The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Not sharing tonight? 🤣🤣 🥓

Depends on who's asking, or around to offer.

Happy Thursday!!! We probably get the no habla crew back today, so it's a good that that Wat kinda hablas. The coffee is decent, the breakfast stuff is set out, and morning med(itation)s are underway. Auto correct wants to make that medications, damn its hide. One more night at the hotel hacienda and then back up the road tomorrow afternoon.

Did I mention? I may have forgotten to. I added Fitbit to my phone yesterday because I was/am curious. 9440 steps at 5.1 miles. Hmmm, I always knew there was a lot of walking, but that quantifies it.