Suggestion about Author Dashboard/Reading Lists


Jan 10, 2021
Ever since "Reading Lists" became popular I notice that when I go to my Dashboard, the first page of "All Activity" is usually completely taken up by multiple "[user X] has added your story to a Reading List" messages. Which is kind of nice to know, but what I most want to see is if anyone has commented on one of my stories so that I can read the comment and find out what they thought. Nowadays I'm hitting the "Load More" button (sometimes more than once) and scanning message after message of the former sort just to find out if anything *else* has happened since I last checked.

What would be nice is if there were a way of sorting the messages so that I can look at, say, all the "[user X] has commented on your story" or the " ... has started following you" messages instead of having to manually search for the ones I want. Or alternatively, if the "Works Activity" page gave notifications if there is a *new* comment on a story, meaning I wouldn't be constantly thinking "hmmm, did that story have five or six comments on it last time I looked? Guess I better check."

That's my wish for 2022, I guess.