The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

The British Empire was founded and built upon cups of tea.

Food for the week is bought. Household tasks to begin soon.

Catching up with you lot underway as we "speak" . . . .
Yes but what they don't tell you at school is that with the tea imports came opium. Equally profitable trade.... Allegedly!
Another word, G! Scunnered? Does that mean what I think it means??? 🤔😳😆
probably does….”knackered” without the sexual undertones. Thought it was more appropriate for a polite thread like this and all the lovely ladies at my table keeping me company. I wish to remain a polite English Gentlreman!😇
Saw my mom’s today. She fell about a week ago and cracked her tailbone. Had “fun” w her last week at the er.

She’s in rehab now (I told her she needed to quit drinkin…Jk, for her tail bone). She’s in a nice place. Hopefully she’ll be back home in a few weeks.

We had a few nice FaceTime calls w my sisters and another w my daughter.

Then drove to Boston. Weeks worth of meetings here.

Hope all the moms had a great Mother’s Day!!
I'm glad your mom is doing well! 💞💞
Yes but what they don't tell you at school is that with the tea imports came opium. Equally profitable trade.... Allegedly!
probably does….”knackered” without the sexual undertones. Thought it was more appropriate for a polite thread like this and all the lovely ladies at my table keeping me company. I wish to remain a polite English Gentlreman!😇
You're always polite, G! 🥰🥰
Sometimes the subconscious gets to you in dreams and leaves you with insomnia. My stepchildren informed me their grandmother is back in the ER. Now I worry about them. In the past 20 months they lost their mom and grandfather. I am not sure why I am posting it here.
Because we're your friends, B2. Sometimes you just need to tell someone! Who better than us? 🫂🫂