morally superior."
They need to create a book review forum for you so you can stop posting this shit in the politics forum.
Butters says it doesn't have to be political here. She was quite adamant about that and everyone knows she's the queen dumbass in these parts.
I mean where would we be without her msn news feed?
Sadly accurate in the observation.

While all men may be created equal, the distribution of innate talents aren't. We don't need testing of various traits to inform us of this, Darwin, and his theory, dictate that this is as it must be. Just as the physical laws of the universe can't be overturned with legislation, neither can 4 million years of evolution no matter how much some people would believe otherwise. While Lions and Tigers are capable of procreation (actually true of all the the Panthera family), they remain uniquely different in their appearance and behaviors. To suppose that Homo Sapiens are immune to the same forces of evolution that act upon the rest of the natural world is folly.

As with most of JE's threads the subject of IQ raises it's head. JE basically anchors his/her arguments based on the mean. And virtually all testing supports what he/she has stated. The problem is that very few individuals ARE the mean. It is the Standard Deviations outside the mean where the exceptions lie and those exceptions translate to individuals. Which is to say every individual is to be assessed on their own merits and capabilities, not the 'mean' for their particular group no matter by what metric you use to isolate the group. Further, humans, like all other species, tend to congregate in groups of their own kind. Even within a major grouping you find sub-groups that will gravitate towards one another based on a particular trait. The point here is that while a particular group may exhibit a certain trait that trait is as likely to be traced to some cultural/social commonality as it is genetic.

The extreme left is of the mind that ALL individuals are the same and of equal capabilities. They also demand that ALL behaviors, no matter how bizarre, are to be accepted no matter the consequences to society in general. They are the antithesis of the extreme right that believe that only their particular group and/or belief system is acceptable. Both of them are full of shit. By far the most dangerous is the extreme left. The extreme right is relatively easy to identify because they are self-isolating. The extreme left not so much so. Their inclusiveness in the extreme appears to make them morally superior until you realize that they define anyone that doesn't blindly hold to their doctrine, a doctrine that seems to change on a regular basis, as being on the extreme right. The extreme left has no morals and having no morals is the antithesis of being "morally superior."
Individuals or groups that exhibit less than equal capabilities will be elevated artificially to equal status regardless of the consequences. This virtue signalling by the left imposing upon themselves the moral high ground accelerates our culture into an unending downward spiral into mediocrity where equality is unequal and becomes an accepted lower standard.
Individuals or groups that exhibit less than equal capabilities will be elevated artificially to equal status regardless of the consequences. This virtue signalling by the left imposing upon themselves the moral high ground accelerates our culture into an unending downward spiral into mediocrity where equality is unequal and becomes an accepted lower standard.
Populism or elitism, pick a lane.