The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Home from work. It was quite productive for Wat today. All those people I've been trying to catch since Monday of last week finally called back. Today. Two came to see me. The bosses were surprised. Shit, I can't hunt people down and wring their pencil necks for not calling me back.

I think that leftover s'ghetti is what's for supper.
That's because she's a Winter :LOL:

If I had to reduce to one cat, I think that she would be it. She travels with me. She rides on my shoulders. She has an amazing stare. She's cuddly and sociable. She follows me around and leads the way often. Yet I know this would never happen unless it does one day because she outlives all the rest of them.

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