Story Submission Questions -- HTML Tags

The topic is publishing on Literotica (and what, if anything, slapping a copyright symbol on your posted story does for you) and I addressed your rights up the line. Your Australian rights mean absolutely nothing in terms of protecting the stories you post to the U.S.-based Literotica free-use Web site. You can scream about your Australian rights until you're blue in the face about your Literotica stories being stolen and published elsewhere.
I know all this. I've never "screamed" once about my rights, here or anywhere else. I've not once worried about or commented upon my stories being stolen or published elsewhere. I've not once given anyone "false hope".

You really do need to get less excited about this stuff, you're going to bust something. Really, is this all your life is, ranting from a small room? You must be a ton of fun at parties.
I don't bring it up. And folks like you give newbies here a false impression of what their enforceable rights are concerning the stories they post to Literotica. Stop feeding this false impression, which you did by posting about your Australian rights, which are irrelevant to enforceable copyright rights for Literotica stories, and newbies will have fewer false impressions to grab at--and they'll be less victimized.

Now, dollars to donuts some poster is going to post to this thread in the next couple of days that they know that they own their work as soon as it's created and so they have the right to force other Web sites to take their stolen stories down--and we'll start this vicious circle all over again. You may even assert your Australian rights for us again, which will give newbies something to grab onto to falsely believe they are protected. Around and around we go.
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The Australian copyright exists. So does my UK copyright.

But they are essentially useless because you can't enforce them.

I put 'copyright oggbashan' in the heading of most of my stories. All that does is make it easier to use a DMCA notice but in practice all I use it for is to search for my stolen stories - because the bots/thieves usually leave those two words untouched.