The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

We are moving outdoor walks and hikes to indoors. This is our second year of this. I also heard on the news there are fires in Mexico that are also coming up here.
The summer that Western US, parts of Canada, and almost all of Australia were on fire at the same time plus some local wildfires - that's when I had to get the 2nd air purifier. I couldn't breathe inside my own condo. This is getting crazy!!
But did you keep any rubber bands?

This just may be one of those supply line issues, like toilet paper, that comes out of nowhere and bytes you in the pooper. I’ll drop it but if you’re sucking for rubber bands next lockdown I’m not opening my bunker.

Was there a morning express? The mailman used to come twice a day once so you could get a letter in the AM and the other person could often receive a reply that evening.
In those days there was an afternoon edition. They phased it out around 78-79, I think.
Love that cat!!

She was a kitten living with a woman in a building Out West that I was renovating. She (Kitten) was going into heat and the poor crazy woman would rather spend money on booze-n-drugs than taking care of her cat. Cat walks around the corner and we look at each other. Cat says, will you take me home with you - you're a cat person, and it'll get me outta here. I said, sure. Next day, woman asks me if I'll take her cat. I brought a carrier to work with me the following day. She's been stuck up my ass ever since.

She rides on my shoulder in the truck.
I like to make the rounds between groups! 🤭🤭
I’m the same way. I get along with everyone.

Coffee lovers/caffeine free
You like punk rock/hate it

None of that stuff matters to me. We’re alive? We’re on planet earth (I think)? then your my friend. (Unless you wrong me and then your dead to me)
I've been smelling smoke all day.
We'll see how bad it gets. I may need to break out that 3rd HEPA air purifier I bought the last time it got bad.

Have to figure out best placement for coverage - kind of like WAPs but with breathable air.
Last year, it was so bad in New Jersey. I’m sure other places too….

Literally, a clear day at noon and it was like twilight. And smelled like a campfire.