tate taking a page out the trump play book, superimposing his face on clint eastwood's, shooting mexicans


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Mississippi’s Republican Governor Tate Reeves, who has the highest firearm mortality rate in the entire country, this week launched his re-election campaign with a video depicting him as Clint Eastwood shooting people of color.

“Reeves’ face is superimposed on Eastwood’s in clips from the classic Dollars trilogy movies. He’s seen cosplaying the white anti-hero, the Man with No Name, shooting at Mexican bandits with a Colt revolver and puffing on a cigarillo,” TPM’s Emine Yücel writes.

In addition to the inherent racism and violence in the video, there is no policy discussed, and not even any bragging about Reeves’ record.

right up the street of the deplorables
Could be worse. Before this, I'd only seen a headline on this, reading "Reeves Cosplays Eastwood", and I figured the governor was yelling at a chair.