The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

One of the best books I’ve ever read…The Kindness of Strangers. Don’t know the dude who wrote it (way to lazy to look it up), but it would have been published around ‘94? Picked it up from the library.
sounds like The Kindness of Strangers: Penniless Across America by Mike McIntyre

Spoiler: the movie by the same name is not based on this book. completely different story
One of the best books I’ve ever read…The Kindness of Strangers. Don’t know the dude who wrote it (way to lazy to look it up), but it would have been published around ‘94? Picked it up from the library.

The premise is this guy in a high powered job in LA, gets burnt out and decides to Chuck everything and hitchhike across the Fruited Plain. He picks a basic route he wants to take and sets out thumb in the air. It’s a true story BTW.

The first Dooood that picks him up wants to blow him, so he bails and the rest of the book was incredible.

For those that will never check it out here is the overarching take: Those that had the least to give, gave the most.

Think about that for a second. 😊
I have seen that time and again.
Hey hey… back to work!! 😂

im a big fan making up words. “Eeeeking.” Consider it done and added to the dictionary.

My dad used to make up words.

Gription: “Al, these tires don’t have enough gription.”

Exhaustelated: the state of being more tired than tired.

Bustelated: when a piece of
Machinery is thoroughly fucked. Or having no cash/money whatsoever.

And others.

Anyway, my point is…. What was I saying??? Oh yeah.

Borrow from the dictionary of crazy Hal (and the urban dictionary) or just make up your own shit!
I like these! I think I will add some to my lexicon! 🤣🤣
Yeah, the weather this time of year is a crapshoot.

Cool, hot, windy, rainy, baking heat!

Just wait an hour or two if you want some variation! I have heard long range forecast call for a hotter than normal summer. At least here in New Jersey in the northeast.
We're supposed to have a dryer than normal summer which means risk for fires goes up. 😱😱
I had minimally invasive lumbar decompression surgery two weeks ago. The first 10 days of recovery were painful, but now I am much better with very little pain. The pain should continue to improve. Thanks for asking.
I'm glad you're recovering. Did you have any rehab for it?
Great to hear, backs are always tricky

I am tall (6’4) and get lower back pain often. 28+ years of factory work will do that. I hope i can avoid it getting worse.

I don’t think it’s degenerative
When you have lower back pain, try the yoga pose called the Cobra. You lay on your stomach on a bed, table, or floor. Put your hands under your shoulders and raise up keeping your hips down. Only raise up as far as you comfortably can. It is a great stretch for your back and can help keep back pain at bay.
Mrs Rj has advanced scoliosis, spinal stenosis, impacted disc's, a 45 degree s-curve on her spine, a kyphosis (hump) on her neck and in constant pain 24/7. She's only 66. Where do we go from here?
Oh yeah, COPD, CHF & Asthma
Wow! I'm so sorry, RJ! 🫂🫂
I took an intro to golf class one summer during high school.
It covered the basics: proper club hold, putting, full swing.
I don't recall it covering anything else nor did we ever play an actual game on a coarse - just out on a sports field at the school. So no full swing with anything but a wiffle ball. Putts were okay w/ a legit golf ball. ⛳
I played a couple times after the class concluded.

Game with brother: Guess who had to locate any ball I managed to hit?
Keep your head down - check
Eye on the ball - check
Follow thru with arms and hips - check
How the heck to you tell where the ball went if you did all that?

Last game - with my father & brothers; family friend father & sons (about 8 in our party - two foursomes playing very closely together)
Friend: Let's just do a quick 9 holes
Me: 🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♀️
Them - around hole 4: Just have fun and keep up with us. It'll be good practice. You don't need to keep score anymore.
Me: 109 strokes... at the end of hole 4
Any questions? Or is it clear to everyone why that was my last golf game?
My parents taught me to golf. I was an OK golfer but didn't really like it. Too slow for me

It is the most maddening of sports: frustrating, but addictive. I am terrible as well but I enjoy being out there, the camaraderie, and trying to emulate the shot whereby I (probably accidentally) really hit it perfectly. It is a feeling like no other.

It’s a close second to nude gardening 👍
That's tomorrow, actually today, Sin! 🤣🤣