The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

I've a bed that squeaks...any tips?
And I have a house that is always giving me surprises. I need to replace back deck and front deck too. The person originally put them on used nails so they're all popping out but it's so old that you can't nail them in or pull them out it needs to be stained or painted or something. They use this weird paint it heals but that other people said it's stain? I have no idea what it is. I would stand it off but the nail issue. There's always something. And I live alone and I am a girl and and and

Both of you - screws. They make good deck screws these days and I use them for all kinds of things. If you can find where the bed squeaks, it may have a loose joint/connection and a drop of glue and a screw or 2 would solve that. If the nails are loosening up on the deck, pull them out and replace them with screws.

Screwdriver? No. Spend the hundred and a half and get an impact driver. Sometimes they come in kits with a drill, too. That's more like two and a quarter. Spend the 35 dollars on a decent set of drill bits and of driver bits. They usually come with mags - make sure they come with at least 1 battery and a charger. Watch for specials. Red ones or yellow ones seem best.

If you're going to own a house, it's wise to have a few tools.
Both of you - screws. They make good deck screws these days and I use them for all kinds of things. If you can find where the bed squeaks, it may have a loose joint/connection and a drop of glue and a screw or 2 would solve that. If the nails are loosening up on the deck, pull them out and replace them with screws.

Screwdriver? No. Spend the hundred and a half and get an impact driver. Sometimes they come in kits with a drill, too. That's more like two and a quarter. Spend the 35 dollars on a decent set of drill bits and of driver bits. They usually come with mags - make sure they come with at least 1 battery and a charger. Watch for specials. Red ones or yellow ones seem best.

If you're going to own a house, it's wise to have a few tools.
I am a pro with a drill... and I have a few other things. I have demoed a few things and fixed a few things. You tube has been a good teacher
I am a pro with a drill... and I have a few other things. I have demoed a few things and fixed a few things. You tube has been a good teacher

Then you may be a little more fierce than you think. Plus, there are pictures and messaging if you need answers or suggestions. I've done a bunch of this stuff in one form or fashion, and I've gotten pretty good at, as we say, making chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Not mine unfortunately but one can dream. The tree I’m trying to save is a good facsimile of that one but It needs some love. Actually talked to an expert in California yesterday about soil combinations for my area and I hope that will solve my problem. The real problem is I have been lazy about upkeep….the shame…the shame…

I’ll post some pics when I get the porch in order and the plants repotted.

Off to work after a nice vacation. Trying to pump myself up…and now, your morning Zen:

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We used to keep koi in our pond. It got expensive as, no matter how many hiding places we created for the fish, we ended up feeding the local wildlife. The pond and waterfall are adjacent to a greenbelt. Lots of critters live there. We finally gave up on keeping fish. Our largest one we named Godzilla. S/he/it lived in the pond a few years.
Greetings gang, I’m just catching up on the thread, I’ve been out of commission for over a week with walking pneumonia. Good times!

So bartender how about a lemon tea 😛

It did help me avoid having to do some annoying clean up in the garage, but also made me miss playing golf so….

There are some awesome car buffs here on this thread. Great photos
I hope you're feeling better now. Remember, you're not just gonna bounce back from that. Be nice to yourself. Take it easy, rest often, drink lots of fluids.
There was a bit of dumpster diving at the liquor store. It's a state run operation. Clean dumpster - recycling, you see. I picked mostly the whiskey boxes. I have brought some in and taped them back together. The cats think I have made Box Heaven just for them. One has already filled with books. Good thing that booze boxes aren't big.
The cats are probably pissed! HEY! Whatchu doing with OUR boxes?!? 🤣😅🤣
Well this is no good. Bad storm came through and it ripped my screen door open and twisted it and warped it and messed it all up. Oh well I hated the damn thing anyway it wasn't installed correctly by someone my dad wanted me to use. So problem solved I tried to put it back together thinking it was just popped out nope it's twisted and it won't even shut anymore. Oh well the joys of homeownership
Damn. More big box home store shopping...
And I have a house that is always giving me surprises. I need to replace back deck and front deck too. The person originally put them on used nails so they're all popping out but it's so old that you can't nail them in or pull them out it needs to be stained or painted or something. They use this weird paint it heals but that other people said it's stain? I have no idea what it is. I would stand it off but the nail issue. There's always something. And I live alone and I am a girl and and and
Oh, honey! It never ends does it? 🫂🫂

@Dom70 get over to MissK's house, STAT! She has guy work that needs to be done! 😅😅